译林牛津模块7 Phrases and Sentence Patterns 短语与句型复习(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

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Module 7 Phrases and Sentence Patterns
Unit 1
1. 在过去几十年里
2. 与某人保持联系
3. 不久以后
4. 上市,面市
5. 给...上发条
6. 用手工
7. 有史以来第一次
8. 涌现,迅猛发展
9. 按时间顺序
10. 从。。。开始
11. 给。。。人民生活带来极大的方便
12. 在那时
13. 调查
14. 及时赶上。。。
15. 通过。。。,凭借。。。
16. 误做了。。。
17. 既然那样,在此情况下
18. 换句话说
19. 基于。。。之上
20. 未必,不一定
21. 被暴露在。。。之下
22. 指出
23. 公开。。。
24. 不愿意做。。。
25. 把。。。运用/应用到。。。
26. 申请。。。
27. contribute to the development of …
28. be superior to…
29. have access to 200 channels
30. combine…with…
31.along with…
31. respond to…
32. lead to…
33. add…to…/add to…/add up to…
34. make…available
35. in the following years
36. take over the market
37. obtain information
38. a variety of…
39. be linked to…
40. head for…
41. stand for…
42. on/for sale
43. up to date
44. be capable of…
45. be fond of…
46. sb.be familiar with sth/sth be familiar to sb
47. be suitable for…
48. provide sb with…
49. carry out the research
50. concentrate on…
51. be used without caution
52. conduct a study/survey
53. be equal to…
54. previous to this
55. …effect(s) on…
56. the latter
57. be associated with…
58. have faith in…
59. for the time being
61. in particular
Sentence patterns
1. sth. be easy to carry.
2. …has increased to such a degree that…
3. They’re the first things to look at.
4. Personally, I think…
5. It’s reported/well-known/said that…
6. It has been argued that…
7. The model with a camera costs twice as much as the older ones.
8. …were two and a half times more likely to…
9. …more than twice the cancer rate of…
10. Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of…
11. As one scientist has pointed out, DNA has the same qualities in all animals…
12. It’s up to you to choose…

Unit 2
1. receive medical treatments
2. focus on
3. open up
4. recommend doing…
5. take place
6. in powder form
7. carry out a study
8. help sb. with sth.
9. try sth. out on sb.
