也谈英语中多余否定句 (中学英语教学论文)

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英语中有一种否定形式,按照全句的意思来讲,应用肯定形式,可有时却用了否定词not,no等;或按照全句的意思来讲,应用否定形式,但却出现了两个否定词语。这种不必要的否定被称为"多余否定"(Pleonastic Negation), 含这种否定的句子被称为"多余否定句"(Pleonastic Negative Sentences)。在汉语里也存在这种否定现象,如:"好不痛快"、"好不热闹"等中的"不"就相当于英语多余否定句中的not。多余否定句可以归纳为下列六种形式:
1. 否定词的重复所造成的多余否定句
I don't want nothing. (= I don't want anything. 或 I want nothing.) 我什么也不想要。
I didn't tell nobody. (= I didn't tell anybody.) 我谁都没告诉。
I don't know nothing about the matter.(= I don't know anything about the matter.) 我对此事一无所知。
There isn't no such a thing. (= There isn't such a thing.) 没有这样的事情。
There was no bread, no butter, no cheese, no nothing. 面包没有, 黄油没有, 奶酪没有, 什么都没有。
I couldn't hardly believe my eyes.(= I could hardly believe my eyes.)我几乎不相信自己的眼睛。
You didn't hear me, neither. (= You didn't hear me, either.) 你也不听我的话。
2. 在含有deny, doubt, forbid等的句子中
动词deny, doubt, forbid等本身已含有否定意义,若再与否定词not,no等连用,就会使not,no等的否定变成多余的。例如:
He denied that he had no intention of hurting your feelings. 他否认他不是存心要伤害你的感情。
It never occurred to me to doubt that your existence would encourage our soldiers.我从来没有怀疑过你的出现将会大大地鼓舞我们的士气。
3. 在wonder等 + if / whether...not句式中
I wonder whether she will not come. 我想知道她会不会来。
I don't care if he doesn't come.我不在乎他是否来。
I wonder if / whether she isn't mistaken. 我想知道她是否错了。
I wonder whether I cannot get any more. 我不知道是否可以多拿些。
I don't care if he doesn't come.
I don't care whether he comes or not.
I don't care whether or not he comes. 我不在意他是否来。
不可说成:I don't care whether he doesn't come.
但根据英语习惯,在某些动词(如wonder, know, ask等)和表语形容词(not)sure等之后,whether从句的谓语动词可用否定形式。例如:
I wonder whether / if he doesn't expect too much from her.
I'm not sure whether / if he doesn't expect too much from her. 我说不准他是否对她期望过高。
4. not 与某些词语连用
I want to have a sort of cloth that will wear.(= I want to have a sort of cloth that will wear well.) (wear在此句中作"耐用"、"经穿"解)
I want to have a sort of cloth that will not wear.(= I want to have a sort of cloth that will not wear out easily.)(wear在此句中作"容易损坏"、"穿破用旧"解)
5. not用在某些感叹句中
If he isn't the laziest guy on earth!他是天下最懒的家伙了!
What dirty means would the fellow not resort to!什么卑鄙的手段那个家伙都会使出来的!
What nonsense would he not talk! 什么胡话他都说得出口!
If the walls of that room could speak, what an amount of blundering and capricious cruelty would they not bear witness to !如果这个房间的墙会说话,多少错误的和任性的残暴行为,它们都会说出来作证的!
6. not用在"It is...+否定的从句"句式中
It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯。
It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 没有使所有人都受害的坏事。
It is a good horse that never stumbles. 马有失蹄。
It is a good workman that never blunders. 智者千虑,必有一失。



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