牛津英语模块3 Unit 2 Phrases 词组(译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

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1 in its broad/narrow sense 从广义/狭义上讲
Make sense 讲得通,有道理,有意义
Make no sense 讲不通,没意义
There is no sense / point in arguing with him.
There is no need to say sorry.
There is no time to meet you
2 exchanging information 交流信息
3 stand for a beaming smile 代表微笑
4 all over the world = throughout the world
=across the world 遍及世界;世界各地
throughout history 整个历史期间
5 inform their partners about / of food 通知他的同伴有食物
regret to inform you 很遗憾地通知你…
6 effective methods for studying English
with this method 用这种方法
by this means用这种方法
in this way用这种方法
7 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物;和某人共用某物
8 a language with so many confusing rules
9 be made up of =consist of 由。。。组成
make up a story 编一个故事
make up a class 组成一个班级
make up for 弥补
10 develop into …发展成….
with the development of science and technology 随着科学技术的发展
under development 在发展中
develop into a developed country
11 mix salt with sugar 把糖和盐相混合
mix up 混合
12 bring sth with sb 某人随身携带某物
13 be different from French in pronunciation
differ from French in pronunciation
tell the differences between Chinese and Japanese 辨别汉语和日语的区别
14 It is certain that we would not be able to understand it. 我们一定不会明白的。
She is certain/sure to pass the exam。 她一定会通过考试
for some reason / for a certain reason
make sure /certain that… 弄清楚,弄明白
be sure / certain about / of 对….有把握
15 official language 官方语言
mother tongue母语
master a foreign language 掌握一门外语
16 find it hard to make a decision 觉得很难作决定
17 contribute to
=make a contribution to sth / doing sth
18 take control of the country 控制这个国家
under control 得到控制
under the control of King
19 be replaced with/by French 被法语代替
take the place of sth: replace代替….
20 even though/if 即使
as though / if 好象
what if ..如果……的话,那该怎么办;倘使/假若….,该怎么办
21 have an impact / effect / influence on the development of English
22 result in sickness 造成/引起疾病
result from traffic jam 由交通拥挤造成
as a result 结果
as a result of sth 是…的结果,由于
23 work as servants 作为仆人
24 raise / keep animals 饲养动物
raise the national flag 升国旗
raise your hand 举手
25 upper class people 上层人
26 common people 老百姓
27 by the latter half of the 14th century
到14 世纪后半期
28 use English for all official occasions
English is used for all official occasions.
be used to communicate 被用于交流
be used as a tool 被用作工具
be used to life here/ living here.
China is no longer what it used to be.
29 because of 由于,因为
due to由于,因为
owing to由于,因为
thanks to 幸亏,由于
30 undergo huge changes经历/发生很大的变化
31 during this period 在此期间
32 affect style of speech 影响语言风格
33 depend on 依靠,取决于,视……而定
rely on 依靠,依赖
34 refer to the text 参考课文
35 lose face 丢脸,丢面子
36 in everyday life 在日常生活中
37 a large/great number of phrases 大量词组
large numbers of departments 许多部门
a great / good many prisoners 很多犯人
A large amount of jewellery 很多珠宝
= a great deal of jewellery 很多珠宝
Plenty of methods/progress+ 可数/不可数
A large quantity of volunteers / information
Large quantities of + 可数/不可数
lots of +可数/不可数
a lot of +可数/不可数
38 have difficulty understanding local dialect
39 throw away rubbish 扔垃圾
40 right away 立刻,马上
41 in addition 而且: what’ more; besides
42 have a word with sb 和某人说句话
have words with sb 和某人吵架
in a / one word 总之
in other words 换句话说
receive / get word 得到消息
43 take my concerns into consideration
take action to do sth 采取行动做某事
take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事
44 stop / prevent people (from) littering
Keep people from littering
45 look forward to meeting you. 期望看到你
look up new words in the dictionary
look down on / upon the poor
look up to heroes 尊敬英雄
look into problems 调查问题
46 promise to give me money 同意给我钱
make a promise 许下诺言
keep one’s promise 遵守诺言
break one’s promise 违背/不遵守诺言
47 My dream came true. 我梦想成真
realize / live my dream 实现我的梦想
dream about / of becoming a pilot
48 It is a waste of time. 这是浪费时间
waste time doing sth 浪费时间做某事
spend time doing sth 花费时间做某事
spend time on sth 在某件事上花时间
pass time : kill time打发时间,消磨时间
49 guess the meaning of unknown words from the context 根据上下文猜测生词意思
50 the increasing/growing number of borrowed words 越来越多的外来词
51 disagree with him about/ on this problem
agree with him about / on this thing
agree with 与…一致,适合
52 set a standard for the English language
53 care about 在乎,关心
care for 喜欢
54 government department 政府部门
55 at one time 曾经
56 ban/forbid people from smoking
ban n/doing 禁止某事/做某事
57 make communication between people much easier 使人们之间的交流更容易
58 have access to 能够接近/使用…
59 take up a lot of time 占据很多时间
take up arms 拿起武器
take up a job as a teacher从事教师工作
60 turn out 结果,原来,证明
Turn up 出现;调高音量
Turn down 拒绝;调低音量
Turn off lights 关灯
Turn into : change into 变成…
61 make no difference 没有影响/区别
62 nod head up and down 上下点头
shake one’s head from side to side 左右摇头
63 point at 指着….
get to the point 说正题
on / upon the point of doing sth when….
64 confuse Austria with Australia 把奥地利和澳大利要弄混淆
65 shorten the distance 缩短距离
In the distance 在远方
over a long distance 在很远的地方
66 look directly into his eyes 正视他的眼睛
67 look back down at his books 回头看他的书
68 back and forth 前前后后
69 it is suggested that we should follow the teacher’s directions when doing experiments
suggest (him) giving up smoking
take / follow one’s suggestions/advice
70 It seems likely that…似乎可能…..
It seems as if …..好像…..
It looks as if ….看起来好像….
be less likely to do sth 更不可能….
71 spoken language 口语
written language 书面语
body language 身体语言
72 in that 因为
73 change over time 随着时间的改变
74 simplified Chinese characters 简化字
75 as a whole 总体上,作为整体
on/upon the whole 大体上,基本上
77 combine two elements together
78 in the direction of ….朝着….的方向
in all directions 向各个方向/四面八方
follow one’s directions 遵从老师的指示
79 turn out to be a big surprise for everyone
80 set fire to the prison 放火烧监狱
set the prison on fire放火烧监狱
81 opposite to the bookshop 在书店对面
82 be supposed to congratulate me on my success 应该祝贺我的成功
83 be satisfied with their choice
84 be qualified / fit for his position
85 over and over again 反复地,再三地




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