200707高二上英语培训单元教学设计-M5 unit 4 Making the news(新课标版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) |
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1. 单元教学内容分析 本单元的中心话题是 “新闻”。话题依附于热身、阅读、语言学习、语言运用、听力、口语与写作等语言载体中。内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质、制作新闻的基本程序以及报纸和电视节目。 “热身”(warming up)部分通过讨论将来想从事的工作,使学生了解多种职业类别,帮助学生认识报社工作人员的各种类别和所需承担的职责。重点在于“types of jobs”和 “What is involves?” “读前 ”(Pre-reading)部分通过调查问卷引导学生思考他们眼中优秀的新闻记者应该具备的素质,为文章涉及的内容“What is needed to become a good reporter?”做了铺垫。学生通过讨论他们人生中各种“第一次 ”的经历和感受,为下一部分阅读的开展做了准备。 “阅读”(reading)部分通过周阳---一位刚刚走上新闻工作岗位的记者和他的上司胡星---一位经验丰富的资深新闻工作者之间的对话,通过阅读,引导学生了解并意识到作为新闻工作者应该具备的素质、新闻制作的基本程序以及新闻工作者在采访过程中应该注意的细节要点。通过阅读部分所设计的一些教学活动来帮助学生加深对文章内容的理解。 “语言学习”(learning about language)部分归纳和运用了本单元的重点词汇和短语。帮助学生分析和掌握倒装句的语法项目。 “语言运用”(Using language)部分包含了读、听、说等基本语言技能。第一部分学生通过阅读“获得独家新闻”,一方面了解新闻写作的基本步骤和新闻制作的相关程序,另一方面学生通过想象来讨论文中所提到的“著名影星”可能说的谎言,在此基础上引导学生象周阳一样写出一篇关于此“著名影星”的独家新闻。第二部分是周阳想采访刘明关于他去国外工作的决定,和刘明的助手商谈安排采访刘明的对话。通过练习来帮助学生获取要点和细节,提高他们听的能力。在听的基础上,学生通过所设计的情景来开展两两对话活动,巩固本单元的交际功能“约会”的相关用语。 练习册(Workbook)部分涵盖了听、说、读、写的语言技能训练。通过这些练习,进一步加深对本单元主题的理解,巩固本单元的重点词汇、短语、语法和交际功能用语的运用能力。 小结(Summing up)部分归纳本单元的学习内容,让学生自我检测学习效果。 建议(learning Tip)部分建议学生要多阅读适合中学生的英文报纸,拓宽阅读的渠道,拓展词汇量。 NSEFC Module 5 Unit 4 Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming up & pre-reading 1. Show the students some pictures about some pieces of news and ask them what is happening. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 ( Pic 1: The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 Pic 2: Saddam Hussein Is Sentenced to Death Pic 3: Yao Min, the tallest flag bearer in Olympic history, marched into the 28th Olympic Stadium Pic 4: Floods attacked Lianzhou, Guangdong 2. News may have five functions: economic; social; political; record-keeping; entertainment. What are they about? What kind of news do you like most and why? A. Journalists are responsible for monitoring (监督) the activities of the government. B. Not everything in life is serious. We want something entertaining. We want sound advice. We want our MTV. C. Newspapers and broadcast news provide us with topics to talk about at the office and over coffee. D. Advertising carried in the media helps to develop the economy and provide us with information about new products and services. E. Through the records kept by the news media, we know who is born, gets married, gets divorced, dies, who won the game, etc. How can we know what happens around us or what happens abroad? (five forms of the news media: ) 3. How are these media different from each other? Discuss with you partner. Forms Advantages Disadvantages Your preference TV Radio Newspapers Internet TV: a broadcast medium / be broadcast alive / provide people with colorful moving pictures // have to own a TV set Internet: fast / varieties of information / have different opinions of the same subject / communicate with each other easily // have a computer which is linked to the Internet Radio: a broadcast medium / be broadcast live / listen to it whenever you like with a portable radio // can’t have visible enjoyment Magazine: provide people with detailed information on a certain subject / focused on a topic /published weekly / monthly // news comes late Newspaper: a medium for reading / report the latest news / can be kept for a long time / cheap to buy // can’t express one’s idea freely 4. Questions and answers: (1) Which one do you think is the most reliable among these news media? (2) Which kind of news media do you think is more convenient and cheaper for us to read? Step 2 Newspaper making 1. Recognise how newspaper is made and ask: Do you know how a newspaper is made? 2. Who are needed in producing a newspaper? What it involves? Make a match. Step 3 Practise 1. Group work: each group works for one of the 4 kinds of newspapers: international newspaper, Chinese newspaper, Ningbo newspaper, class newspaper. There should have three important things appearing in your newspaper. The following may help you. Tell us the reasons why your group choose them? a) 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey. b) France elected a new president. c) Two men robbed a bank in Shanghai. d) Food prices are going up. e) A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured. f) 2000 people in your city moved into new building today and were happy. g) A Chinese scientist has invented a new engine that does not pollute the air. h) There is a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory in your city. i) … 2. Pair work: The first day as a reporter. 3. Pair work: (1) Discussion: You work as a reporter for the class newspaper. What qualities a good new reporter needs to have? a) Higher level of education b) Work experience c) Good communication skills d) Curious, active personality e) Hard-working character f) Enthusiasm for the job g) Prepared to work long hours h) Ability to work in a team (2) What should you do as a reporter? (before /during/after the interview) (3) Make an interview and give us a report. Homework: a composition: what do you think of your first day as a reporter? Period 2 Reading Teaching Procedures Step 1 lead-in questions 1. What are you going to be in the future? 