牛津模块6 Unit 3 全单元教学设计(译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)

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Unit 3 Understanding each other
Part One Teaching Design
第一部分 教学设计
Aims and requirements
♦ Read an Internet chat room conversation and a travel brochure
♦ Listen to a conversation about showing foreign visitors around a city
♦ Talk about different cultures, traditions and taboos
♦ Write a letter of apology
♦ Make a reference book about the culture of a country
● Welcome to the Unit
Step 1:Brainstorming
As we all know, different countries have different cultures and customs. Look at the following pictures. In which countries do people greet each other in the way like the people in each picture do? (Kiss: Some of the South American countries, Russia, France, Arab countries…; Shaking hands: Britain, China…)
In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
Step 2:Sharing information
Look at the following pictures and read the captions under them .
Can you match the ways of greeting with the countries?
Country/Area Ways of greeting
Holland putting their hands together and bowing slightly
Thailand kissing each other on one cheek and then the other
The USA greeting each other by touching noses
South America hugging each other
The Middle East shaking hands with each other
Japan bowing to each other
What about an Arab and a Japanese meeting for the first time? As a Chinese, if you are not familiar with greetings from other countries, what might happen?
(Maybe we would feel embarrassed; we might be involved in awkward situations like…)
Step 3: Discussion
1. Do you know of any other ways of greeting that people around the world use?
2. People in different countries greet each other in different ways. Why?
3. Can you think of any other customs that are different in different parts of the world?
Step 4: Homework
1. Search more information about different ways of greetings and some unique customs in some countries.
2. Prepare the Reading part.
Reading Cultural differences
Step 1: Lead-in
Many people like chatting on line, especially you students. You must have many e-pals.
What do you think of online chat?
Do you think it is really a good way to know more things and make more friends?
Have you ever experienced any funny things or awkward situations when chatting with your cyber friends?
Now, we will read an Internet chat room conversation. Surely you will know all about these after you read it. Sometimes online chat does benefit us a lot.
Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas
Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page34. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.
1. He is from Brunei.
2. He comes from UK.
3. No, they don’t. Only the Sultan and his family do.
Step 3: Detailed reading for important information.
1. Let’s read the passage again and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 36.
C1 1. Thanksgiving Day is held to celebrate the first harvest after the European settlers went to live in the USA.
2. Turkey.
3. In the West, the polite time to open a present is when someone gives it to a person, because they like to see the person’s reaction.
4. Guests expect presents as a souvenir to remember the big day.
5. Alcohol.
6. In Brunel, you should use your thumb to point at things.
7. In both places, you should take off your shoes before going inside a house.
C2 4 7 3 1 2 6 5
Step 4: Practice
1. Let’s complete Part D (Refer to the text while complete part D)
D 1d 2c 3f 4g 5b 6e 7h 8a
2. Now, let’s read Ma Li’s diary about her chat room discussion. Fill in blanks with correct words.
E 1)traditions 2)Thanksgiving 3)harvest 4)Europe 5)celebrate
6)weddings 7)embarrassing 8) presents 9)rude 10) thumb
Step 5: Post-reading activities
1. Now let’s make up a dialogue by using the questions in Part F on Page 37. Work in pairs for a few minutes and then present your dialogue to the whole class.
2. There are also cultural differences in different English-speaking countries. For example:
Americans enjoy a good sense of humour; the British take a somewhat different view and believe a formal approach is the best way; the Australians are more informal and straightforward, often enjoying a good laugh and calling their close friends or new acquaintances by their first names.
3. Discussion:
What might happen if people had no idea of other countries’ cultures?
Do you think it might result in embarrassment on inconvenience?
What do you think about “culture shock”?
4. Do you know more information about cultural differences?
 In most countries, nodding your head up and down means ‘yes’.
 In some parts of Greece and Turkey, however, this motion can mean ‘no’.
 In South-east Asia, nodding your head is a polite way of saying ‘I’ve heard you.’
 In the United Stated, when someone puts his thumb up, it means ‘Everything is all right.’ However, in Sardinia of Italy and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there.
