Phrases and sentences in USE Grade 7—1 & reading(外研版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

一. 重点、难点
1. Summarize the phrases and sentence patterns and grammar in this book
2. Reading passages for comprehension
二. 具体内容
1. the first lesson第一节课 2. twelve years old十二岁
3. family name 姓 4. given name 名字
5. hotel manager酒店经理 6. factory worker工厂工人
7. science lab科学实验室 8. dining hall饭厅/食堂
9. healthy food健康食品 10. favorite food最喜欢的食物
11. ice cream冰激凌 12. film star电影明星
13. a great idea好主意 14. magic show魔术表演
15. swimming lesson游泳课 16. a cinema ticket一张电影票
17. a pair of trainers一双运动鞋 18. a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤
19. my school day我的一天学校生活 20. half past six六点半
21. a silk shirt一件丝绸衬衣 22. CD by her favorite singer她最喜欢歌手的CD
1. sit down坐下
2. stand up起立
3. play football/ basketball / table tennis踢足球/打篮球/打乒乓球
4. play the piano弹钢琴
5. ride a horse/ a bike骑马/骑自行车
6. speak English讲英语
7. have got有
8. talk about谈论
9. watch football match看足球赛
10. go to the cinema去看电影
11. invite sb. to …邀请某人来……
12. look for寻找
13. make a conversation会话
14. stay at home呆在家里
15. get up起床
16. have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner吃早餐/午餐/饭
17. have a break休息一下
18. talk to sb. 和某人谈话
19. go home回家
20. do my homework做作业
21. go to bed去睡觉
22. watch TV看电视
23. play computer games玩电脑游戏
24. have a chemistry lesson上化学课
25. leave school离开学校
26. send sb. a birthday card送某人一张生日卡
27. make a cake for his birthday为某人的生日做个蛋糕
28. listen to music听音乐
29. choose birthday presents挑选生日礼物
30. read novel看小说
31. stay healthy保持健康
32. save the document保存文件
33. send an e-mail发电子邮件
34. go online上网
35. make a travel plan制定一个旅行计划
36. sit the website访问网址
37. get information获取信息
1. in Class One在一班
2. next to紧挨着
3. in front of在……的前面
4. at my mum’s birthday party在我妈妈的生日聚会上
5. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening在上午/下午/晚上
6. on Sunday在星期日
7. at the cinema 在电影院
8. at nine o’clock在九点钟
9. at once立刻
10. in the forest/ desert / jungle在森林里 /沙漠里 /丛林中
11. in grassland在草原
12. all around the world全世界
13. in the wild野生
14. on the Internet在互联网上
15. on the computer在电脑上
同学们可以试着用上面的短语造句。例如:如果你想说你每天早上六点钟起床,你就可以写这样的英文句子:I get up at six o’clock every morning. 你看是不是很简单?同学们在写句子的时候一定要注意书写的规范性。注意标点符号的使用和大小写。这些在我们书上都有介绍。如果我们学会了写句子,那么我们就可以试着把意思相关的句子放到一起,组成小短文,拿给你的老师看,请老师帮助你指点一下,也是你给老师的一份最好的回报!
本册书包含10个模块和两个复习模块,共出现了300个单词和词组,其中还包含了相当数目的复现强化词。所以记这些单词对同学们来说应该是很easy 的事情了。那么如何能够更多更准确的识记单词呢?这里建议同学们使用word map(单词网),在我们书上的19页、 31 页、59页都出现了这种单词网。同学们可以按照话题来记单词。为了方便同学们使用word map, 我们可以把本册书中的10个模块化分为以下几个话题:family(家庭)、school (学校)、food (食物)、weekend(周末)、animal(动物)、computer(电脑)。同学们可以自己做,也可以和同伴一起做word map,等你的word map 做好以后,数一数共写出了多少个单词,最后对照我们书上的单词表检查一下,看看是否有漏网之鱼,对于漏网之鱼可不要忽视呀!下面我们以school 这个话题为例,来看看我们的单词网可以网住多少个单词?
Nice to meet you!
Hello. My name is Daming. I’m a student. I’m twelve and I’m from Beijing.
This is Tony. He’s my friend.
These are my friends, Kate and Lucy.
I’ve got a big family. There are five people in my family.
—Would you like to come to the cinema tonight?
—That’s a great idea.
—Can you ride a bike?
—Yes, I can.
—Can you play tennis?
—Sorry, I can’t.
— Is there a library behind the office?
— Yes, there is.
I get up at half past six.
We don’t watch TV in the morning.
—What’s your favorite animal?
—My favorite animal is the panda.
1. 代词和物主代词
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们
主格人称代词 I you he she it we you they
宾格人称代词 me you him her it us you them
形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their
名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
主格人称代词用于作主语,如:I am a student.
宾格人称代词用于作宾语,如:I can write and ask him.
Their classroom is bigger than our classroom.
