江苏省海州高级中学高三英语总复习教学案 SB2 Unit 19-20教师版(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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Unit 19-20(教师卷)
Fill in the blanks according to the first letters:
1. She is a nice girl and spending too much money is her only w________.( weakness)
2. I d_____ at the meeting that I did not support him.(declared)
3. The two stories c ______, so I did not know what to believe.(conflicted)
4. A computer is certainly a c______ machine invented by humans.( complex)
5. The criminals were finally brought to j_______ according to law.( justice)
6. I came t the spot i______ I heard the news.(immediately)
7. He has become an e______ of all his friends, since he was offered a new promising post. (envy)
8. Whoever has broken his word is to be p______ by the regulations. (punished)
9. Every one of them is clearly aware of the p______ time left for them before the entrance examinations.(precious)
10. She went to Europe a_______ by her colleague.(accompanied)
11. When she arrived home, she found a note p______ onto the door. (pinned)
12. If you have a s______ bed , may I stay tonight?(spare)
Complete the following sentences:
1. I don't know he is ______________(如此聪明的一个孩子).(such a wise boy / so wise a boy
2. You can't ____________ (希望) mercy if you show none, so you should _________(仁慈) others. (hope for, have mercy on)
3. This is ______(非常麻烦的案子). Do you know what this man ________ (受到起诉)?
(a most troublesome case, are accused of)
4. I suggest you read this book, which ____________________(非常值得一读).( is well worth reading / is well worthy of being read)
5. My fate is a consequence of ______________________ (运气不好).( bad fortune)
6. My mother often tells me not to keep things that ______(不属于我)(. don't belong to me )
7. I _________ (好奇) the life in ancient times.( am curious about )
8. ___________(人们还不知道) how the huge stones conveyed over ___________
(距离) 380 kilometers.( It's not known, a distance of )
9. Archaeologists _____(趋向于) believe that this man was a member of powerful class.( tend to)
10. He wanted to _____(参与) arranging the entertainment.( have a hand in)
1. mercy
at the mercy of 任由…摆布
eg. The boat was at the ~ of the rapid river.
have ~ on 对…表示怜悯
show mercy to
We should learn to show mercy to others.我们应该学会对别人仁慈。
eg. He had little ~ on the prisoners.
2.go about ①四处走走,来回走动 ②开始做 ③(故事、消息等)传开
eg. It’s not a different job if you go about it in the right way.
go against 违反
go ahead
go round / around
go back 回顾
go by 从…经过;(时间)流逝过去;顺便走访
go down 下降
go Dutch with sb AA制
go easy 轻松一点,不急
go too far 太过分,走太远了 His joke went too far.
go for
go without sth 忍受没有…的苦;没有…也行
go wrong
go down on one’s knees
go through
go over (to sth )往…的地方;越过…;调查;复习
1)The early pioneers had to______ many hardships to settle on the new land. (C)
A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into
2) I couldn’t ______. The line was busy. (D)
A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through
3) It’s time we_______ the pollution problem, otherwise the Huaihe River will become a dead river.
A. go about B. went about dealing with C. set about t deal with D. went in for (B)
4) Some hibernating animals can go without any food._______________________
3.as far as I know = as far as I’m concerned
as far as … 远至…
eg. We walk as far as the station.
就他而言,他买不起这么贵的汽车。 As( So) far as he is concerned, he can’t afford such an expensive car.
4. envy sb sth
eg. How I ~ you / your talent.
She always envies me my curly hair.
n. ~ at sth 对…妒嫉
I felt ~ at his success.
He looked with ~ at his neighbor’s new car.
out of ~ 出于妒嫉
the~ of sth 可羡慕的人/物 她的朋友都羡慕她________________________________-
( She is the envy of her friends.)
5. accuse
accuse sb.of Sth 指控某人犯某罪
accuse sb. as sb.指控某人是
类似的结构:inform sb. of …; remind sb. of ; warn sb. of ; cure sb. of ; rob sb. of ; require /demand sth. of sb.
1. The manager____ one of the hotel servants of stealing money.
A. blamed B. complained C. accused D. charged
2.他被指控是盗窃犯。______________________.( He was accused as a robber.)
6. bargain
v. ~ with sb about/over sth
n. It’s a bargain ________________(这是个便宜货)
a bargain price= a low price(廉价)
n. a good/bad ~ 便宜货/昂贵的物品 make a ~ 做交易 at a ~ 廉价地
他与老板讲价。 (He ~ed with the shopkeeper over the price.)
向老板要求加班要有加班费。 (They ~ed that they should be paid for overtime.)
7. tear up
tear sth into half
tear down 拆除; 拆毁
tear oneself away from 忍痛离开
tear at
( Do tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk.)
The government ordered these old buildings _______ ______ ______ as soon as possible.
8.pay back
pay/make a visit to
pay for
pay off 还清,成功
pay attention to
pay sb back sth
pay sb back for sth 对某人报复
eg. 1.Can you lend me $100? And I’ll ______ on Friday. (C)
A. pay for you B. pay you off C. pay you pack D. pay you out
2.Eventully their program _____ _____.( paid off)
9. deed
n. do a good deed 行善 an evil deed 恶行
eg. He was honorable in word and in deed.
10. declare – n. declaration
~ sth
~ sth (to be ) n./ adj / 宣布…为,断言…为
~ that 宣告
eg. They will ~ the results of the election soon.
