模块8 Unit 1 备课资料:高考链接及重要语言点讲解(金色教案)● Task(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1. make a ball out of old socks (P11)
make sth. out phrasal verb
to write all the necessary information on an official document: (在文件中)列出
I made a cheque out for £20 to 'Henry's Supermarket'.
make out sth. (CLAIM) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to claim, usually falsely, that sth. is true: 主张,声张
[R + to infinitive] He made himself out to be a millionaire.
[+ to be] The British weather is not always as bad as it is made out to be.
[+ (that)] He made out (that) he had been living in Paris all year.
make sth. of sth. (VALUE) phrasal verb
make enough/much/more, etc. of sth.
to give a particular level of value or importance to something: 重视,强调
You should make more of your IT skills on the application form.
I think we make too much of the benefits of Western society.
See also make light of at light (NOT SERIOUS).
make off phrasal verb INFORMAL
to leave quickly, usually in order to escape: 迅速逃离,匆忙离开
The burglars made off before the police arrived.
make up for sth. phrasal verb
to take the place of sth. lost or damaged or to compensate for sth. bad with sth. good: 弥补
No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.
This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.
[+ ing form of verb] He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before.
make up to sb. phrasal verb
to be too friendly to someone or to praise them in order to get advantages: 讨好
Have you seen the disgusting way she makes up to the boss?
make ends meet
to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need 使收支平衡
make excuses
to give false reasons why you cannot do sth.: 制造借口
You're always making excuses for not helping me.
make a fool of sb. 捉弄
to trick someone or make them appear stupid in some way
make fun of sb./sth. 愚弄
to make a joke about someone or sth. in a way that is not kind:
The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses.
2. next to (P11)
1) used when describing two people or things that are very close to each other with nothing between them: 紧挨着,靠近
Can I sit next to the window?
There was a really strange man standing next to me at the station.
2) used to mean ‘after’ when making a choice or a comparison: 仅次于
I'd say cheese is my favourite food and, next to that, chocolate (= Cheese is the only food that I like more than chocolate).
3) almost: 几乎,接近于
They pay me next to nothing (= very little) but I really enjoy the work.
It's next to impossible (= extremely difficult) to find somewhere cheap to live in the city centre.
We got home in next to no time (= very little time).
3. have talent for (P11)
n. [C or U] (someone who has) a natural ability to be good at sth., especially without being taught: 天赋
Her talent for music showed at an early age.
His artistic talents were wasted in his boring job.
a talented footballer/pianist
4. at the sight of (P11)
n. [C or S or U] sth. that is in someone's view: 景色
The flowers at the annual flower show were a beautiful sight.
You should always keep sight of your bags (= have them where you can see them) while you're at the airport.
INFORMAL You can't go out in those clothes - you look a real sight (= look untidy or silly)!
The child laughed at the sight of (= when she saw) the clockwork toy.
FORMAL The lawyer requested sight of (= to see) the papers.
I dare not let the children out of my sight (= go where I cannot see them) in this park.
The police officer was hidden out of sight (= where he could not be seen) behind a tree.
The castle came into sight (= started to be able to be seen) as we went round a bend in the road.
We're looking for a house which is within sight of (= from which it is possible to see) the mountains.
FIGURATIVE After three years of campaigning, the end is finally in sight (= will happen soon) for Jon.
I caught sight of (= saw for a moment) my former teacher while I was out shopping today, but she turned a corner and I lost sight of (= could no longer see) her.
"Do you know David Wilson?" "I haven't met him, but I know him by sight (= I recognize him, but do not know him)."
INFORMAL She hated/loathed the sight of (= hated) her former husband.
INFORMAL They used to be very good friends, but now they can't bear/stand the sight of (= hate) each other.
The question seemed easy at first sight (= when they first saw it), but when the students tried to answer it, they discovered how difficult it was.
v. [T] to suddenly see sth. or someone: 看见
After several days at sea, the sailors finally sighted land.
sight 常用短语
lose sight of sth.
to forget about an important idea or fact because you are thinking too much about other things: 遗忘,看不见
I'm worried that we're losing sight of our original objectives.
Out of sight, out of mind. SAYING
said to emphasize that when sth. or someone cannot be seen, it is easy to forget them 不见不想
out of sight
INFORMAL extremely expensive and more than you are able to spend: 太贵了
The price of the house we like is out of sight.
