高一 Unit 18 New Zealand (Reading)(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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Period 3 Reading
Teaching Aims:
General reading: Understanding of the reading material.
Develop the students’ reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.
Enable the students to know something about New Zealand.
Improve students’ knowledge
Consolidate the understanding of the text
Teaching difficulty:
Inferring according to the reading material.
The usage of the words and phrases
Teaching methods:
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework
Step 2 Pre-reading
Show some pictures of New Zealand to let the students talk about the country .
Step 3 Fast reading
Ask the students to read the text silently and fast to get general idea of each paragraph
Paragraph 1 geography Paragraph 2; climate
Paragraph 3: natural resource Paragraph 4 history
Step 4 Careful-reading
Read the passage again , then decide if the following sentences are true or false. Write “T” if the sentences is true .If it is false , write “T” and correct the error .
1. New Zealand lies to the east of Australia. T
2. It has two large islands and is as large as Japan T
3. The capital city is on the South Island. F
4. It is very hot in summer and very cold in winter. F
5. There are a lot of natural beauties in New Zealand, namely, clean sand beaches, green hills and moun-tains, dead volcanoes, hot springs and special plants and animals. T
6. Its population is mainly made up of by the Maori. F
7. The name of the country was given by Abel Tasman T
8. All the settlers came from Europe, most of whom were British. F
Read the text and fill in the form:
Location off the eastern coast of Australia
Capital Wellington on the North Island
Size the same as Japan
Climate A mild sea weather subtropical in the north
Season summer (Dec -- Feb) winter ( June-- Aug)
Natural beauty deep blue sea, deep harbour, clean beaches, green hills, hot springs
National bird kiwi (cannot fly)
Settlers earliest ----the Maori later----Europeans
Read again, tell what the word in bold refers to
It : New Zealand
Which : Hot springs
This heat : The heat near the earth’s surface
These settlers European & British settlers
It England
Step 5. Language points
. 1. New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia. 新西兰是澳大利亚东海岸外边的一个岛屿。
off 意为 “在离……的海上(in a part of the ocean that is near the land)”.
e.g. They live on the island off the coast of Fujian. 他们住福建沿海的一个岛屿上。
They were sailing two miles off shore. 他们在离岸两英里的海上航
off 还可以解释“靠近……(near a particular street, road, etc, but not directly on it)”.
e.g. The restaurant is just off the main road. 这家饭店就在主干道旁边。
2. It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island. 它(新西兰) 由两个大岛组成:北岛和南岛。
be made up of 由……组成 (consist of).
 e.g. Our class is made up of 32 boys and 20 girls. = Thirty-two boys and twenty girls make up our class.
 我们班由三十二个男生和二十个女生组成。
注意类似词语的意思:be made of 由……制造的(在产品中可以看出原材料)。
e.g. The bridge is made of steel. 这座桥是用钢材造的。
be made from 由……制造的(在产品中看不出原材料)。
e.g. Paper is made from wood. 纸张是用木料制成的。
 make up还可作“弥补;编造;整理;化妆”讲。例如:
 This story was made up by Tom. 这个故事是汤姆虚构的。
 She always makes up before leaving. 在走之前,她总是化一下妆。
 We must make it up to him somehow.
 我们得想个办法赔偿他。
3. New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east, and the Tasman Sea to the south and west. 新西兰北面和东面被太平洋包围, 南面和西面则是塔斯曼海。
surround…with …用……把……围住,常用于被动语态be surrounded by/ with, 意思是 “(四周)被……包围,围住”。要表达“在某一面被包围, 围住”,短语后面接介词to, by 或on。
e.g. The village is surrounded by mountains on its sides. 这个村子三面环山。
4. …many of New Zealand’s cities lie on a bay and have a natural, deep harbour. 新西兰许多城市都建在海湾上, 拥有天然的深水港。
这里的介词on表示“在……(水) 旁,靠近……(水);沿着(水边) (at the side of a river or area of water) ”。
e.g. Her mother comes from a small village on the Baltic Sea. 她母亲出身在靠近波罗的海的一个小村子里。
a town on the Mississippi 密西比河岸上的小镇
注意比较:on the coast 与off the coast.两者的意思都是“靠近岸边”,但前者表示在岸上;后者表示“在海上”。
5. It is some 3,500 kilometres from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they travelled in narrow boats. 从波利尼西亚到新西兰约有3,500公里, 他们乘着狭长的小船前来。
1) 此处“it”与“which”均指代距离;
2) some在句中是副词,通常用于数字前, 解释“大约(about)”。
e.g. That was some twenty years ago. 那是在大约20年前的事。
3) Polynesia (波利尼西亚) 是位于大洋洲东部的中太平洋群岛,主要包括法属波利尼西亚、夏威夷、汤加等
6.It is about the same size as Japan. 新西兰大约和日本一样大。
 the same…as…意为“与……一样/相同”。as后可接名词、代词、副词及从句。如:
 Your pen is the same as mine.
 according to the same rules as before. 根据以前的规则
注意:“the same +名词”后可接由as或that引导的定语从句。但是that强调的是同一件事情。例如:
 This is the same book as I lost the other day.
 这本书和我前几天去的那本一模一样。
 This is the same book that I lost the other day.
 这正是我前几天丢的那本书。

Step 6 post-reading
1. Look at the graphs below and choose the correct answers to the following questions.

(1).The highest temperature in Christchurch in winter
is about ___________.
A. 9 B. 11 C. 12 D. 16
(2). the city whose temperature changes from about 6 to 12 in winter is __________.
A. Auckland B. Wellington C. Christchurch D. Queenstown
(3). From summer to winter the greatest change in temperature ( between highest and lowest) is in _________.
A. Auckland B. Wellington C. Christchurch D. Queenstown
.(4). The cities whose rainfall changes least from winter to summer are ___________.

A. Queenstown and Wellington B. Auckland and Christchurch
C. Auckland and Wellington D. Christchurch and Queenstown
2.Compare the climate in China with that in New Zealand . What is the same and what is different ? Can you explain the differences ?
Step 7 Homework
Retell NEW ZEALAND in no more than 100 words.




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