The referee declared him (to be) the winner of the fight.
I declare this conference open.
Eg. Hearing the 2006 Winter Asian Games _____, all the people in Changchun Stadium burst into cheers.
A. declared to have opened B. declaring to be opened (C)
C. declared open D. to be declared open
11. worthy adj.
be ~ of sth 配的上…/值得…
be ~ of being done = be ~ to be done
a ~ gentleman 有价值的,了不起的,可敬佩的,(置于名词之前)
比较:worth adj.(不可置于名词之前)
be worth sth / doing sth 值;值得(做…)
1). His suggestion is worthy of consideration.
2) His suggestion is worthy to be considered.
3) His suggestion is worthy of being considered.
I don’t think it’s worth the trouble.
12. dozen
a dozen
three dozen eggs / dozens of eggs
in dozens 一打一打地
by the dozen 按打 Eggs are sold by the dozen.
13. spare
v. 吝惜(金钱,劳力等),省掉
他在研究方面不遗余力。He didn’t spare any effort on his studies.
spare sb sth 使(人)免受(不愿意之事);分让…给人
eg. I want to ~ him the trouble of seeing me off at the airport.___________________.
We can ~ no one in this department. 我们拨不出本部门的人手。
Can you ~ me just a few minutes. 你能腾出几分钟的时间给我吗?
spare 剩余的
I caught the train with only a few seconds to spare. 我在离开车只剩数秒时赶上了火车。
spare adj.预备的,剩余的
a spare room/ spare time / a spare tire
14. average 平均的,平均,普通的
on (the /an) ~ (副) 平均
eg. This car runs 15 kilometers per liter on the average.
He is just an average student.
a large /small quantity of +n. +V(sing.)
quantities of +n.+V(pl.)
in quantity 大量地,很多
1. In the south of China great quantities of bamboo ______paper as well as farming tools.
A.used to make B. is used to making C. is used to make D. are used to make ( D )
16. serve as= act as; work as
eg. When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket.
serve sb.
Are you being served?
n. service
at sb’s service 随时为某人效劳
I’ll always at his service. 我随时为他效劳。
17. on condition that-clause 在…的条件下
He’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it on time.
拓展:on no condition; be in condition ; be out of condition;
我决不会同意你的意见的。_________________________.(On no condition shall I agree with
18. tend to 倾向于….; 有…的趋势
男孩往往比女孩个高。 (Boys tend to taller than girls.)
冬天海上易起风浪。(In winter the sea tends to be very rough.)
19.have a hand in 参与; 插手
我敢说他一定参与了此事。___________________-( I dare say he had a hand in it.)
( I can’t promise much. I’m not the only one that has a hand in this town.)
20. in the eyes of sb. /in one’s eyes ;in the eyes of law
拓展:have an eye for ; keep an eye on
1._______________ , he told a lie. 在我看来,他说了谎。
( Would you like to keep your eyes on my child, when I am away?)
21. in terms of 从….的角度; 就…来说
( He thought of everything in terms of money. )
( A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.)
拓展:come t terms with sb.; in the long/short term
22. may ( just) as well do sth. 不妨,倒不如。(用来提出建议)
( We may as well have a try and see if it can be done. )
( There is nothing to do ,so I may as well go to bed.)
1. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.
2. You might as well go stand upon the beach.
3. This is a most troublesome case.
4. Please be seated.
5. He doesn’t bleed to death.
6. Let me take you in my arms.
7. Although you’ve not shown yourself worthy of your kindness, you will see the difference of our spirit.
8. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
9. On May 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to Around 2300 BC.
10. He was buried on his left side with his face to the north.
11. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.
12. Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal.
13. This was a time when the first metals were brought to Britain.
14. Iron came later, in what was called the Iron Age.
Multiply choices:
1. _______ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.
A.What B.Who C.Whatever D.Whoever
2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use _____ with him.
A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued
3. In an hour, we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.
A. where B. when C. which D. what
4.At the foot of the mountain _____________ .
A.a village lie B.lies a village C.does a village lie D.lying a village
5._______homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.
A.So much B.Too much C.Too little D.So little
6.Only then___________how much damage had been caused.
A.she realized B.she had realized
C.had she realized D.did she realize
1. 这个故事发生在一个寒冷的冬夜。
The story took place on a cold winter night.
2. 就我个人而言,我不反对你的决定。
As far as I concerned, I don’t object to your decision.
3. 你要求得到公正,那么就让你得到公正,比你要求的还要多。
You want justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted.
4. 没有什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉的好。
There’s nothing to do, so I might as well go to sleep.
5. 与没有教养的人争吵没有用的。
It’s useless arguing with one who is not well-educated.
6. 今天早上的雪太大了,他可能没有赶上飞机。
There was too much snow this morning. He might have missed the train.
7. 从钱的角度说,他相当富有,但就幸福而言则不然。
In terms of money, he is quite rich, but not in term of happiness.
8. 我们想弄明白这个风俗是不是起源于16世纪。
What we’d like to find out is whether this custom dates back from the 16th century.
9. 你刚刚讲的那个故事是我想起我的一段经历。
The story that you’ve just told me reminds me of one of my experiences.
10. 我们学校是一所占地面积越5000平方米的现代化的学校。
Our school is a modern one which covers an area of 5000 square meters.




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