江苏省靖江高级中学学案Unit 4 Helping people around the world(译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)

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Unit 4 Helping people around the world
Class ____________Name ____________ No. ____________
Learning goals:
Ⅰ. Goals for knowledge:
1. To read a speech made by a UN Goodwill Ambassador and the diary entry of a MAF nurse
2. To listen to a news report about problems in the mountains in northern Thailand
3. To discuss the work and skills of a UN Goodwill Ambassador and talk about ways in which students could help children in poor areas
4. Grammar: subjunctive mood (2)
Ⅱ. Goals for skills and strategies:
1. To develop speaking ability by talking about different ways to helping people around the world
2. To discuss how to help people in need
To learn how to understand a speaker’s attitude while reading
about stand-up.
Listening: To learn a listening skill by identifying problems and causes
Writing: To write a proposal
Acting: To make an action plan
Ⅲ. Goals for culture and emotions:
1. To know more about ways of helping people around the world
2. To learn something about International organizations
Self-study work
Part Ⅰ Welcome to the unit
1. Look at the following six pictures and discuss the following questions:
1) Have you seen any of the situations above in real life or on TV? How did you feel about them?
2) Have you ever helped people in need? What did you do?
3) What do you think you can do to help people around the world as a student?
2. Translate the following into English:
1)联合国亲善大使 2)制定一个行动计划
3)抽水灌溉农田 4)生活在贫困之中
5)没有自来水和电 6)帮助需要帮助的人


Part Ⅱ. Reading
1. Skimming: read the text quickly and answer the following questions
1) Who is Tang Ning?
2) How many countries belong to the UN?
3) Which countries has Tang Ning visited?
2. Scanning: read the text again carefully and try to find out some detailed information
1) Some information about the UN
The United Nations
When it was set up
Countries in the UN (originally)
Problems it deals with helps end ;
assists ;
protects ; improves ;
helps with other problems such as .
Its four main purposes
Goals it promises to achieve by 2005
2) Some information about Tang Ning
Tang Ning
the work she takes up in the UN
the salary she earns in the UN
the project she is involved in
the way she helps those people in need
the feeling she has about her job
3. Discussion:
Discuss the job Tang Ning is doing and what you think about her.
4. Translate the following into English.
1) 一个由多国组成的国际组织 2) 实施扶助项目__________________________
3) 帮助战争及灾难的受害者______________ 4) 另外__________________________________
5) 提高人们的……的意识________________ 6) 组织自救______________________________
7) 编织材料____________________________ 8) 运气好的话____________________________
9) 在……的管理下______________________ 10) 除了各种紧急问题_____________________
11) 教育匮乏___________________________ 12) 实现八个发展目标______________________
13) 完成基础教育_______________________ 14) 浏览联合国的网站______________________
15) 表明它的主要目标___________________ 16) 代表需要帮助的人们____________________
17) 在偏远的地方工作___________________
18) 能够担当此角色我感到很荣幸。
19) 该组织参与维和行动,协助终止世界上一些最恐怖的冲突。
20) 此外,我的访问还会鼓励那些致力于这些项目的人,并吸引当地人民对相关情形的注意力。
21) 其中之一的目标就是保证每个人都能够享受到新鲜的饮用水。
22) 由于联合国的工作,全世界的人靠的更近了。
23) 联合国建立在宪章的基础之上,该宪章确立了联合国四大宗旨,即:维护国际和平;发展各国之间的友好关系;进行国际合作,以解决国际间的各种问题,增进对于全体人类之人权的尊重;构成一个协调各国行动或工作的中心。
5. Language points:
1. I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to. (Page 50, lines 1-2)
(1) as, “正如……”, 关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,指代前文或后文整个句子,在从句中充当主语或宾语
(2) refer to ①提及,谈到
He suggested the man ________ in the letter be helped out of the difficulty.
