模块8 Unit 1 备课资料:高考链接及重要语言点讲解(金色教案)Section 3 Words and expressions(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Section 3 Words and expressions
● Welcome to the unit
1. If you were asked to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you choose? Why? (P1) 如果你要向朋友推荐一本书,你会选哪本?为什么选它?
When a sentence is talking about something that is not real or currently impossible, the verb will be used in a special form that expresses a wish, possibility, condition, etc. That is called subjunctive. Pay attention to the forms of the predicate verbs in different tenses when we use sentences in unreal conditional. Remember how to form unreal conditionals of the present, past or future time.
Tense If-- clause Main clause
present did (were) would/ should/ could/ might do
past had done would/ should/ could/ might have done
future did, should do, were to do would/ should/ could/ might do
1. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ____________ yesterday. ( 2006全国)
A. was happening B. happens
C. has happened D. happened
2. ---Don’t you think it necessary that he ________ to Miami but to New York?
---I agree, but the problem is ________he has refused to. (2005江苏)
A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that
C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what
3. If I ________plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible. (2005湖北)
A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to
答案: 1-3 D B B
v. [T] to suggest that someone or sth. would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done: 推荐
I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious.
She has been recommended for promotion.
The headmistress agreed to recommend the teachers' proposals to the school governors.
[+ (that)] The doctor recommended (that) I take more exercise.
[+ ing form of verb] I recommend writing your feelings down on paper.
The city has much/little to recommend it (= It has a lot of/few pleasant qualities).
adj. 被推荐的
It is dangerous to take more than the recommended dose of this medicine.
She is a highly recommended architect.
n. [C or U] a suggestion that sth. is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job:推荐
I bought this computer on John's recommendation (= because John told me that it was good).
I got the job on Sam's recommendation (= because she told her employers that I was suitable for the job).
[C] advice telling someone what the best thing to do is: 劝告
[+ that] The report makes the recommendation that no more prisons should be built.
2. Do you think that e-books will ever replace books in print? (P1) 你认为有一天电子书会取代印刷出版的书么?
v. [T] 1) to take the place of sth., or to put sth. or someone in the place of sth. or someone else: 代替
The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.
Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's main industry.
2) If you replace sth. broken, damaged or lost, you provide a new one: 取代
I promised to replace the plate that I'd dropped.
n. [C or U] 代替者
The agency sent a replacement for the secretary who resigned.
adj. 可代替的
Don't worry - all that stolen stuff is replaceable.
● Reading--- Appreciating literature
1. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today. (P2) 它们是很久以前创作的小说,戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,很受欢迎, 直至今日人们仍然在阅读这些作品。
 so...that结构中的so为副词,后面跟形容词或副词;such...that中的such为形容词,后面接名词 (名词前可以有形容词或副词修饰)。例如:
He became so angry that he couldn't speak. 他变得很生气,以致说不出话来。
  It was such a fine day that we went out for a walk. 那是一个很晴朗的日子,我们出去散步。
 当that前的名词有表示数量多少的many, much, few, little等修饰时,只能用so,不能用such。例如:
  There was so much noise outside that we couldn't hear the teacher. 外面嘈杂声很大,以致我们不能听到老师的话。
  He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over. 他跌了这么多的跤,以致全身青一块、紫一块的。
  注意:若名词前的little解释为“小(的)”意思时,则仍用such, 而不能用so。例如:
  It is such a little sheep that it can't run fast. 它是一只小绵羊,它不能够跑得快。
 当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有形容词修饰时,so与such可以互换,
  She is so good a teacher that we all love her.=She is such a good teacher that we all love her. 她是一位好老师,我们都爱她。
 当that前是不可数名词或复数可数名词时,则必须用such,不能用so来代替。例如:It was such fine weather that they all went swimming. 那是个好天气,他们都去游泳了。
They are such nice apples that we would like to eat them. 它们是如此好的苹果,以致我们想吃它们。
His plan was such a good one ______ we all agreed to accept it.(2006陕西)
A. as B. that C. so D. after which
答案: B.
v. [T] 1) to get or be given sth.: 收到
Did you receive my letter?
I received a phone call from your mother.
They received a visit from the police.
She died after receiving a blow to the head.
Members of Parliament received a 4.2% pay increase this year.
2) to be able to hear someone's voice when they are communicating with you by radio: (无线电)接收
I'm receiving you loud and clear.
3) to formally welcome a visitor or guest: 接待
She stood by the door to receive her guests as they arrived.
4) to react to sth. or someone in a particular way that shows how you feel about it or them: 被承认的,受欢迎的
The prime minister's speech was well/warmly/coldly, etc. received by the conference delegates.
n. [C] (ALSO telephone receiver) the part of the telephone that you hold to your ear and mouth: 接收器,话筒
She picked up the receiver and dialed his number.
