模块九U1 Other countries other cultures (Reading知识点)(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)

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Module9 Unit1
1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.
加拿大是世界是最 大的国家之一,国土面积仅次于俄罗斯,加拿大素来以其绚丽的自然风光闻名于世。
Second only to…意为“仅次于…”用来强调某事物接近最大或最重要等。
e.g. Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometers, second only to the largest city in our province.
second to , next to, superior to, junior/senior to
He is such a good player that he is second to none. (无人能比.)
Next to music, he loves tennis best. (除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。).
This employee is superior to the former in ability. (这个雇员比上个强。)
He is junior to me by two years. (他比我小两岁。)
2.On the eastern and western boundaries, the country borders the two great oceans—the Atlantic and the Pacific.
Border n. 边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境 v. 与...接壤, 接近
e.g. China borders Russia and many other countries.
Jordan holds a key position, bordering both Israel and Iraq.
The West Lake is bordered by willows.
Dave lives in a small town in Canada, near the America border.
You cannot cross the border line without a passport.
3. There are wild animals in the forests and on the freezing, ice-covered lands in the north, and fish are abundant in the seas and rivers.
Abundant: available in large quantity /rich
adj.丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于
e.g. This lake is abundant in fish.
We have abundant time to go there.
This autumn, farmers had a abundant harvest.
4. You will be thrilled by Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Edmonton ----all known internationally for their metropolitan lifestyle, beautiful architecture and unique culture.
Thrill: v. to feel excited at something pleasant使毛骨悚然, 使激动; 刺激
The exhibition thrilled all the visitors who came to the gallery. It was a great success.
The audience were thrilled with her great performance.
Thrill: n. “a feeling of excitement” .一种毛骨悚然的感觉; 震动; 颤抖
The performance gave us a great thrill.
A thrill went through her the moment her flight took off.
It is a thrill watching a 3D film in a virtual reality cinema.
5. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.
The house is located next to the river.
Rome is located in Italy.
Houses must be worth a large amount of money standing (用现在分词)/located(用过去分词)(位于) in that areas
We are faced with (面临) a serious problem.
The road is lined with(排列)tall trees.
He is dressed in(穿着) a new coat.
He is seated in(坐在) the armchair, silent.
The man is drunk in(陶醉于)the achievements made.
The troubled kid is lost in(沉迷于)computer games.
for short(简略形式), in short(总之)
Her name is “Frances”, or “Fran” for short.
Fran is short for Frances.
Things can’t be any worse: in short, the project has got stuck.
关注类似的短语:for free(without payment), for certain/sure(=without doubt)
I got the ticket for free from someone who didn’t want it.
He must live somewhere around. But I can’t say for sure/certain.
(1). Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower,…
(2). Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast.
(3). Nearer to the Atlantic coast is Niagara Falls.
(1). Standing (站立) at the top of the hill is an old temple.
(2).Seated/Sitting (坐) in my chair was a new comer, which surprised me greatly.
(3). Lying (躺) on the ground was a dying goat.
(4). Waiting (等) outside of the booking office are masses of passengers.
6. Quebec, which was originally colonized by France, was lost to the British in 1763, but its population is still over 70% French.
Originally: “at the very beginning”
Originally, this house was very small, but it was made bigger over the next 10 years.
This hotel was originally the house of a famous general.
This story was originally written by an eleven –year-old girl.
Colonize:” to take control of an area or govern another country and send people to live in”
Parts of North America were colonized by British in the 18th century.
Pure was colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century.
Europeans colonized many African countries in the 17th century.
7. Vancouver has superb scenery, a beautiful harbour. And all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine, in addition to being close to the most popular wildness and ski areas.
Superb: “very good” or “excellent’
The hotel offers superb views of the sea.
We have superb cooks and offers and offer superb service on our restaurant.
I read a superb novel written by my favourite author.
In addition to=as well as/also
Mr. Smith has a flat in London in addition to a villa in France.
Mr. Zhou is popular with his students because he really cares for his students in addition to his years of experience as a teacher.
In addition to his homework, he also did exercise and read a book last night.
in addition to /in addition/ alongside/besides/ as well as /as well/
In addition to English, he has to study a second language.
He has to study a second language alongside/ besides English.
He has to study a second language as well as English.
He has to study English and in addition, a second language.
He has to study English and a second language as well..
8. Historians say that approximately one million people left their homes from different areas all over North America to seek their fortune in the “gold rush”.
Approximately: “about ” or “around”
e.g. This supermarket covers appropriately 10,000 square kilometers.
Appropriately 50,000 people came to he concert.
Tom knew the result of the exam, appropriately.
Seek: “ to try to find something or ask for something”
The police are seeking a witness, who may know something about the robbery.
People don’t often find what thay seek.
Hundreds of people went to seek gold in California.
9. Although only a handful of people were successful, many stayed and established settlements in the area, and there are now many museums showing what life was like back then.
A handful of : a small number of
Only a handful of people attended the meeting last Sunday.
A handful of holiday-makers paid the extra fee to visit the tourist attraction.
Although they put an advertisement on TV, only a handful of applicants turned up.
10.They are many maple trees in Canada and a maple leaf if features on the Canadian flag.
Feature: “to have somebody or something as a very important part”,意为“以…为特征”,“给…以显著地位”
This is a gallery that features African art. 这是一个突出介绍非洲艺术的艺术馆。
This month’s magazine features charity organizations from around the world.
Rice features prominently in most Chinese meals.
Singing contests are features in some very successful TV programmes.




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