A. be referred to B, referred C. referred to D. referring to
②参考,参阅 refer to the dictionary __________________________
③refer to…as…把……称为/当作……
California is referred to as the “Golden State”. _____________________________________________
④refer…to…把……交给……; 把……归功于……
他们把他们的成功归功于老师. _______________________________________________________
2. I feel honored to have been able to take on this role. (Page 50, lines 6-7)
(1) feel/be honored to do 做……感到荣幸
honor n. 尊敬,荣誉,光荣
have the honor of doing…/have the honor to do …有荣幸做……
我有荣幸与你跳舞吗? ______________________________________________________________
do sb. the honor of doing…给予某人……的荣幸
in honor of __________________________
(2) take on 担当,承担
take on 还有“雇佣;呈现,出现”的意思。
雇佣一个新秘书__________________________ 呈现新面貌__________________________
区别:take away__________________________ take back___________________________
take down__________________________ take off____________________________
take over___________________________ take up_____________________________
3. Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps……
apart from 在句中表示 “除……之外….; 此外(还有)”, 相当于besides。
apart from还可以表示“除……以外(别无)”,相当于except。
区别:except______________ except for______________ besides _________________
apart from_________________ in addition to_______________________
4. It has a charter which sets out its main purposes. One of the jobs of the UN is to protect human rights and improve laws on behalf of people who need help.
(1) set out 宣布,表明;出发;着手做…….
出发前往上海__________________________ 动手油漆整座房子_________________________
区别:set about_________________________ set aside __________________________________
set…free_________________________ set up____________________________________
set off___________________________
(2)on behalf of 代表,为了……的利益,为了
Part Ⅲ. Word power
1. Please translate the following terms into English:
1)联合国____________________________ 2)非政府组织____________________________
3)国际劳工组织______________________ 4)粮农组织_______________________________
5)联合国教科文组织__________________ 6)世界卫生组织___________________________
7)国际民用航空组织__________________ 8)万国邮政联盟___________________________
9)国际货币基金组织__________________ 10)联合国儿童基金会______________________
11)联合国环境规划署_________________ 12)联合国禁毒署__________________________
13)联合国开发计划署_________________ 14)联合国妇女发展基金____________________
2. Please translate the following phrases into English:
1) 贷款给发展中国家_________________ 2) 为……树立标准_________________________
3) 保护世界自然文化遗产______________ 4) 创造就业机会 __________________________
5) 旨在 ____________________________ 6) 由……组成 ____________________________
Part Ⅳ. Grammar and usage---Subjunctive Mood (2)
If you had taken my advice at that time, you would know what to do now.
2.含蓄条件句。有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟条件句中并不总是出现if引导的条件句,而通过其它手段来代替条件句,例如with/without, but for(除了), otherwise/or。
What would you do with a million dollar? (= if you had a million dollars)
We couldn’t have finished the work ahead of time without your help. (= if we hadn’t got your help)
But for the rain (= If it hadn’t been for the rain), we would have finished the work.
He telephoned to inform me of my birthday, or I would have known nothing about it.
3. 常用非真实条件虚拟语气的其它句型:
1) wish后that引导的宾语从句中。如:
I wish I were as clever as you.
I wish I hadn’t missed the train yesterday!
2) would rather后的宾语从句中。如:
I’d rather you didn’t go there.
3) as if/though引导的表语从句和方式状语从句中。如:
He looks as if/though he were an artist.
4) If only引导的感叹句中。如:
If only I were the principal!
5) It is (high) time that…句式中。如:
It’s (high) time that we went home now.
二、(should) do形式的虚拟语气
在下列句型中,常用“should +动词原形”且should可以省略:
1.用在表示建议、命令和要求的动词所引导的宾语从句中。常见的动词有:insist, order, command, advise, suggest, propose, demand , require, request, desire等。如:
The doctor suggested/insisted that she (should) stay in bed for a few days.
注意:当suggest作“暗示,表明”讲,insist做“坚持说”讲时,后边that从句不用虚拟语气。如:Mike insisted that he had never stolen anything.
The look on his face suggested that he was hungry.