Step 6:Language Points

difference, accumulate, topic, native, accent, tradition,
celebration, settler, end-of-term, wedding, embarrassing, newly-wed, souvenir, clarify, participate, reception, bridegroom, bride, alcohol, drum, adjust, royal, analyse, excitement, misunderstand, summary, habit, custom, expectation, nationality, homeland, anyway, youth, wage, overseas, consultant, approval, ambition, incident, feast, pepper, proper, procedure, pocket, request, remark, religion, generally, certain, concern, greeting, slight, equally, tour, minority, swap, seal, account, bravery, mask, carve, spirit, claw, wolf, belief, ancestral, govern, steam, belong, plain, flat, power, peace, bow, arrow, retell, roast
Useful expressions
in celebration of, first finger, log off, some day, take up, give out, hold up, body language, shake hands, business card, take part in, hunt for, meet with, belong to, have power over
Sentence patterns 1. He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic.
2. If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking about!
3. Should you come to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes….
Step 7: Homework
1. Finish Parts A1 and A2 on page 116 in the workbook.
2. Prepare the part Word Power.
● Word Power
Step 1: Brainstorming
Do you have any difficulty in remembering English words? What methods do you usually use in learning new words? Now I’ll give you some tips to learn and remember English vocabulary.
 Remember the spelling of a word by its pronunciation.
 Remember the spelling of a word by analyzing the formation of the word.
 Remember the meaning of a word by making a sentence with it.
 Remember the meaning of a word by studying the origin of the word.
English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world and it is used as the international working language in many places throughout the world. But where do the English language and all its words come from? Who invented so many new words? Is it possible that English borrowed words from other languages? If so, Can you give some examples?
Step 2: Vocabulary learning
1. Look at Part A. This is an online article about English words borrowed from other languages. Read the article and analyse how words are borrowed from other languages and used in the English language. Finish the following table.
Language Categories of words
French food, entertainment, jobs
German Tools, mechanical, equipment, snacks, geological terms
Italian music, the arts, the military
Arabic spices, chemicals, animals, food, mathematics
2. Look at Part B. It is a spidergram showing some of the words that have been borrowed from other languages and incorporated into English. Please add more examples if possible.
3. Part C serves as a strengthening exercise to check your ability to understand some new words and use them correctly. You should understand the passage and the exact meanings of these words first and then fill in the blanks correctly.
C (1) Italian (2) Arabic (3) food (4) restaurant (5) jobs (6) ballet (7)confetti
(8) colonel (9) clock (10) rocket (11) German (12) hamburger (13) alcohol (14) zero
4. In this passage (Part C), which words are borrowed from Italian? What was Italy famous for in the 18th century? What does the writer think of the Germans? Which words are borrowed from German? What were the Arabs great for?
Step 3: Vocabulary extension
Look at Part D. The idioms connect a characteristic with an animal or a thing. Read the idioms and guess the meaning of each of them.
D 1. slept like a dog 2. as cool as a cucumber 3. as poor as a church mouse
4. as busy as a bee 5. as strong as a horse
Step 4: Homework
1. Finish the two exercises on page 122 in Workbook.
2. Complete the e-mail in Part C.
● Grammar and Usage
Step 1: General introduction
The grammar items in this unit focus on unreal conditionals. Unreal conditionals are used to express a condition or situation that is not real or is imaginary. You should pay attention to the forms of the predicate verbs in different tenses when you use sentences in unreal conditionals. You are expected to use unreal conditionals and how to use unreal conditionals correctly.
Step 2: Explanation
1. Read the following sentences.
If my husband hadn’t been caught in the rain, he would not have got a fever.
Nothing would have happened to him if he had not visited his friend on Saturday
If I were you, I would not have visited the friend on Saturday.
In the above sentences, what has been said is unreal. The verb forms like these can also be
called the subjunctive. Can you find out in what cases the unreal conditionals are used? And can you say the sentences in another way, not using the unreal conditionals?
Sample answers
(1) My husband was caught in the rain, so he got a fever.