Mary finally __________ Bruce as her life-long companion. (2002 上海)
A. received B. accepted C. made D. honoured
答案及解析: B. accept…as 接受某人为……认为某人是……, receive 强调客观上收到。accept强调主观上接受。
2. Many people do not read them because they think they are old fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today… (P2) 许多人不读经典文学作品是因为觉得它们过时了,枯燥乏味,与今天的生活没有任何关系。
adj. 1) not modern, belonging to or typical of a time in the past: 过时的
old-fashioned clothes/ideas/furniture
2) behaving or thinking in a way that is not modern and is more typical of a time in the past: 复古的
She's a bit old-fashioned in her outlook.
have nothing to do with
be/have something to do with
to be related to sth. or a cause of sth. but not in a way that you know about or understand exactly: 与…有关
I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance.
It might have something to do with the way it's made.
3. Why else would many films based on them be successful? (P2) 要不然为什么许多根据经典文学改编的电影可以成功呢?
adv. used after words beginning with any-, every-, no- and some-, or after how, what, where, who, why but not which, to mean other, another, different, additional: 其他的
Everybody else has (= All the other people have) agreed except for you.
If it doesn't work, try something else (= something different).
Let's go before they ask us to visit anyone else (= another person).
It's not my bag. It must be someone else's (= it must belong to another person).
The book isn't here. Where else (= In what other place) should I look?
He came to see you. Why else (= For what other reason) would he come?
After I'd thanked them I didn't know what else (= what other things) to say.
1. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from . (2005 湖北)
A.everyone else B.the other C.someone else D.the rest
2. -I hear they aren’t pleased with the house you’ve chosen for them.
-Well, _______ could they live in such comfort? (2003北京春)
A.where else B.what else C.how D.why
3. If this dictionary is not yours, __________can it be? (2001全国春)
A. what else B. who else C. which else's D. who else's
4. — Victor certainly cares too much about himself.
— Yes. He’s never interested in what ______ is doing. (2005 重庆)
A. no one else B. anyone else C. someone else D. nobody else
5. I don’t think we’ve met before. You’re taking me for ______. (2005 安徽)
A. some other B. someone else C. other person D. one other
6. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will________. (2004 江苏)
A. anyone B. anyone else C. no one D. no one else
1. A 跟其每个人的不同之处
2. A 其他什么地方
3. D 其他哪个人的
4. B 其他任何人
5. B 其他某个人
6. B 其他任何人
n. [C] 1) the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of sth.: 底座,根基
a crystal glass with a heavy base
At the base of the cliff was a rocky beach.
This cream provides an excellent base for your make-up (= a good bottom layer on which other layers can be put).
2) the activity or people from which someone or sth. gets most of their support, money, etc.: 基础
A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing base.
We're aiming to expand our customer base.
3) the main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business from, or a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members of the armed forces live: 基地
I spend a lot of time in Brussels, but London is still my base.
Nice is an excellent base for (= place to stay when) exploring the French Riviera.
an old naval/military base
v. [T usually + adv. or prep.] 以…为基础
Where is your firm based?
He was based in (= He lived in or was at a military establishment in) Birmingham during the war.
a Manchester-based company
community-based programs
base sth. on sth. phrasal verb
If you base sth. on facts or ideas, you use those facts or ideas to develop it:
The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.
4. He first published many novels one chapter at a time in newspapers, and some were later performed on stage. (P2) 他的许多小说起初是在报纸上连载, 每次一章, 有些作品后来被搬上了舞台.
at a time
dealing with things separately: 每次,一次
If you raise your hands, I’ll answer your questions one at a time.
Frank took the stairs two at a time.
Because of his work, he is often away for weeks at a time.
once upon a time
used at the beginning of children's stories to mean 'a long time ago': 很久很久以前
Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess with long golden hair.
Once upon a time people knew the difference between right and wrong, but nowadays nobody seems to care.
at the same time
despite this: 与此同时,尽管如此
No-one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.
all the time
continuously: 一直,总是
I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time.
for the time being
for a limited period: 暂时
Leave the ironing for the time being - I'll do it later.
in no time (ALSO in next to no time)
very quickly or very soon: 很快,不久
The children ate their dinner in no time.
We'll be home in next to no time.
ahead of time
in advance: 提前
Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where.
at any time
ever: 任何时候
Parking is not allowed here at any time.
at (any) one time (ALSO at a time or at any given time)
at or during any particular point or moment in the day:
Only a certain number of people are allowed in the building at any one time.
I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to help you now - I can only do one thing at a time.
at the time
at the particular point when sth. was thought of or done: 当时,此时
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
in time
early enough:及时
I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.
If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.