2.在名词advice, order, suggestion, request, proposal等后面that引导的同位语从句,或这些名词作主语是后面that引导的表语从句中。如:
We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) give up the plan.
3.在It is necessary/natural/strange/important…that和It is a pity/a shame/no wonder…that从句中。如:It’s necessary that we (should) clean the room every day.
It’s a shame that our team should lose the game.
Heaven help him! God bless you! May you succeed!
Long live the People’s Republic of China!
PartⅤ. Task and project
Please translate the following into English
1)抚养孩子__________________________ 2)推荐使用可替换燃料_____________________
3)取水______________________________ 4)遭受营养不良___________________________
5)总之______________________________ 6)资助一个孩子___________________________
7)筹集资金的方式____________________ 8)提出建议______________________________
9)处于混乱状态______________________ 10)一片狼籍______________________________
11)设立馈给站_______________________ 12)增加体重______________________________
14)在运输途中_______________________ 15)得到;抓住______________________________
16)提醒某人某事_____________________ 17)回想所有的经历________________________
18)做一些值得的事情_________________ 19)从另一个角度看事物____________________

Part VI Word study
1. operate
vt. 操作,实施
操作机器__________________________ 实施森林计划__________________________
vi. (1) (机器) 运转
How does the machine operate/work?_________________________________________________
(2)给……动手术 为某人动手术________________________
operation n. 手术 perform/do an operation on ___________________________
come into operation__________________________________
2. worth/worthy/worthwhile
1) worth adj. 有(……的价值),值…… be worth + n./doing
2) worthy adj. ①值得(做)……的
be worthy of sth./being done; be worthy to be done
He is a worthy person in town and lives a worthy life.___________________________________
3) worthwhile adj. 值得花费时间(金钱)的,值得的 a worthwhile task __________________
3. lack
n. 缺乏,不足 (a) lack of information/money__________________________________________
vt. 缺少,没有 lack sth.
lacking adj. 缺少的,不足的 be lacking in 缺少……, ……不足
4. remind vt. 提醒,使记得
remind sb. of sth.; remind sb. to do sth.; remind sb. that……
5. expense n. 费用,花费; 代价 living expenses¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________
at sb’s expense = at the expense of sb 由某人付费,对某人不利
He lives at his uncle’s expense.______________________________________________________
at the expense of sth. 以……为代价; 牺牲……
at any expense 不惜任何代价
6. means n. (单复同形) 方法,方式,手段
by means of 以……,借着……
by all means 一定,务必
Finish it in time by all means!______________________________________________________
— Can I borrow your car? — By all means.__________________________________________
by no means 一点也不,决不
By no means will I give up. ________________________________________________________

Part VII. Exercises
A. 单项选择:
1. ________ is well known ________ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.
A. It; that B. As; / C. As; as D. It; which
2. It’s ten years since the scientist ________ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemicals.
 A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up
3. Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.
A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in
4. _______ flowers, the pupils sent their teacher a nice greeting card for her birthday.
A. In addition to B. Part from C. Beside D. Except for
5. It is generally agreed that an internet café should be ________ to adults only.
A. availed B. accessible C. opened D. applied
6. —Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?
—News about the tsunami striking her country ________ an attack of homesick.
A. set for B. set out C. set about D. set off
7. May I ________ that a plan should be made for this term’s study?
A. remind you of B. remind you with C. remind to you D. remind you
8. Taking the children with us would only ________ our problem.
A. add to B. add C. add up to D. add up
9. Every possible means ________ to find out the solution to the problem.
A. have tried B. are tried C. has been tried D. have been tried
10. ________ with difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing
11. How wonderful it is to travel in space! ________ I were an astronaut.
A. Wish B. As if C. If only D. Otherwise
12. ---I won’t go for picnicking this afternoon because I want to have a rest.
---________ you change your mind, give me a call.
