人教版模块7、8 词组短语(新课标版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Unit 1
1. 换句话说 in other words
2. 上气不接下气 out of breath
3. 总而言之 all in all
4. 取笑 make fun of/ laugh at
5. 特别 in particular
6. 从……中受益 benefit from
7. 没有参加,不在 be absent from
8. (做)……有困难 have difficulty/trouble in (doing) sth
9. 生气 get annoyed
10. 适应 adapt to
Unit 2
11. 考验 test out
12. 打电话给 ring/call up
13. 转向,回转 turn around
14. 不管,让……一个人呆着 leave alone
15. 将……放在一边,节省或保留 set aside
16. 对感到尴尬get /feel embarrassed about
17. 与……有风流韵事have an affair with
18. 严肃对待take …seriously
19. 同情 have sympathy/ pity for
Unit 3
20. 在前面 ahead of
21. 帮助(摆脱困境或危难) help out
22. 对……知道,意识到be/ become aware of
23. 上下翻转过来的,颠倒的 upside down
24. 在此期间,与此同时in the meantime/ meanwhile
25. 思考reflect on
26. 吓死了 (be) scared to death
27. 分类整理 sort out
28. 害怕 be terrified/afraid of
29. 正要,即将 be about to do
Unit 4
30. 接到……的信hear from
31. 极想,渴望 (be) dying to do
32. 偶然遇到或发现 come across
33. 伸出 stick out
34. 完全变干,干透 dry out
35. (河流,井)干涸 dry up
36. 在困难中,在危急中 in need
37. 与……有关 be relevant to
38. 参与…… participate in
39. 确定 for sure
Unit 5
40. 适应,调节 adjust to
41. 保持优秀成绩,继续干下去 keep it up
42. 相适应,相融合 fit in
43. 对……适应,习惯 get/ be used/ accustomed to
44. 就……而言 as far as one is concerned
45. 感觉自在,无拘束 feel at home
46. 安顿下来 settle in
47. 忙于 be occupied in doing sth/ with sth
48. 代替,替换 substitute for
49. 惊呆了be numb with shock
50. 与......平行run parallel to
51. 向......推荐 recommend…to…
52. 值得deserve to do
Book 8 Unit 1
53. 许多; 很多 a great / good many
54. 包括; 吸收 take in
55. 划线标出…. 界线 mark out
56. 与…合作或一起工作 team up with…
57. (某人)想到 occur to …
58. 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等; 谋生 make a life
59. 用…办法; 借助… by means of….
60. 大部分 the majority of
61. 很可能…… be likely that
62. 对……宣战 declare war on
63. 继续,保持 keep up
64. 人们相信…… it’s believed that …
Unit 2
65. 得到好结果; 取得成功; 偿清 pay off
66. 使复生 bring back to life
67. 不时; 偶尔 from time to time
68. 一定, 注定(做)… be bound to do
69. 赞成; 支持 in favour of
70. 大众传播媒体 the media
71. 反对 object to
72. 使沮丧 cast down
73. 和……一样 be identical with
74. 适合……be appropriate to
75. 对……有很大的影响 have a (great) impact on
76. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb to do
77. 在……之后不久 shortly/ soon after
Unit 3
78. 挂断电话 ring off
79. 回复电话 ring back
80. 设法联系上; 做完; 通过 get through
81. 次序颠倒; 发生故障 out of order
82. 不挂断; 紧紧握住; 稍等 hang on
83. 的确; 事实上 in truth
84. 开始(做) set out to do
85. 迅速把手伸入; 一心投入 dive into
86. 踩出来的路; 常规; 惯例 beaten track
87. (以防)万一 in case
88. 开始; 着手 set about
89. 偶尔; 有时 now and then
90. 给… 打电话 call up
91. 申请 apply for
92. 表现自己 distinguish oneself
Unit 4
93. (声音、画面)逐渐模糊、渐淡 fade out
94. 需要… in need of …
95. 再一次 once more
96. 带走; 取走 take away
97. 几天前 the other day
98. 带或领…进来 show…in
99. 就…来说; 从…角度 in terms of
100. 一般来说 generally speaking
101. 惊愕地 in amazement
102. 结识; 与…相见 make one’s acquaintance
103. (某人)冒充… pass… off as…
104. 伪装的; 假扮的 in disguise
105. 说服某人…… convince sb of/ that
106. 避雨 shelter/ hide from the rain
107. 对……失望 be disappointed with/ at
108. 使……处于困境 condemn sb to…
109. 深谈 deep in conversation
110. 自命不凡 fancy oneself



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