We arrived in good time (= We arrived early) for the start of the match.
from time to time
sometimes but not often: 时不时的
From time to time I still think of her
at one time
in the past: 曾经,一度
At one time, George Eliot lived here.
on stage
n. [C] 1) the area in a theatre which is often raised above ground level and on which actors or entertainers perform: 舞台
Hamlet is on stage for most of the act.
The orchestra went on/off stage to great applause.
The play is a stage adaptation of William Golding's novel.
The opera singer returns to the London stage (= will perform again in London) this summer.
2) a particular area of public life: 政治舞台
The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disliked in his own country.
v. [T] 1) to arrange and perform a play or show: 安排一部戏等
The local drama group is staging a production of the musical 'Grease'.
2) to organize an event: 组织
Barcelona staged the Olympic Games in 1992.
n. [C] the performance of a play or show: 表演
The production is a modern staging of the fairy tale 'Cinderella'.
be on the stage
to be an actor:
Her daughter is an artist and her son is on the stage.
go on the stage
to become an actor:
At the age of ten, he decided that he wanted to go on the stage.
5. By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world. (P2) 他的去世令世界失去了一个最伟大的英国作家。
the end of life: 死亡
The disease causes thousands of deaths a year.
Do you believe in life after death?
He never got over the death of his daughter.
to death
until you die: 直到死
The animals burned to death in the barn.
He choked to death on a fish bone.
The traitor was put to death (= killed as a punishment).
bored/frightened, etc. to death
extremely bored/frightened, etc. 厌烦/恐惧到极点
the cause of the end of life, or the end or destruction of sth.:
The failure of the family business was the death of him.
That child will be the death of me (= is always doing something which upsets me)!
die a/the death UK (US die a natural death)
to fail and end:
The play, like so many before it, died the death after a week.
6. Great Expectation is set in England in the early 1800s. (P3)《远大前程》以十八世纪初的英格兰为背景。
be set in
v. [T usually + adv. or prep.] setting, set, set
to put sth. in the stated place or position: 安置,放置
He set a vase of flowers on the table.
The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest.
Our house is set back from the road.
If a story, film, etc. is set in a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place: 电影,故事等以……为背景
'West Side Story' is set in New York in the late 1950s.
set 常用短语
set about sth. phrasal verb
to start to do or deal with sth.: 开始做…
[+ ing form of verb] I've no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car.
I tried to apologize, but I think I set about it the wrong way.
set about sb. phrasal verb LITERARY
to attack someone: 袭击,攻击
Her attacker set about her with a knife.
set sth. aside phrasal verb
to save sth., usually money or time, for a special purpose: 储蓄钱等
He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids.
[+ to infinitive] I set aside half an hour every evening to hear Erik read.
set sth. aside phrasal verb
to decide that you will not be influenced by your own feelings or opinions because they are not important at a particular time: 不管,忽略
In times of war people tend to set aside political differences.
Setting aside the question of cost, what do you think of the idea in principle?
set sth. back phrasal verb
to reduce sth. to a weaker or less advanced state: 减少
This result has set back their chances of winning the competition.
set sth. down phrasal verb
to write or print sth., especially to record it in a formal document: 记下,写下
The rules of the club are set down in the members' handbook.
set sth. off phrasal verb
to cause an activity or event, often a series of events, to begin or happen: 使发生
The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.
to cause a loud noise or explosion, such as that made by a bomb or an alarm (= a warning sound), to begin or happen: 使爆炸
Terrorists set off a bomb in the city centre.
Somebody set the alarm off on my car.
set out phrasal verb
to start an activity with a particular aim: 着手做…
She set out with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship.
[+ to infinitive] They set out to discover a cure for cancer.
set sth. out phrasal verb
to arrange sth., usually a number of things, in an attractive or organized way: 安排,组织
The market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls.
Every evening Michael sets out the breakfast things on the table, ready for the morning.
set an example
to behave in a way that other people should copy: 树立榜样
You should be setting a good example to your younger brother.
set sth./sb. on fire
to cause sth. or someone to start burning: 使着火
A peace campaigner had set herself on fire in protest at the government's involvement in the war.
set fire to sth./sb.
to cause sth.or someone to start burning:
Soldiers had chased the protesters into a warehouse and set fire to it.
set light to sth. UK
to cause something to start burning:
The lamp caught fire and set light to the curtains.
lay/set the table
to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal: 摆放餐具
Could you lay the table for lunch, please?
It's ten years since the scientist _______on his life's work of discovering the valuable chemical. (2004 江苏)
A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up
答案及解析:选B. 着手开始做…
7. Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.(P3)皮普的姐姐几乎没有什么善言好语,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。
would rather
The phrase would rather means ‘prefer to do sth.’. It is usually shortened to ’d rather in informal English.
I’d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.
We could go to the park for a picnic next Sunday if you would rather do that.
She’d rather go shopping in the afternoon.