A. Might B. Should C. Were D. Would
13. But for the storm, we ________ a pleasant picnic journey yesterday.
A. should have B. have had C. would have D. should have had
14. The law demands that every citizen, whether white or colored, ________ equal rights in society.
A. has B. would have C. had D. have
15. It would be impossible for him to leave hospital tomorrow if he ________ first aid when the accident happened.
A. hadn’t been given B. wasn’t given
C. shouldn’t be given D. wouldn’t be given
16. In Britain today women ________ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers will children are in paid work.
A. make up B. make of
C. make from D. take up
17. I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he ________ everything.
A. knew B. knows C. has known D. had known
18. ---________ for the glass!
---It’s OK. I’m wearing shoes.
A. Look out B. Walk out C. Go out D. Set out
19. We had tried everything, but it made little ________.
A. good B. use C. result D. difference
20. ---Shall we go and help them with their work?
---We’d better not. They said we’d just be ________ if we tried to help.
A. in the way B. by the way C. on the way D. off the way
21. It is strange that she ________ so.
A. should think B. thinks C. will think D. would think
22. ---If the snow ________ so heavy, I could have been there by 3 o’clock.
---What a pity! Alice ________ there to see you.
A. weren’t; is B. hadn’t been; was
C. wouldn’t have been; would be D. hasn’t been; has been
B. 动词填空
1. If you had told her earlier, she wouldn’t ____________(cry) now.
2. ---I don’t think the film is worth ____________ (see) once more.
---I agree with you. A film like this isn’t worthy of ____________ (see) at all.
3. The doctor insisted that his patient ____________ (be) seriously ill and he ____________ (operate) on at once.
4. It’s time you ____________ (go) home and I’d rather you ____________ (come) again tomorrow.
5. The order came that the medical supplies ____________ (send) to the flooded areas without delay.
6. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____________ (score) a goal.
7. ---Look at these black clouds. It ____________ (rain) soon.
---Sure. If only we ____________ (not come) out.
8. Under more favorable conditions, I’m sure we ____________ (do) better.
9. Without his help, we ____________ (make) such rapid progress.
10. The little hero’s pale face suggested he ____________(be) dead.
模块六Unit 4 Helping the people around the world (答案)
Part II Reading:
5. Language Points:
1. As we all know/As is known to us, Taiwan is part of China.
He is from Britain/an Englishman, as I know from his accent.
C 查字典 加利福尼亚被称之为“黄金之洲”。
They referred their success to their teacher.
2. I feel very honored to be invited to give such a lecture.
May I have the honor of dancing with you?
Will you do me the honor of dining with me tonight?
No one wanted to take on this challenge—it was just too dangerous.
take on a new secretary take on a new look
take away 拿走,带走 take back 取回;归还;使想起 take down 拿下;拆毁;记下
take off 脱下;起飞 take over 接管 take up 占据;举起;开始工作或对……感兴趣
3. Apart from football, I also like swimming and dancing.
Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.
4. set out for Shanghai set out to paint the whole building
set about开始,着手set about doing set aside 储存,把……放在一边; 忽视,不顾
set free 释放 set up 建立
set off 出发,动身(set off for sp.);引爆;使……开始做(set sb. off doing sth.)
I will give you our warm welcome on behalf our class.
Part VI Word Study:
1. operate the machine operate the forest program
The doctor will operate on his leg tomorrow.
The sick man needs operating on. 给……动手术 生效
2. The exhibition is well worth a visit/visiting.
His behavior is worthy of praise/of being praised/to be praised.
3. Lack of heat made us (feel) cold. The project failed due to/for lack of money.
They lacked money to send him to university.
4. The story reminded me the experience I once had. She reminded to water flowers.
5. 生活费
He paid all the school expenses by himself.
He saved the girl from drowning at the expense of his life.
6. Thoughts can be expressed by means of music. 无论如何都要及时完成它.
I am by no means satisfied with my present income. 我决不屈服.
Part VII Exercises:
B. 1. be crying; 2. seeing, of being seen; 3. was; (should) be operated; 4. went, came
5. (should) be sent; 6. would have scored; 7. is going to; hadn’t come; 8. would have done
9. wouldn’t have made; 10. was




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