(2) He visited his friend on Saturday, so something happened to him.
(3) I am not you, so I visited the friend on Saturday.
2. Read Point 4 to see how to form unreal conditionals of the present, past of future time. Use the three structures to translate some sentences.
(1) 如果我是一个学生,我将更加努力地学习。
(2) 如果你昨天去听音乐会的话, 你将会遇到她了。
(3) 如果明天下雨的话,会议将会推迟。
Sample answers
(1) If I were a doctor, I would save her life without hesitation.
(2) If you had gone to the concert yesterday, you would have met her.
(3) If it rained tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.
3. Please read Point 3 and you will find out only should, were or had can be used in the inversion. Change the following sentences into their normal order and compare the differences between the two types of sentences.
(1) Should it rain tomorrow, we would not go outing.
(2) Had you come earlier, you would have met my sister.
(3) Were you to take the train, you would be there much sooner.
(1) If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go outing.
(2) If you had come earlier, you would have met my sister.
(3) If you were to take the train, you would be there much sooner.
For reference
(1)陈述语气: 表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。如:We are not ready. 我们没准备好。What a fine day it is! 多好的天气啊!
(2)祈使语气: 表示说话人的建议、请求、邀请、命令等。如: Open the door, please。请打开门。
(3)虚拟语气: 表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等。如: If I were you, I should study English. 如果我是你,我就学英语了。May you succeed! 祝您成功!
条件句有两类,一类是真实条件句,一类是虚拟条件句。如果假设的情况是有可能发生的,就是真实条件何。在这种真实条件句中的谓语用陈述语气。如: If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。
如果假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的,或将来不大可能发生的,则是虚拟条件句。如: If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 如果他昨天见到你,他会问你这件事的。(事实上他昨天没见到你,因此也未能问你这件事。)
从 句 主 句
与现在事实相反 动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were) would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形
与过去事实相反 had + 过去分词 would/ should/ could/ might + have + 过去分词
与将来事实相反 动词过去式,should + 动词原形,were to + 动词原形 would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形
注: 主句中的should只用于I、we,但在美国英语中,should常被would代替;从句中的should 可用于各种人称。
l. 表示与现在事实相反的假设和结果。如: If my brother were here, everything would be all right. 要是我哥哥在这儿, 一切都没问题了。
2. 表示与过去事实相反的假设和结果。如: If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't (couldn’t) have failed in the exam. 如果你按照我的建议去做,你一定不会(不可能)考试不及格。
3. 表示与将来事实可能相反的假设和结果。如: If it were Sunday tomorrow, I should (would,could,might) go to see my grandmother. 如果明天是星期天,我就 (可能)去看望我奶奶。If it were to snow this evening, they would not go out. 如果今晚下雪,他们将不出去了。
4. 在条件句中如果出现were, had, should可省去if,将主语与这些词倒装,例如:
Had the doctor come last night, the boy would have saved.
Were I to go to the moon one day, I would see it with my own eyes.
Should it rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.

For reference
Relative items in recent years’ college entrance examination:
1. I was really anxious about you. You _____ home without a word. (2001全国)
A. mustn't leave B. shouldn't have left C. couldn't have left D. needn't leave
2.—How do you___ we go to Beijing for our holidays? (2004福建)
—I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable.
A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest
3. I have lost one of my gloves. I it somewhere.
A. must drop B. must have dropped
C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped
4. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ___ yesterday. (2006全国I)
A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened
5. _______ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.