Theirs is bigger than ours.
2. 表示时间和地点的介词at / in / on
(1)表示时间的at/ on / in:
at 表示某一具体时刻或时间或重大节日之前。如:
at night 在夜晚 at noon 在中午 at midnight 在午夜 at ten o’clock 在十点钟 at Christmas 在圣诞节
on 指“具体的某一天或某天的上午、下午、晚上”。如:
on Sunday 在星期天 on Monday morning 在星期一上午
in 表示周、月、季节、年或泛指上午、下午、晚上。如:
in spring 在春季 in January 在一月 in 2005 在2005年 in the morning 在上午
(2)表示地点的at/ on / in:
at 表示“比较小或狭窄的地方”;in 表示“相对较大或较宽敞的地方”;on “在…之上(有接触面)”,如:at my mum’s birthday party在我妈妈的生日聚会上 at the cinema 在电影院 in Class One在一班 in the forest/ desert / jungle在森林里 /沙漠里 /丛林中 on the desk 在桌子上
1. 问:在Module 9 中有这样一个句子:But zoos often give them 5 kilos a day, so they stay healthy. 在这个句子中stay是动词,而healthy是形容词,为什么不用healthily这个副词呢?
2. 问:在Module 5中学到的tomato 的复数是tomatoes, 而Module 9中的kilo的复数形式是kilos。那么您能告诉我以“o”结尾的名词变复数时何时加-s,何时加-es呢?
3. 问:Module 5中出现unhealthy,是个形容词,意思是“不健康的”。它是healthy的反义词,那么是不是在形容词前加上un-就能构成其反义词呢?
4. 问:在Module 7有这样一句话:I drink coke or water. 我记得老师曾经讲过:在肯定句中用and,否定句中or吗?那么在这个肯定句中为什么用or而不用and呢?
5. 问:在Module 8中有这样两个句子:“Let’s send him a birthday card. And we often make a cake for his birthday”。在这个句子中出现的make a cake for his birthday那么可不可以说send a birthday car for him 呢?
一. Reading
Many students of English think that learning a new language is very difficult. Now think how difficult it is to learn English when your brain is only the size of a bird’s brain! That is what some birds can do.
Many different kinds of birds can copy the sounds of language. African gray parrots are the birds best known for this.
Every December in London, the National Cage and Aviary Bird Show tries to find the best “talking” bird in the world. One bird named Prudle stood out among the “talking birds” . She won this prize for 12 years in a row from 1965 to 1976.
Prudle was taken from her nest in Uganda in 1958. She was sold to Iris Frost in Seaford, England. Prudle knew almost 800 words in English.
Prudle was also the oldest bird in the world that lived in a cage. Ms. Frost took care of the bird until Prudle died in l994. Prudle was 35 years old.
A different kind of bird, not a parrot, named Puck was tested in 1993. It turned out that Puck knew more English words than Prudle knew. Puck knew more than1,700 words.
If a bird can do it, anybody can do it.
1. What kind of birds usually speak the best?
A. African gray parrots . C. The Aviary Bird Show .
B. Uganda . D. English parrots .
2. What is Prudle?
A. A bird . C. A cage .
B. A contest . D. A prize .
3. How many years did Prudle win the speaking contest for birds?
A. 1965 . C. 55 .
B. 12 . D. 800 .
4. Why was Puck better than Prudle?
A. He died . C. He knew more words.
B. He spoke faster. D. He was bigger.
5. Who was Iris Frost?
A. A parrot . C. An English teacher .
B. Prudle’s owner . D. Puck’s owner .
Television was not made by one person. It took many years and many different people to make television work.
A lot of work on television began in the 1930s. England set up the British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC)at this time, and in the United States, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC)and the Columbia Broadcasting System(CBS)began.
In 1936, CBS put 150 televisions into homes in New York City in order to see if all of the televisions were able to get a show at the same time. This first television show was Felix the Cat.
Much of the work underway at the BBC during the 1930s and 1940s came to an end because of World War II. After the war, the BBC fell behind work on television going on in the United States. England had to rebuild itself after the war.
By 1945, there were 10,000 televisions in homes in the United States. This number climbed to six million by 1950. Then the number shot up to 60 million by 1960.
Today, 98 percent of all homes in the United States and Canada have at least one television. People in the United States usually watch seven hours of television each day. These people also have the choice of watching free programs, cable television, satellite television, or programs from video cassette recorders(VCRs).
1. Who invented television?
A. Alexander Graham Bell . C. The BBC .
B. Columbia System . D. Many different people .
2. How many television broadcasting companies were in England in the1930s?
A. none C. two
B. one D. three
3. What was the first television program shown by CBS?
A. A news program . C. Felix the Cat .
B. World War II. D. Cable television .
4. How many people have televisions in the United States and Canada?
A. Very few . C. Most .
B. About half . D. All .
5. When did the number of televisions grow the most in the United States?
A. Between 1920 and1930 . C. Between 1940 and1950 .
B. Between 1930 and J940 . D. Between 1950 and l960 .
Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a church at the time, but the church painting was not going well. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of the businessman’s second wife. This is the woman who can be seen in the Mona Lisa.
