高考复习一人教版高二unit 9语言点(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Unit 9
1 attend vt.出席参加; 上(学, 教堂)
attend a meeting [lecture]出席会议[听演讲, 听课]
attend a wedding [a funeral]参加婚礼[葬礼]
attend school [church]上学[教堂]
be well attended出席(听...)...人数很多
be attended by由...陪同; 由...照料
I will attend you to the classroom.我将陪你到教室去。
May good luck attend you!祝你幸运!
vi.出席,参加[(+at)] attend (at) a wedding 出席婚礼
I'll attend to the matter.我来处理此事。
She didn't attend to what I was saying.她并不注意听我所说的话
attend on 服侍, 照料; 陪, 随从
attend upon 服侍, 照料; 陪, 随从
attend to 倾听, 注意, 留心 ;关心, 照顾, 护理; 办理
2 content a.满足的,满意的;甘愿的[F][(+with)][+to-v]
She seems content to live with him.她似乎很满意与他生活在一起。
He was content with his work.他对自己的工作很满意。
Her answer seemed to content him.她的回答好像令他满意。
be content to do sth. 乐于做某事
be content with 沉迷[满足]于
to one's heart's content 心满意足, 尽情地 I ate to my heart’s content. 我尽情地吃。
content oneself with 满足于, 对...感到满足
3 access 接近,进入;接近的机会,进入的权利;使用[U][(+to)]
access broadcasting
Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。
Citizens may have free accessto the library. 市民可以自由使用图书馆。
The only access to their house is along that narrow road.只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。
be easy [hard, difficult] of access 容易[难]接近
give access to 接见; 准许出入
have [gain, get, obtain] access to 得接近; 得会见; 得进入; 得使用
4 stress
Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations.苏珊被考试的压力压垮了。
under the stress of poverty 在贫困的压力下
She lay great stress on proper behavior.她很强调行为端正。
time of stress 危难之际, 非常时期
In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable.在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.
I must stress that we haven't much time. 我必须强调我们没有多少时间了。
用重音读Stress the second syllable.重读第二个音节。
The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing.
in the stress of the moment 一时紧张
lay [place, put] stress on 把重点放在...上; 在...上用力
under [driven by] the stress of 为...所迫; 为...所驱使; 处境紧张[困难]
5 responsibility n. 责任, 职责
be relieved of one's responsibility [-ties] (被)解除职责
bear responsibility for 对...负有责任
decline all responsibility for 声明对...不负任何责任
on one's own responsibility 自作主张地, 自负全责地
take full responsibility for 对... 负完全 责任
take the responsibility upon oneself 自己承担起责任来
undertake fresh responsibility 担负起新的职责
6 alternative n. 二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物抉择;选择余地[the …+of)]
adj. 选择性的, 二中择一的
If you don't like the school lunch, you have the alternative of bringing your own.
What alternatives are there?还有什么可选择的?
They had no alternative in the matter.在这件事上,他们没有选择的余地
We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。
There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.
have no alternative but 除...外别无选择; 只有; 只好
7 affect
vt. 影响, 对...起作用[反应]; 使...感光; 改变; 损[伤]害
The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。
感动 ; He was deeply affected by my words. 他听了我的话很受感动。
(病)侵袭;罹患 患(病), 中(暑) be affected by heat [cold] 中暑[着凉]
Her kidneys had become affected.她的肾脏受到了感染。
affect effect influence 作为动词, 都含“影响”的意思。
affect 指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作, 有时含有“对...产生不利影响”的意思, 如:
This article will affect my thinking. 这篇文章将会影响我的思想。
effect 指“实现”、“达成”,着重“造成”一种特殊的效果, 如:
This book effected a change in my opinion. 这本书使我的看法起了变化。
The reform was effected. 改革实现了。
influence 指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响”, 如: Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
在一位中学生物教师的影响下, 他从事医学研究。
8 wipe out 扫除;清除掉 ;勾销(债务) ;消灭;毁灭 ;洗雪(耻辱)
to wipe out a whole army 歼灭一个整军
wipe up 揩干(洗净的碟盘) ;揩干
wipe off 勾销(债务
wipe down 把…擦干净
(常与away, off连用)擦干;揩净
wipe your tears away 擦干你的眼泪
9 issue vt.(1)发行;发布
The post office issued the stamps last week.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。
(2). 发给,配给[O][(+to)],核发
They issued the soldiers with guns. 他们把枪发给士兵。
(3.) 使流出,放出,排出
vi.(1). 出来[(+forth)](2). 流出[(+from)]
Lava issued from the volcano.熔岩从火山口流出来。
(3). 由...得出,由...产生[(+from)]
His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.
(4). 发行,颁布,出版
A new coinage issued.一种新硬币发行了。
n.(1). 问题;争论;争议[C]
They have published a lot of new books on international issues.