SLANG excellent: 优秀的
The group's new record is out of sight!
5. let out a sad sigh (P11)
let sb./sth. out phrasal verb
to allow someone or sth. to leave a place, especially by opening a closed or fastened door:使出去
I heard a voice from the cupboard shouting "Let me out!"
He let the air out of the balloon.
She let out a scream (= She made this noise).
let out (END) phrasal verb
When something that people go to, such as school or a show, lets out, it ends and everyone leaves: 结束
When does school let out for the summer?
let sth. out (CLOTHES) phrasal verb
to make a piece of clothing wider by removing the sewing from the sides and sewing closer to the edge of the material: 放大 (衣服)
These trousers are too tight - I'm going to have to let them out.
6. Up it flew, higher and higher, until it was a small dot in the sky. (P11) 它越飞越高,直到在空中变成一个小点。
here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, away或以象声词等开头的句子用全部倒装,以表示强调。注意:代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。
For reference
1. 用于there be 句型。例如:
There are many students in the classroom.
2. 用于“here (there, now, then)+ 不及物动词+主语 ”的句型中,或以out, in, up, down, away等副词开头的句子里,以表示强调。例如:
Here comes the bus.
There goes the bell.
Now comes your turn.
There flows a river in front of the house.
Out went the children.
Here it is.
Here he comes
3. 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,也常常引起全部倒装。例如:
South of the city lies a big steel factory.
From the valley came a frightening sound.
4. 表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语+连系动词+主语”。
1) 形容词+连系动词+主语
Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.
2) 过去分词+连系动词+主语
Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.
3) 介词短语+be+主语
Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.
5. 用于so, nor, neither开头的句子,表示重复前句部分内容。原句的谓语应与前句谓语的时态、形式相一致。例如:
He has been to Beijing. So have I.
Li Wei can’t answer the question. Neither can I.
6. 为了保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时。
1. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.
2. Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens and long passages to these rooms.
7. otherwise (P12)
adv. 1) differently, or in another way: 不同的,以其他方式的
The police believe he is the thief, but all the evidence suggests otherwise (= that he is not).
Under the Bill of Rights, a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise (= guilty).
Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.
Marion Morrison, otherwise known as the film star John Wayne, was born in 1907.
FORMAL I can't meet you on Tuesday - I'm otherwise engaged/occupied (= doing something else).
2) except for what has just been referred to: 除了所提到的
The bike needs a new saddle, but otherwise it's in good condition.
The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise splendid film.
conj. used after an order or suggestion to show what the result will be if you do not follow that order or suggestion: 否则
I'd better write it down, otherwise I'll forget it.
Phone home, otherwise your parents will start to worry.
adj. [after verb] used to show that sth. is completely different from what you think it is or from what was previously stated: 完全不同的
He might have told you he was a qualified electrician, but the truth is quite otherwise.
1. Progress so far has been very good. _______, we are sure that the project will be completed on time. (2006 江苏)
A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides
2.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _______, he could neither eat nor sleep. (2005 江西)
A.as a result B.after all C.any way D.otherwise
3. He holds an important position in the company; _____. I don’t quite trust him. (2000 上海)
A. thus B. furthermore C. otherwise D. nevertheless
4. Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she something she would regret later. (1996 上海)
A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have said
1. C. 上下文是因果关系, therefore因此
2. A. 上下文是因果关系, as a result因此
3. D. 上下文是转折关系, nevertheless 然而
4. D. otherwise 否则, 是一种假设, 表示与过去的事实相反, 用虚拟语气。
● Project
1. After his first book of poetry was published, he transformed and became famous nationwide overnight. (P14) 在他的第一本诗集出版后,他的生活发生了变化,一夜之间全国闻名。
adj., adv. 1) for or during the night: 一夜之间
an overnight stop in Paris
You can stay overnight if you want to.
Don't forget to pack an overnight bag (= a bag for things that you need when you stay away from home for a night).
2) suddenly and unexpectedly: 突然,出乎意料的
She became a star overnight.
The book was an overnight success.
2. A hard life and a weak constitution shortened Robert Burns’s life. (P14) 艰辛的生活和虚弱的体质缩短了彭斯的生命。
v. [I or T] to become shorter or to make sth. shorter: (使)变短
As you grow older, your spine shortens by about an inch.
I've asked him to shorten my grey trousers.
The name 'William' is often shortened to 'Bill'.




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