Unit 11 Scientific Achievements说课教案(人教版高二英语上册说课)

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My Teaching Design for
Scientific Achievements
July, 2007
Unit 11 Scientific Achievements
Reading Comprehension: Zhongguancun
★ About the material:
The reading part Zhongguancun tells us the beginning and development of the science park as well as its important role in China’s economic progress. It is not only the cradle and base for science talents, but also a place where the overseas can realize their dreams.
★Teaching Goals:
1 Gaining information:
get a general idea about the science park and the secret of its success;
2 Moral education:
cultivate students’ pride in motherland and encourage them to work hard to improve China’s international image from “Made in China” to “Created in China”.
★Key points:
Analysis of the material to help students understand the passage thoroughly and cultivate their abilities in reading and analyzing.
★ Difficult points:
The ”Reflecting and discussion” is the difficult point in this period because all the questions are open-ended and require students to think independently and represents the answers in their own words.
3 Language learning:
appreciate and learn to use the practical structures.
★Time: one period
★Means and methods:
Information gained mainly by reading, but slides and discussions for deeper understanding.
★Teaching process
Ⅰ Lead-in
Review and list the leading inventions and innovations in the last century as background information. Present the first picture in the textbook. Explain that it is the statue of a DNA molecule. Also it is the symbol of Zhongguancun garden.

Leading Dates for Inventions
Here are dates for the leading inventions and innovations of the 20th century.
1953 Discovery of structure of DNA opens way to genetic engineering
1954 The pill
1957 Sputnik, the first satellite
1958 Laser
1961 Man in space
1967 Heart transplant
1969 Man on the moon, dawn of the Internet, Boeing 747
1970 Microprocessor
1978 Test-tube baby
1989 World Wide Web
1993 Human embryo cloned
1997 Dolly the sheep, the first cloned animal
Ⅱ Passage Analysis by task reading.
Read the first three paragraphs and finish the following tasks:
Task1: Detailed information
Zhongguancun is located in___________.It got started in ______ and was originally set up as a _____________.Now, it is home not only to______but also to________.
(Beijing’s Haidian District; 1980s; special economical zone; the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Technology and famous universities; overseas Chinese who want to build a career at home)
Task2: Summarize the main idea
The brief introduction of Zhongguancun
Read the para4-7 and then finish the following tasks
Task 1:why did Xiang Yufang study abroad?
Task 2:why did he return home?
Task 3:Summarize the main idea of this part
Answers to
Task1: He studied abroad because he wanted to see more of the world and work with the top scientists in his own area.
Task 2:He didn't feel comfortable abroad and missed his motherland. And above all, at home he can follow his dream and help his country as well.
Task 3: The fictional story of Xiang Yufang.
Read the last two paragraphs and then finish the following tasks.
Task1: what is the important role of Zhongguancun?
It combines science and business perfectly and therefore pushes both ahead greatly.
Task2: What does “Failure” mean in the eyes of Zhongguancun people?
It is failure that leads them to success. So they embrace it instead of being afraid of it.
Task3:The main idea of this part.
Zhongguancun’s effects and its spirit.
Ⅲ Reflection and discussion:
1 What makes Zhongguancun such a great success in such a short time?
(efforts and talents, devotion, government support, preferable policy)
2 What should you learn from the returnees?
(love for motherland, innovative spirit, optimistic attitude towards failure)
Ⅳ Structure Appreciation
Explain each structure and practise them orally.
1.Zhongguancun made it possible for him to follow his dream.
make it possible for s.b to do sth
2.It is wonderful, like a dream come true.梦想成真
If I win, it will be (like) a dream come true.
3.As Yufang puts it… (put, 用语言表达,叙述)
put sth + prep / adv to put it mildly, 委婉地说



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