10. due to the widespread use of…
11. figure out
12. have an influence on…
13. put up with…
14. make out
15. a handful of…
16. make up
17. look out for…
18. take one’s place
19. let out
20. over the last 2,000 years
21. be connected with…
22. block …from…
23. masses of…
24. make enquiries of…
25. turn up
26. take measures
27. addiction(s) to… 28. 如果这样的话
29. 减轻痛苦
30. 减少了。。。
31. 延长寿命
32. 被认为是。。。
33. 在当代社会
34. 放弃
35. 设法做到。。。
36. 批量生产。。。
37. 批量生产
38. 把。。。变成。。。
39. 由。。。组成
40. 免除。。。的疼痛
41. 挽救数千人的生命
42. 得流感
43. 。。。出问题/毛病
44. 进行锻炼
45. 推迟
46. 调查
47. 歧视。。。
48. 或者。。。或者。。。
49. 填表
50. 分成几组
51. 作安排
52. 接通某人的电话
53. 提醒某人做。。。
54. 做眼保健操
1. There is a high probability that…
2. It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+原句剩下部分…
3. It is/was+not until…+that…
4. Not only+助动词+主语。。。+ but also…
5. It was a dream come true.
6. If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from…
7. It was over a decade before…
8. There were many people injured in the war.
9. As acupuncture developed, …
10. Some…while others…
11. How acupuncture reduces and relieves pain is unclear.
Unit 3
1. 搜寻信息
2. 与某人保持联系
3. 改善生活
4. 对。。。有积极/负面影响
5. 也就是说
6. 需要。。。
7. 求助于。。。
8. 无论。。。还是。。。
9. 与。。。交流
10. 根据。。。
11. 因为这些原因
12. 虚假信息
13. 解决问题
14. 点击鼠标
15. 从。。。来判断
16. 参加辩论
17. 信息来源
18. 与。。。有关
19. 被分成。。。
20. 不但。。。而且。。。
21. 接受这些建议
22. a variety of…
23. at the best prices
24. travel packages
25. academic research
26. acquire knowledge from…
27. advance knowledge about…
28. gather information
29. build social ties
30. rather than
31. people from different backgrounds
32. form lifelong friendships
33. access to…
34. be involved in…
35. problems with…
36. hand in
37. become addicted to…
38. damage one’s abilities
39. confirm the information
40. make a difference 41. belong to
42. be sceptical of…
43. common practice
44. take advantage of
45. have advantages over…
46. sth occur to sb
47. live normal lives
48. heavy compute users
49. feel disconnected to…
50. limit the use of…
51. become accustomed to…
52. have a great appreciation for…
53. surf the Web
54. feel worn out
55. seem popular with…
56. give a good speech
57. in an intelligent manner
58. stay silent
59. be eager to do…
60. do research on…
61. keep…in mind
62. aid sb in/with sth
63. require sb to do…
64. comb through…
65. on the basis of…
66. up to date
67. take…into consideration/account
68. at the bottom of…
69. make errors
70. as a general rule
71. sb be sure about…
72. consult sb/sth
73. rewarding
74. gain speed
75. step by step
76. link sth (up) with…
77. be well qualified for/to do…
78. be patient with
79. attach importance to…
1. They claim that using the Internet is a waste of time.
2. Without the Internet, these people would have fewer chances of…
3. The disadvantage, though, is that…
4. As the Internet has gained popularity,…
5. There were two students there having a debate…
6. Should you ever find information you want to save…, you can…
7. There are several things to take into consideration…
8. …not every person will…
9. To copy…is not only…but also…
10. Follow these few tips and…
Unit 4
1. 公交系统
2. 交通方式
3. 在19世纪
4. 选择做。。。
5. 作为。。。而出名
6. 对。。。造成破坏
7. 加快。。。的步伐
8. 以纪念。。。
9. 名胜
10. 按。。。顺序
11. 鼓励某人做。。。
12. 观光
13. 与。。。相比
14. 更好的利用。。。
15. 防止事故
16. 提高人们对。。。的认识
17. 增加了。。。
18. 危及自己和他人生命
19. 应用,适用,运用
20. 等。。。做。。。
21. 天气允许的话
22. 学生会
23. 遇堵车
24. pick up
25. drop off
26. carry people over long distances
27. have the distinction of…
28. choke off
29. lead to
30. link up (with…)
31. set up
32. under the authority of…
33. be responsible for…
34. in use
35. function as…
36. travel on /ride the underground
37. take a trip
38. refer to…
39. as well
40. for oneself
41. buy sth at a discount
42. depend on…
43. a narrow escape 44. on an official visit to sp.
45. achieve one’s aim
46. make up for…
47. wash away
48. arise from…
49. be burdened with a heavy load
50. keep order
51. in the hope that/of…
52. . take notice of…
53. the underground system
54. be linked to…
55.. speed up
56. have good air connections with…
57. under repair
58. peak travel seasons
59. in addition to…
60. protect sb from…
61. be aimed at…
62. be aware of…
63. as well as…
64. change lanes
65. a traffic jam
66.take one’s attention from…
67. violate the law
68. a couple of beers
69. take the responsibility to do…
70. watch out for…
71. make the assumption that…
72. avoid doing…
73. lack of …
74. an invitation to accidents
75. keep…in good condition
76. guide traffic in an orderly way
77. hold up
78. keep pace with…
79. set the pace
80. board a train
81. cycle to school
82. aim at doing/aim to do…
83. news flash
84. by ferry
85. in (good) order
86. live in natural/pleasant surroundings
1. The road became so crowded that…
2. As more advanced ways of digging tunnels were developed,…
3. Why not take a trip…
4. The police in your city have released…
5. The number of…has increased…
6. This is true of everyone…
7. Below are some of the major causes of road accidents involving vehicles…
8. Speaking on the phone requires concentration…
9. Drivers should be especially careful near schools, where there are likely to be many children.
10. It is recommended to do…
11. It is up to all of us road users to make sure…
Unit 1
1.在过去几十年里in the last few decades
2.与某人保持联系keep in touch with…
3.不久以后shortly after(wards)
4.上市,面市come onto the market
5.给...上发条wind up
6.用手工 by hand
7.有史以来第一次for the first time ever
8.涌现,迅猛发展spring up
9.按时间顺序in chronological order
(in time of order)
10.从。。。开始start/begin with…
bring great convenience to people’s lives
12.在那时at that time
13. 调查 look into
14. 及时赶上。。。in time for…
15. 通过。。。,凭借。。。by means of…
16. 误做了。。。do sth by mistake
17. 既然那样,在此情况下in that case
18. 换句话说in other words
19. 基于。。。之上be based on…
20. 未必,不一定not necessarily
21. 被暴露在。。。之下be exposed to…
22. 指出point out…
23. 公开。。。make sth public
24. 不愿意做。。。be unwilling to do…
25. 把。。。运用/应用到。。。apply…to…
26. 申请。。。apply for
27. contribute to the development of …
28. be superior to…比...优越,超过
29. have access to 200 channels
30. combine…with…把...连接到.