2. Since some students want to become reporters, here are some questions for them? If you are a new reporter 1. Can you go out to cover an event by yourself? Why? 3. What do you need to keep in mind when you go out to cover a story? 4. What qualities should a good reporter have? Suggested answers: Good communication skills, higher level of education, hard working, curious, working experience… I think curiosity is the most important because …. 3. If you are the host of people in the news, now you are going to interview Yang Yang, a 3-year-old boy, who tries to approach a Beluga Whale at the Animal Performance Area of the Popar Region Ocean World in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province Tuesday, May 29, 2007. Little Yang Yang, an all-round swimmer , is also a fan of ocean animal s and has always hope to swim alongside the Beluga Whale at the Ocean World. As a gift for the upcoming Children's Day, the ocean world offered to help him accomplish his dream. Make a dialouge with your partner. Step 2 fasting reading 1.Read the text fast and get the main idea of the text Suggested answers: This is about Zhou Yang’s first assignment at the office of China Daily. And his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin. 2. Underline the difficult words and expressions and guess the meanings: cover a story, to have a “nose” for a story, a trick of the trade, get all your facts straight, get the wrong end of the stick, a real “scoop” 3.true or false questions 1) Talk a lot during the interview. 2) If the person being interviewed disagrees, we should use small recorders to make sure that we get all our facts straight. 3) A reporter doesn’t need to listen to the detailed facts. 4) Zhou Yang wants to get a scoop too after he talks to his boss. 5) Hu Xin never had a case where somebody accused his reporters of getting the wrong end fo the stick. Suggested answers: F F F T F Step 3 careful reading 1. Listen to the tape and then answer the question What a new reporter should do on the first day? Suggested answers: 1) The first time he will be sent with an experienced reporter. 2) There is no need for him to take a camera because he will have a professional photographer with him to take photos. 2. Read the passage again and divide it into three sections, each of which looks at one duty of a reporter. Then write down the main idea of each section. Suggested answers: A reporter's duties are: 1) to work in a team 2) how to get an accurate stor 3) how to protect a story from accusations 3. Let students have an intensive reading. Try to get more information and then complete the following chart. Questions about Zhou Yang’s answers The skills needed 1. ___________________ 2. __________________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ The importance of listening _______________________________________ Stages in researching a story 1. ________________ 2.______________ 3. ________________ 4. _______________ How to check facts ___________________________________ How to deal with accusations of printing _______________________________ Suggested answers: Questions about Zhou Yang’s answers The skills needed 1. be able to tell if someone is telling the truth2. be accurate 3. do research 4. ask questions The importance of listening get the detailed facts Stages in researching a story 1. ask questions 2. note reactions 3. check facts 4. do research How to check facts use research and ask witnesses How to deal with accusations of printing use a tape recorder for the interview homework 1. review the text and underline the new words and find out the meanings. 2. do the exercises of“Learning about Language — Discovering useful words and expressions” Evuation table Think about what you have learned in this period. Then tick the boxes. I have learned I need to learn more this well I have learned about: the skills you need as a newspaper reporter; □ □ the stages in making news; □ □ interviewing someone. □ □ Period 3 Learning about language Teaching goals: 1. Learn to use words & expressions of the passage learned. 2. Learn to use the grammar “inversion” Teaching Procedures Step I Lead-in 1.Revision Yesterday we learned the passage and we had a rough understanding of the reporters. Now let’s discuss what qualities a reporter needs. (The answers may vary. They can answer the question according to the passage they learned and their own understanding of the career.) 