Unit 16 The American South (Reading integrating学案)教师版(人教版高二英语下册学案设计)

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Learning Plan for the Reading of Unit 16
The American South
By Lin Lijiang (Mar. 25 2007)
I. Introduction:
The reading part is an introduction about the history of the American South, which is full of disaster, success and hope. The passage focuses on the development and changes in Atlanta, Georgia, since the Civil War. It mainly describes the struggle for the Civil Rights, the struggle against racial discrimination, the famous leader, Martin Luther King, and his spirit.
II. Learning Goals
1. Get to know the writing style of the passage.
2. Be able to know that the USA is a country with a diverse culture.
3. Further understand the Great Depression and the Civil Rights Movement.
4. Learn some symmetric(对称的) beautiful sentences
III. Learning Important Points:
Try to know about the history of the USA and how the passage is organized.
IV. Learning Difficult Points
Get the students to discuss and report their discussion about the questions in the post-reading part.
V. Learning Methods:
Skimming for the main idea, scanning for the details, predicting, comparing.
VI. Learning Procedures:
Step 1. Pre-reading
Talk about some changes in China
1) Before liberation:

2) After liberation
The great cultural revolution:

Reform and opening:

3) What about the American South? (If you know that, please tell us. If not, please skim the title, the pictures, the first and the last sentence of each paragraph. Then put the events below in the correct place on the timeline.)

30,000 years ago
Step 2 Scan the passage and answer the following questions:
1. Which of the followings are mentioned in the text?
( ) Segregation & civil rights movements. ( ) Geography and climate.
( ) Society & economy ( ) Hardship & suffering of the South
( ) Sports & culture ( ) Custom & film
2. Try to find out how many parts we can divide it into and what each part mainly talks about

3. Which part of the USA is more developed, the South or the North?
4. What is the south like now?
5. The passage is mainly about ____.
A. the sufferings in the history of the South
B. the quick development of the South after the Civil War
C. the Civil Rights Movement of the black people
D. the famous cities of the South
Step 3 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
1. Are the cities in the American South well developed as the other cities in the north?

2. Why does the author say that “ But the story of the South is also one of hope and success”?

2. What kind of city has Atlanta become?

3. What was the aim of the demonstrations led by Dr. Martin Luther King?

4. What is the American South known for?

Step 4 Read the passage again and find out how the following ideas are supported (find out examples).
1. The history of the South is one of suffering:
(Hints: What caused the hardship and suffering of the South? And what was the result?)
Time Events Sufferings
1492 The arrival of European settlers Native Americans being killed or driven off
2. The story of the south is also one of hope and success (examples):
1). The people of Atlanta struggled to rebuild the city and create a new south.
Step 5 Post –reading in the textbook.
1. Match the examples with the statements(P.44)
2. Discuss the questions(P45)
Step 6 Language points
1. Read the passage and find out some symmetric(对称的) beautiful sentences:

2. Pay attention to the following words or phrases(make a sentence):
1). sacrifice:
at the sacrifice of 以牺牲……为代价

sell sth. at a sacrifice 贱卖、亏本出售

2) recover:
recover from 从……中恢复过来

recover oneself 恢复健康、清醒过来、镇定下来、重新站稳

3) despite:
4) see:
5) in honour of sb./sth.:出于对……的敬意

6) vain:
①. adj.“徒劳的、白费功夫的”

②. in vain:

7) determine/ decide
①. determine:
determine to do sth. = be determined to do sth. 决定做某事

determine + that-clause = be determined + that-clause 决心(should + 动词原形)

determine on = be determined on “决定、决心”后接 n./pron./-ing

②. decide:
decide sth.

decide to do sth.

make a decision to do sth.

make up one's mind to do sth. 决定、决心做某事

decide + that-clause (should + 动词原形)

3. What other words or phrases do you want to know?

Step 7 Homework
Remember the new words and phrases in this passage.




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