(2). 发行(物);一次发行量;(报刊)期号[C]
There's an article about Jamaica in this issue.
at issue 在争论中; 不一致, 有分歧; 待裁决的
raise a new issue 提出新论点
take issue against 反对
issue sth.to sb. 把某物发给某人 = issue sb. with sth.
issue from 从...流出[冒出、传出]
join issue (=take issue) with sb on sth争论, 进行辨论
make an issue of sth. 使某事成为有争论的问题
10 advise:可用作动词(vt.&vi.)。主要义项有:忠告,劝告,建议,通知,商量。
Eg. I advise waiting until tomorrow.我建议等到明天。
(2)+sb. to do sth. Eg. I advise you to start at once. 我劝你立刻出发。
(3)+宾语从句Eg. Can you advise me whether I should go abroad?
(4)sb. against doing sth.
Eg. I strongly advise you against going abroad.我力劝你不要出国。
(5)sb. on sth.
Eg. He advises us on economic affairs.他给我们提供有关经济事务的建议。
Eg. He could not advise me what to do next.他无法教我接下来该做什么。
(7)sb. of sth.Eg. Please advise us of the date. 请将日期通知我们。
Eg. We were advised that they could not accept our offer.
I advised him that he (should) go at once.我劝他应该马上去。
11 face
Unit 10
1 frighten vt.\ vi. 使惊吓; 惊恐
be frightened of [口]害怕, 对...感到恐惧
frighten away 吓跑, 吓走
frighten off 吓跑, 吓走
frighten sb. into doing sth. 用恐吓手段迫使某人做[不做]某事
frighten sb. out of doing sth. 用恐吓手段迫使某人做[不做]某事
He was frightened of the fierce dog. 他让这只凶猛的狗吓怕了。
He was frightened at the thought of his huge debts.
2 urge vt.催促;力劝;激励;怂恿
They urged us to go at once.他们催促我们马上去。
urge sth. on [upon] sb. 向某人极力陈述某事
My friends urged that I (should) apply for the job.朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。
The people in that country urged independence.那个国家的人民要求独立。
推进;驱策[ on [onward, forward] 推进; 驱策
We urged the school team on with loud cheers.我们大声助威,激励校队拼搏。
vi. 极力主张;强烈要求
urge against 极力反对
The citizens urged for the construction of a new hospital.市民们强烈要求建造一个新医院。
n.[C]. 强烈的欲望;冲动;迫切的要求
The vacation is coming and I have an urge to travel.假期快到了,我很想外出旅行。
urge... into doing [to do] [怂恿]...做
3 board
n. 木板;板,牌子;布告牌;黑板;(棋)盘[C]
He sawed the board in half.他将木板锯成两块。
膳食;伙食[U]We will provide room and board for them.我们将提供他们的食宿。
He has recently joined the board of the company.最近加入了该公司的董事会。
舞台;演员的职业[the P]He quit the boards years ago.数年前他就离开了舞台。
vt.. 用木板覆盖(或封闭)[(+up/over)]
He boarded up the windows.他用木板将窗钉上。
The passengers boarded the plane at 9 a.m.旅客们上午九时登上飞机。
above board 诚实地, 公开地, 光明正大地
All on board! 请大家上车!
go on board 上船; 上飞机, 上火车
go on the boards 当演员
Trade Board 劳资协商会
board in 在寄宿处吃饭
board up 栅木板阻断(道路等) 用木板围住 用木板钉起
across the board 包括所有团体或成员
A wage rise of 10 pounds a week across the board. 全体成员每人每周加薪10镑
go by the board (计划、安排等)失败,落空
sweep the board 赢得一切;几乎全胜
Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
4 live through:度过, 经受过
Eg. They lived through the Second World War.他们经历过第二次世界大战。
相关归纳:(1)get through 做/办/看完;通过/让通过;接通电话
Eg. I will be with you as soon as I get through this work.我一做好这项工作就到你这儿来。
I got through the book in one evening.我一个晚上就看完了这本书。
(2)go through 审阅;检查;讨论;查看;看一遍;经历(困难、痛苦等),经过(阶段等)Eg. I’d like to have you go through the book.我想让你审阅一下这本书。
Most families went through a lot during the war.大多数家庭在战争期间经历了很多的苦。
5 on end:竖着, 连续地
Eg. He stood the box on end.他把箱子竖立起来。
It snowed for three days on end. 一连下了三天雪。
相关归纳:(1)at the end 结束;尽头
Eg. She was at the end of the patience. 她已忍无可忍。
(2)in the end 最后;终于
Eg. He tired again and again and succeeded in the end.他一试再试,终于成功了。
(3)put an end to 结束;停止
Eg. Let’s put an end to this quarrel. 我们结束这场争吵吧。
(4)come to an end完毕;终止;结束
Eg. The meeting came to an end early. 会议很早结束。
6 at hand:在手边, 在附近, 即将到来
Eg. I always keep the handbook at hand.我总是把那本手册放在手边。
Final examinations are at hand. 期末考试快到了。
相关归纳:(1)by hand 用手
She did all the sewing by hand.她用手工做了所有的缝纫工作。
(2)in hand 所有;在控制下;已经着手;正在考虑中
I have only $50 in hand.我手头只有50美元。
Let’s finish the work in hand. 我们把手头的工作完成吧。
(3)on hand 在近处;出席;迫近
They have some new goods on hand.他们有一些新货。
He advised me to be on hand.他劝我出席。
A change may be on hand.一项改变可能已经迫近。




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