Unit 2 The Olympic Games (Speaking and writing)(穝课标蔼英语ゲ毙毙学设计)

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Speaking and writing
Teaching aims:
1 help the students know more about sports in English
2 help the students develop their speaking and writing ability
3 help the students realize the importance of sports in their daily life.
4 develop the studentsˇ ability of teamwork and communicating with each other
5 help the students know more information about the Olympic Games
Teaching important points:
1 encourage the students to talk about their interest, esp in their familiar things
2 develop the studentsˇ realize of teamwork and communication
Teaching difficult points:
1 how to make all students take an active part in the activities
2 how to finish the tasks effectively.
Teaching methods:
Task-based learning, talking and discussing.
Teaching aids:
A computer , some slides
Teaching period:
40 minutes
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 lead-in
Lead in the topic by a proverb
He who is not healthy at twenty, wise at thirty, or wealthy (rich) at forty, will never be either.
-------Russian proverb
How old are you now? You are near 20, so we should be healthy. Then how can we keep healthy at 20?
(eat properly, sleep well, do sports,)
Can you tell me any other proverbs about sports.
Iˇll show you another ones.
冘 Life lies in sports.
冘 Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Also some quotations:
A little labour much health.
British proverb
Stop means death, and only sport can knock open the door to immortality (living forever).
R. Tagor
Health is the main factor to happiness, and exercise is an important guarantee of health.
J. Tomson
Today weˇll talk about sports. When we mention sports, what will you think of?
(NBA, World Cup and Olympic Games.)
Step 2 different kinds of sports (P49)
Do you know the following sport items?
Do you know what item means? (We can see a pen is a item.)
These are some sports in ancient china.
Cuju, golf, swimming, horsing and shooting
In modern time, more and more sports are invented.
Ball games: basketball, table tennis, badminton, baseball, football, ice hockey, tennis softball
Track & field: relay race, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, javelin.
Aquatic sports: surfing, swimming, diving, boating
Some others: fencing, shooting, judo, wrestling, boxing, skiing, weightlifting, cycling
Step 3 interview
Some of you may like one kind of sports very much. Letˇs have an interview. Work in pairs and ask your partner some questions:
His/Her favourite sports item
When he/she developed the hobby
What is enjoyable about this hobby
What difficulty he/she had
What practice he/she needs for the hobby
What you have learned from his/her hobby
While interviewing, write down some key words or sentences.
Step 4 information exchanging
Have you finished the interview and written down something? Now please exchange information about your partnerˇs favorite sport in two groups. Tell each other about his/her sports.
Step 5 speaking
First, let them talk freely, then show them the following version, and invite some of them to say something..
One possible version:
My friend Mikeˇs favourite sport is
He developed this hobby when. Once 
He likes it because . From it , he can
But there are also some problems
So in order to , he
From his story I know , .
Step 6 writing
How to write about your hobby? Show a version and analyze what we should write in each para.
Swimming is my favourite sport.(topic sentence) I learned it in the summer when I was eight. I like it because it can bring me much fan. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, youˇll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. (Benefits)
Itˇs a healthy sport and it can build up your body. But the process of learning is also a painstaking task. If you are a beginner, you must be careful. Youˇd better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. Maybe you will be drowned, maybe you will drink some dirty water into your stomach, and maybe you will get tired after an hourˇs swim.(difficulties)
In a word, if you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.(conclusion)
Would you please write some key sentences/words but not your whole writing about your hobby in class now. Iˇd like you to write it in 3 para. Then Iˇll invite some students to report. Iˇll give you 5 minutes please.
You can either write in this way or in the way you like..
para. 1 interest/fun
para. 2 dificulties
para.3 conclusion / what you have learnt from it.
Step 7 report
Maybe you havenˇt finished your writing. But I want to invite someone who has finished to report.
Invite some students. Teacher can give some suggestions if necessary.
Step 8 homework
Would you please finish your writing after class. While writing, you should pay attention to the following points:
1: use correct tenses and sentence structures
2: pay attention to punctuation. (do you know what punctuation is? )
3: writing of true feelings is encouraged
4: word limit: about 100 words




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