All in all, the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci’s work. Da Vinci uses darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.
Da Vinci loved science and math. Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and round shapes like balls. Even her smile can be seen as a small part of a large circle.
The woman in the painting is sitting on a balcony, and mountains can be seen behind her. Da Vinci loved to study rocks and mountains, so these can be seen over and over in his other paintings.
The woman is sitting with her knees to the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are held together in front of her. This way of sitting is now used by many artists when they are painting a picture of a man or woman today.
1. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
A. A businessman . C. His second wife .
B. Leonardo da Vinci . D. The businessman’s wife .
2. The woman in the painting is...
A. an Italian businesswoman C. Leonardo da Vinci’s wife
B. the wife of a businessman D. a woman from the church
3. Where is the woman in the painting?
A. On a balcony . C. On a knee.
B. On a mountain . D. On a rock.
4. What can a person see in the painting?
A. A lot of geometry . C. Clever use of light and darkness.
B. Mountains . D. All of the above.
5. Leonardo da Vinci enjoyed studying...
A. math C. rocks
B. science D. all of the above
Bob was sixteen years old. He had been at the same school for five years. He was always a very bad pupil. He was often late, he fought with other pupils, he was not polite to the teachers, and he did not obey the rules of the school. His headmaster tried to make him work and be polite, but he didn’t take his advice. As Bob grew older, the younger boys learned bad manners from him. At last the headmaster had to ask Bob to leave school.
Then Bob tried to get a job in a big shop, and the manager wrote to the headmaster to find out what he could say about Bob.
The headmaster wanted to be honest, but he also did not want to be too hard, so he wrote, “If you can make Bob work for you, you will be very lucky.
1. Bob came to his school when he was ______.
A. ten B. twelve C. eleven
2. Bob was ______.
A. not a good boy B. a nice boy C. a very good boy
3. The headmaster tried hard to help Bob, ______.
A. and he became better B. but he became worse C. and he began to work hard
4. The manager _____ the headmaster to find out if Bob was a good boy.
A. sent for B. went to visit C. sent a letter to
5. What did the headmaster do?
A. He gave the manager a clever answer.
B. He told the manager that Bob could do the job well.
C. He told the manager everything about Bob.
Some people do not like anything to be out of place. They are not late for work; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people’s birthdays; and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Hill is such a man.
Mr. Hill works in a bank, and lives alone. The only family he has is in the next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Jack. Mr. Hill does not see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of Jack’s seventeen birthdays.
Last week Mr. Hill had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Just then, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door and found a policeman standing on the door-step.
“What have I done wrong?” Mr. Hill asked himself. “Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”
“Hello, Uncle,” said the policeman. “my name is Jack.”
1. Mr. Hill ________.
A. works in a bank by himself
B. lives in a bank and works by himself
C. lives by himself and works in a bank.
2. Mr. Hill ________.
A. hardly sees his sister
B. sees his sister only at Christmas time
C. sees his sister on Jack’s birthday
3. Mr. Hill ________.
A. only remembers one of Jack’s seventeen birthdays
B. always sends Jack something on his birthday
C. has forgotten all of Jack’s birthday
4. The policeman was there _______.
A. to look for Mr. Hill’s uncle
B. to see MR Hill about some trouble at the hand
C. to meet his uncle
Basketball is an American game. A man named James Naismith made it up in 1891. He wanted a game to play inside in winter. The first real game was played in 1892.
Naismith put up two baskets. There were nine men on each side. The men tried to throw the ball into the baskets. There were no holes in the bottom of the baskets. When a ball went in the baskets, it stayed there.
The game had to stop. A man had to climb up to get the ball out of the basket. It was a slow game. After a while, net baskets were used. The bottoms were cut out of the baskets.
At first, many men could play. Now only ten men play the game. There are five men on each side. Basketball today is a very fast game.
Once basketball was only played in this country. Now it is played in many lands.
1. Basketball was first played______.
A. in 1891 B. in 1892 C. in winter in 1892 D. After 1891
2. At the beginning there were ____ men on the basketball game ground.
A. 9 B. 5 C. 10 D. 18
3. James Naismith made up basketball in order to ______.
A. have a real game B. begin a new game C. play inside in winter D. have more fun
4. When a ball went in the basket, _______.
A. they called Mr. Naismith B. the bottoms were cut out
C. they climbed up to get it out D. they had to stay there
5. From the story we can know that basketball is ______.
A. a slow game B. a good game C. played in America only D. played in winter
(A)1—5 AABCB (B) 1—5 DBCCD (C) 1—5 BBADD (D) 1—5 CABCA
(E) 1—4 CABC (F) 1—5 ADCCB




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