2. Presence of homework I have told you to write a summary of the passage in groups of four.Would you please present your summaries now? (ask 4-6 groups to represent their summaries and give comments on it. Encourage students to do this exercise in their own sentences.) Step II Learning about language (I)--- usage of words and expressions 1. Do exercises Read the passage again and try to finish Exx.1,2 & 3. You may discuss with your partner. (Ask students to find out the expressions in the passage to match the meanings and fill in the chart. Make their own sentences with the phrases.) (Ask students to use a word or phrase from the reading passage to complete exercise 2 and make their own sentences with these words.) (Make students know how adjectives usually form by doing exercise 3,and have students explain the meaning in their own sentences.) Step III Learning about language (II)--- grammar “inversion” 1. Presence of the version sentences First let us find out the “inversion” sentences in the reading passage and tell what it is like. (ask them to find out the inversion sentences as quickly as possible and translate them into Chinese.) Have you ever seen such sentences in Junior? (Actually, students have learned inversion sentences in Junior,such as “You are a student ,so am I”; You can’t swim, neither can I) 2.Compare “inversion” sentences with common sentences Make the students know what the “inversion” mean by doing exercise 2 in “discovering useful structures” and know the differences between inversion sentences and common sentences. 3.Learning of inversion sentences. We usually use inversion sentences when the sentence begins with “ never, only, not only and some other negative words Do exercise 3 in pairs and translate them into Chinese. (students may have a rough uderstanding of the inversion sentences by doing exercise 3 and begin to know how we form an inversion sentence.) StepIV Consolidation Discuss with your partner and make as many inversion sentences as possible.(exercise 4) (Give students some minutes to prepare and then present the sentences in class) Step V Homework Revise the knowledge the students learned in the class Make some inversion sentences. Evaluation table Think about what you have learned in this period. Then tick the boxes. I have learned I need to this well learn more I have learned about: the usages of words and expressions; □ □ the qualities a newspaper reporter needs; □ □ inversion; □ □ Period 4 Using Language, Listening and Speaking Teaching goals: 3. Learn, understand and use expressions of how to make an appointment. 4. Make an appointment and a simple interview in proper English. 5. Understand polite expressions used in English-speaking countries and Chinese-English cultural differences Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Look at the four pictures. Do you know them? Jay Chou Yang Liwei Li Jiacheng Yao Ming As we kown, they are famous people in entertainment, science, economy and sports. And most of you are familiar with them. Now, suppose you are a reporter and you are asked to interview one of the above people. Who would you like to interview first? Why? (Students’ answers may vary. They can answer the question according to their own interest and their knowledge of these people.) If you are to interview one of them, what questions will you ask them? (Students may ask questions they are interested in and that may help them know more about these people.) Possible questions students may ask: 1. to Jay Chou Why do you take singing as your career? How did you learn to sing in your childhood? Who helped you a lot on your way to your career? … 2. to Yang Liwei What does space look like? If one wants to be an astronaut, what should he do to reach this goal? … Do you think being famous is a good thing? 3. to Li Jiacheng What do you think of Chian’s present economy? How can we become rich? … 4. to Yao Ming Why did you choose playing basketball as your career? How is your life in the NBA? … Step 2 Listening As we know, people in the English-speaking countries use a lot polite expressions to show politeness and friendliness. Now, tell me some of these expressions. Possible answers students may give: Thank you. Would you please …? Could you tell me how …? As a reporter, you should be very polite while interviewing these famous people. So you need a lot of polite expressions. But before interviewing someone, reporters need to make an appointment with the interviewee. Now let’s listen to how a reporter make an appointment. Brfore listening, read the questions on Page 31. 1. Now listen to the tape for the first time and then answer the questions. 