31. along with…和 32. respond to…对。。。做出反应/回答
33. lead to…导致,通向
34. add…to…/add to…/add up to…
35. make…available使。。。唾手可得
36. in the following years在随后几年里
37. take over the market占领市场
38. obtain information得到信息
39. a variety of…各种各样的
40. be linked to…与。。。相连接
41. head for…朝。。。而去
42. stand for…代表,象征
43. on/for sale在/待售
44. up to date最新的,最近的
45. be capable of…能够。。。
46. be fond of…喜爱。。。
47. sb.be familiar with sth/sth be familiar to sb熟悉
48. be suitable for…适合
49. provide sb with…给。。。提供。。。
50. carry out the research进行研究
51. concentrate on…集中注意力于。。。
52. be used without caution可被放心使用
53. conduct a study/survey开展研究/调查
54. be equal to…等于。。。
55. previous to this在此之前
56. …effect(s) on…对。。。的影响
57. the latter后者
58. be associated with…与。。。有联系/关联
59. have faith in…相信,信任;信仰
60. for the time being目前;暂时
61. in particular特别,尤其
1. receive medical treatments接受医疗
2. focus on把焦点对准,集中注意力于。。。
3. open up打开,开放
4. recommend doing…推荐/建议做。。。
5. take place发生
6. in powder form粉末状
7. carry out a study进行/开展研究
8. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做。。。
9. try sth. out on sb.试验
10. due to the widespread use of…
11. figure out算出;领会到,断定
12. have an influence on…对。。。有影响
13. put up with…忍受,容忍
14. make out开列;理解;辨认出
15. a handful of…少数/少量的
16. make up弥补,补足;配制;虚构,捏造;组成,占;化装
17. look out for…当心。。。
18. take one’s place取代。。。
19. let out放出;发出;泄露
20. over the last 2,000 years在过去二千年里
21. be connected with…连接;联系
22. block …from…拦阻/阻止。。。做。。。
23. masses of…许多
24. make enquiries of…询问。。。
25. turn up出现,到场,到达
26. take measures采取措施
27. addiction(s) to…对。。。上瘾 28. 如果这样的话if so
29. 减轻痛苦reduce pain
30. 减少了。。。reduce (…) by…
31. 延长寿命increase the length of one’s life
32. 被认为是。。。be considered to be…
33. 在当代社会in contemporary society
34. 放弃 give up
35. 设法做到。。。manage to do…
36. 批量生产。。。produce…in large quantities
37. 批量生产 mass production
38. 把。。。变成。。。turn…into…
39. 由。。。组成be made up of…
40. 免除。。。的疼痛bring relief to…
41. 挽救数千人的生命
save many thousands of lives
42. 得流感catch the flu
43. 。。。出问题/毛病go wrong with…
44. 进行锻炼take exercise
45. 推迟做。。。put off doing…
46. 调查look into…
47. 歧视。。。look down upon…
48. 或者。。。或者。。。either…or…
49. 填表fill in a form
50. 分成几组split up into groups
51. 作安排make arrangements
52. 接通某人的电话put sb. through to…
53. 提醒某人做。。。remind sb. to do…
54. 做眼保健操do eye exercises
Unit 3
1. 搜寻信息search for information
2. 与某人保持联系keep in touch with…
3. 改善我们的生活improve our lives
4. 对。。。有积极/负面影响
have positive/negative effects on…
5. 也就是说 that is to say
6. 需要。。。in need of…
7. 求助于。。。turn to sb (for…)
8. 无论。。。还是。。。whether…or…
9. 与。。。交流communicate with…
10. 根据。。。according to…
11. 因为这些原因for these reasons
12. 虚假信息false information
13. 解决问题solve/handle a problem
14. 点击鼠标click the mouth
15. 从。。。来判断judging from/by…
16. 参加辩论take part in a debate
17. 信息来源 source of information
18. 与。。。有关be related to…
19. 被分成。。。be divided into…
20. 不但。。。而且。。。not only…but also…
21. 接受这些建议follow these tips
22. a variety of…各种各样的
23. at the best prices以最好的价钱
24. travel packages包价旅游
25. academic research学术研究
26. acquire knowledge from…从。。获取知识
27. advance knowledge about…
28. gather information搜集信息
29. build social ties建立社会联系
30. rather than而不是
31. people from different backgrounds
32. form lifelong friendships建立终身友谊
33. access to…接触到/获得。。。
34. be involved in…卷入/涉及。。。
35. problems with…。。。的问题
36. hand in交上
37. become addicted to… 对。。。上瘾
38. damage one’s abilities破坏。。。的能力
39. confirm the information证实信息
40. make a difference有影响/有关系 41. belong to属于
42. be sceptical of…怀疑。。。