The phrase would rather --- than --- means ‘to prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else’.
I’d rather stay at home than go shopping in the crowded department store.
I’d rather go to the cinema to watch a new film than watch an old one at home.
She’d rather read storybooks than watch cartoon films.
To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _____ travel by air. (2004 全国)
A. as B. to C. than D. while
答案: C
8. Mist is symbol of danger and uncertainty in Great Expectations. (P3)《远大前程》中雾是危险和不确定性的象征。
n. [C] 1) a sign, shape or object which is used to represent sth. else: 象征
A heart shape is the symbol of love.
The wheel in the Indian flag is a symbol of peace.
2) sth. that is used to represent a quality or idea:
Water, a symbol of life, recurs as an image throughout her poems.
3) an object can be described as a symbol of sth. else if it seems to represent it because it is connected with it in a lot of people's minds:
The private jet is a symbol of wealth.
4) a number, letter or sign used in mathematics, music, science, etc: 符号
The symbol for oxygen is O2.
9. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. (P3) 搬到伦敦让皮普兴奋不已,他迫不及待地开始了他的新生活。
adv. only just; almost not: 几乎不
I could hardly hear her at the back.
The party had hardly started when she left.
He hardly ate anything/He ate hardly anything.
We hardly ever (= almost never) go to concerts.
Hardly had a moment passed before the door creaked open.
adv. certainly not: 当然不
You can hardly expect a pay rise when you've only been working for the company for two weeks!
Well don't be angry with me - it's hardly my fault that it's raining!
1. I must be getting fat - I can ______ do my trousers up. (2004 全国)
A. fairly B. hardly C. nearly D. seldom
2. It is ______ any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much. (2004 广东)
A. no B. such C. nearly D. hardly
3. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he ______passed the last exam. (2000 上海)
A. easily B. hardly B. actually D. successfully
1. B. 我裤子几乎拉不上去了.
2. D. It’s hardly any wonder =It’s no wonder 难怪(不足为怪)
3. B. 没通过上次的考试.
10. Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella’s love. (P3) 皮普一心要成为一名绅士,赢得爱斯特拉的芳心。
v. [I or T] (bent, bent) 1) to (cause to) curve: (使)弯曲
I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
Now, bend forward/over and touch your toes!
Make sure you bend your knees when you're picking up heavy objects.
The road bends to the left after the first set of traffic lights.
After her fall she complained that she couldn't bend her leg properly.
2) to unwillingly accept the opinions or decisions of other people: 向……屈服
The local council was forced to bend to public pressure.
n. [C] a curved part of sth.: 弯头
There's a bend in the pipe so you can't see from one end to the other.
The car came round the bend on the wrong side of the road.
be bent on
means to be completely determined to to do sth. bad.
The crowd of young people was bent on violence.
Their actions show clearly that they are bent on destroying his career.
11. a large sum of (P5)
n. [C] 1) an amount of money: 一笔钱
Huge sums of money are spent on national defense.
He'll get £50 000 from the company when he retires, which is a tidy (= large) sum.
HUMOROUS I worked for three whole weeks for which I received the princely (= very low) sum of $100.
2) a calculation, especially a simple one, using such processes as adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing: 计算
I remember how much I hated doing sums when I was at school.
n. [S] the whole number or amount when two or more numbers or amounts have been added together: 总数
The sum of thirteen and eight is twenty-one.
in sum
considered as a whole: 总的来看
The meeting was, in sum, a disaster.
the sum of
all of sth.: 所有的
I'm afraid that's the pitiful sum of my knowledge on the subject!
sum up phrasal verb
When a judge sums up towards the end of a trial, he or she makes a speech to the jury telling them again of the main matters they should consider in the case. 结案总结
sum (sth./sb.) up phrasal verb
to describe or express briefly the important facts or characteristics about sth. or someone: 总结
The best way of summing up the situation in our office is to say that it is 'absolute chaos'.
I'd just like to sum up by saying that it's been a tremendous pleasure to work with you.
He's a small man with a big ego - that about sums him up, doesn't it?
sum sb./sth. up (OPINION) phrasal verb [M]
to quickly form an opinion about someone or sth.: 迅速形成观点
She summed up the situation quickly and took charge.
12. make the acquaintance of (P5)
n. [C] a person that you have met but do not know well: 见过的人
a business acquaintance
[U] FORMAL used in some expressions about knowing or meeting people:
It was at the Taylors' party that I first made his acquaintance (= first met him).
I wasn't sure about Darryl when I first met her, but on further acquaintance (= knowing her a little more) I rather like her.
[U] FORMAL knowledge of a subject:
Sadly, my acquaintance with Spanish literature is rather limited.
have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.
to know someone slightly or have a slight knowledge of a subject:
She has only a nodding acquaintance with the issues involved.




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