2. In the listening text, the reporter uses many polite expressions to make a successful arrange for an interview. So you see polite expressions are of great important in daily life. Now listen to the tape again, and at this time try to find these polite expressions the reporter uses. Possible answers: I would like to …; Is it possible to …; Thank you so much. Besides these expressions, we can also use the following expressions: Shall we make an appointment? How about …? When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you? Is it possible to …? I shall be busy at … and … but I can be free at … Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at … These expressions will help us make a successful appointment. So use them if possible. Step 3 Speaking As we learn from previous periods, we know how news is made. So in this part, I’ll ask you to make up dialogues and then act them out to show the procedure of making news. Team 1: Make an appointment. Suppose you are asked to write an article on a famous film star. The first thing is to make an appointment with this star. And you are phoning his agent. Make up a dialogue between you and your parters. Team 2: Interview. After making an appointment, now you are interview the star. Make up a dialogue. Team 3: Make a conclusion. After interviewing, you tell your classmates the brief story of the star you’ve interviewed. Step 4 Assignment Write the article of the interviewee, using the information you mentioned in your speaking section. Evuluation table Think about what you have learned in this period. Then tick the boxes. I have learned I need to learn more this well I have learned about: the polite expressions useful in making an appointment; □ □ the skills you need as a newspaper reporter; □ □ the stages in making news; □ □ making an appointment; □ □ interviewing someone. □ □ Period 5 Reading, speaking, writing Getting the Scoop Teaching important points: Know what the basic procedures are in making news. And let them know what is the primary source and secondary source. Teaching method: Task-based method & Communicative Method Teaching aids: A computer, a projector, a tape recorder and PowerPoint, microphone. Teaching procedures: Step I warm up &lead in 1.Greetings 2.News Headlines hunting: a. Present several situations and headlines about hot events that happened recently, and let Ss match them. Situaiton1: A man has caught a fish the size of a small car in Xiangshan. Situation2: An earthquake happened in the morning in June 5, 2007 in Yunnan. Situation3: A new round of women volleyball match are held in Beilun. Headline1: A Fishman Caught a Fish the Size of A Small Car Headline2: An Earthquake Hit Yunnan. Headline3: 2007 Women Volleyball Match in Beilun. 3.Lead Ss to understand the meaning of scoop. After matching, lead ss to answer the question: Q1: if you are readers, which news do you prefer to read as early as possible? Q2: if you are reporters, which news do you would like to cover most? Why? T: So you see scoop is the most attractive news story that readers want to get as quickly as possible. But how? Step II Fast reading Read the text quickly and let Ss try to divide the text into two parts. Then find the key to the question: Q1. What was Zhou Yang’s first task? Step III Detailed Reading Task1: Listen to the passage and find out how many people will read the articles before it was ready to be processed Task2: Read the text again and try to work out the writing and printing process for an article Step IV: Speaking Task 3: interviewing 1. Group work: let Ss work in four, one is a reporter, one is a photographer, one is an eyewitness, one is the fishman. Discuss about the following situation: A fishman tells you he/she has caught a fish the size of a small car. But not all people in Ningbo believe what he said. But there were some eyewitnesses on the spot. 2.Interview the eyewitness in the group with the help of some questions: Q1: When and where may the fish appear? Q2: What kind of action did you take when you saw the big fish? Q3: Who were there when you caught the big fish? Q4: How could you catch it? Q5: Why did the big fish appear in the coastline nearby? The photographer could help make some notes. 3.Let several groups share facts and opinions by finishing the form: 6Qs Facts/ opinions who A fishman what Caught a fish how By accidents when July 8,2007 where In the seaside why Don’t know Step IV Appreciate the news story 1.In order to learn to write the news story, first present a sample of the news. 2. Scan the news story and try to find the headline. 3. Find out the most important sentence in the news. 4. Find out the five elements in the most important sentence.(what, who, why, when, how) 5. Find out the other information. Then T makes a conclusion: the other information may probably cover the result of the news. So can you make the ending of the first news story? Step V Write the news story 1. Each member begins to write the news story based on the interviewing chart. 2.Students write down their topic sentences by themselves. 3.Share tone-sentence news in pairs or groups. 4.Invite some of students to present good news stories in class if time permits. 5.If possible, extend the other information to be a full news story. 6 Report in class. Step V Assignment: Improve the news story and share it with classmates. Finish an assessment checklist as the assignment. |
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