43. common practice惯常做法
44. take advantage of充分利用
45. have advantages over…比。。。有优势
46. sth occur to sb发生/想到
47. live normal lives过正常生活
48. heavy computer users过多电脑使用者
49. feel disconnected to…感觉与…是脱离的
50. limit the use of…限制。。。的使用
51. become accustomed to…对。。。习惯
52. have a great appreciation for…欣赏。。。
53. surf the Web上网
54. feel worn out感到筋疲力尽
55. seem popular with…似乎受。。。喜爱
56. give a good speech做一个不错的演讲
57. in an intelligent manner以明智的方式
58. stay silent保持沉默
59. be eager to do…渴望/急于做。。。
60. do research on…对。。。进行研究
61. keep…in mind牢记
62. aid sb in/with sth帮助某人做。。。
63. require sb to do…需要/要求某人做。。。
64. comb through…彻底搜寻。。。
65. on the basis of…在。。。基础之上
66. up to date最新的
67. take…into consideration/account考虑
68. at the bottom of…在。。。底部
69. make errors犯错
70. as a general rule一般情况下
71. sb be sure about…确信
72. consult sb/sth咨询/查看。。。
73. rewarding有报酬的/有价值的/值得做的
74. gain speed加速
75. step by step逐步
76. link sth (up) with…连接
77. be well qualified for/to do…
78. be patient with对。。。有耐心
79. attach importance to…认为。。。重要
Unit 4
1. 公交系统public transport system
2. 交通方式means of transport
3. 在19世纪in the 19th century
4. 选择做。。。choose to do…
5. 作为。。。而出名be known/famous as…
6. 对。。。造成破坏cause/do damage to…
7. 加快。。。的步伐accelerate the pace of…
8. 以纪念。。。in honor of…
9. 名胜a place of interest
10. 按。。。顺序in the order of…
11. 鼓励某人做。。。encourage sb to do…
12. 观光go sightseeing
13. 与。。。相比compared to/with…
14. 更好的利用。。。make better use of…
15. 防止事故prevent accidents
16. 提高人们对。。。的认识
increase people’s awareness of…
17. 增加了。。。increase by…
18. 危及自己和他人生命risk one’s own life as well as the lives of others
19. 应用,适用,运用apply (…) to…
20. 等。。。做。。。wait for sb to do…
21. 天气允许的话weather permitting
22. 学生会the Student(s’) Union
23. 遇堵车be caught /stuck in a traffic jam
24. pick up捡起,拾起;得到,获得,学到;
25. drop off让。。。下车;下降,减少;入睡
26. carry people over long distances长途载人
27. have the distinction of…享有。。。声誉
28. choke off阻塞
29. lead to通向,导致
30. link up (with…)连接
31. set up成立,建立
32. under the authority of…
对…负责; 受…管理
33. be responsible for…对。。。负责
34. in use在使用中
35. function as…起。。。作用
36. travel on /ride the underground坐地铁
37. take a trip旅行
38. refer to…参考;指;谈到;涉及;有关
39. as well也
40. for oneself亲自(in person)
41. buy sth at a discount按折扣价买到。。。
42. depend on…依靠;依赖;取决于
43. a narrow escape九死一生 44. on an official visit to sp.
45.achieve one’s aim达到目的
46. make up for…弥补,补偿
47. wash away冲掉,冲跨
48. arise from…由…引起/产生;起源于
49. be burdened with a heavy load负担重
50. keep order 维持秩序
51. in the hope that/of…希望。。。
52.. take notice of…注意(到);关注
53. the underground system地铁系统
54. be linked to…与。。。连在一起
55. speed up加速
56. have good air connections with…
57 under repair在修理中
58 peak travel seasons旅游高峰季节
59. in addition to…除…外还有
60. protect sb from…保护某人使其不受。。。
61. be aimed at…目的是;旨在;针对
62. be aware of…知道,意识到
63. as well as…除…之外还;和;也
64. change lanes改变车道
65. a traffic jam交通堵塞
66. take one’s attention from…使分神
67. violate the law违法
68. a couple of beers两三杯啤酒
69. take the responsibility to do…
70. watch out for…密切注意;戒备,提防
71. make the assumption that…设想。。。
72. avoid doing…避免做。。。
73. lack of …缺乏。。。
74. an invitation to accidents事故的诱因
75. keep…in good condition
76. guide traffic in an orderly way
77. hold up举起;撑起;阻挡,使停顿
78. keep pace with…跟上;并驾齐驱
79. set the pace定速度(让某人随从)
80. board a train登上火车
81. cycle to school骑车上学
82. aim at doing/aim to do…
83. news flash
84. by ferry乘渡船
85. in (good) order秩序井然
86. live in natural/pleasant surroundings




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