A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be
Keys: 1-5 BDBDB
Step 3: practice
1. Read the dialogue between Ma Li and Ye Fei on page 40 and fill in each blank with the proper verb form.
(1) went (2) would expect (3) went (4) would give (5) went
(6) would see (7) did (8) would be (9) had traveled (10) would have found
(11) went (12) would take (13) had (14) would join (15) would know
2. Read the instructions and the articles on page 41 and underline the sentences which use unreal conditionals.
In my youth, if I could have traveled to another country, I would have, but I had to work, as our family was very poor and needed another wage. That meant I could not finish my education. Ma Li, education is very important. A good education will help you succeed. Should you get into university in the future, you would have to go and take the opportunity. This will enable you to get a good job. Had I had the chance, I would have really enjoyed it. I think I would have studied Medicine. If you should get the chance to go overseas, then you should take it. I think it is very important to try to understand as much about the world as possible and travel helps you to do that. Hopefully you might become a successful business person or a consultant some day. Were you to do that, you would certainly have our approval and we would all be very proud of you. I am an ld man now, but I still have an ambition to travel to Beijing one day. Should I get to Beijing, I would visit the Forbidden City where the emperors once lived. But I wonder, Ma Li, had I had more opportunities when I was growing up, would I have been as happy as I am now?
Step 4: Consolidation
I. Multiple choice
1. If I ____ where he lived, I ____ a note to him.
A. knew, would B. had known, would have sent
C. know, would send D. knew, would have sent
2. Mary is ill today. If she _____, she ____ absent from school.
A. were not ill; wouldn' t be B. had been ill; wouldn't have been
C. had been ill; should have been D. hadn't been ill; could be
3. If you had enough money, what ________?
A. will you buy B. would you buy C. would you have bought D. will you have bought
4. Were I to do it, I ________ it some other way.
A. will do B. would do C. would have done D. were to do
5. I ________ him the answer ________ possible, but I was so busy then.
A. could tell; if it had been B. must have told; were it
C. should have told; had it been D. should have told; should it be
6. You didn't take his advice. ________ his advice, you ________ such a mistake.
A. Had you taken; wouldn't have made B. If you had taken; would make
C. Were you lo take; shouldn’ t have made D. Have you taken; won t have made
7. If he_____ , he ______ that food. ---- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.
A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken
C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken
8. I didn' t see your sister at the meeting. If she _________, she would have met my brother.
A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come
9. Jane would never have gone to the party ________ that Mary would come to see her.
A. has she known B. had she known C. if she know D. if she has known
10. I didn’t know his telephone number. ____ it, I ____ then.
A. Had I known, would ring him up B. Should I know, would have rung him up
C. If I knew; would ring him up D. Had I known; would have rung him up
II. Translation
1. 如果你听了医生的话,你早就恢复健康了。
5. 如果我是你,我就不回这个电话。
6. 如果我的女儿不忙的话, 她就会来帮助你。
I. 1—5 BACBC 6—10 ABDBD
1. If you had listened to the doctor, you would have already recovered.
2. If there were no subjunctive mood, English would be much easier.
3. If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded.
4. Should he not come, you would take his place.
5. If I were you, I wouldn't return the call.
6. Were my daughter not so busy, she would come to help you.
●Task Writing a letter to explain cultural misunderstandings
Skills building 1: completing a text
In this part, you will learn how to complete a text by listening. You are expected to learn what to do before and after listening and how to use the skills in practice.
1. Read the guidelines on page 42. Read the instructions out and make sure you understand the four tips about what you should do before you listen.
What is the first thing you need to do before listening? Why should we do this?
What should we do next?
How can we decide what the missing words probably are?
What is the fourth thing about?
2. What do you think we should do after we have finished a passage? (Proofread it to ensure that it makes sense and check whether there are any mistakes in it, include any spelling mistakes.) Remember that it is very important to review the text and make sure there are no mistakes or missing words.
Step 1: showing foreign visitors around
1. Go over the instructions to find out what you are going to do in Part A. Read the diary and try to guess what each of the missing words is by using the methods you have learnt in Skills building 1.
You can do this in pairs.
2. Listening practice: Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words. You may check your guesses at the same time.
Li Lin: Well, I think that was a great day. We showed the three visitors around Beijing and I think they enjoyed it. What were their names again?
Zhu Qing: Well, there was Mr Singh from India, Mr Takashi from Japan and Mr Hudson from the USA.
Li Lin: Yes, I thought it was a good day and we managed to visit quite a few places. We did have a few strange incidents though, didn’t?
Zhu Qing: Mmm, it was very odd how Mr Singh reacted when you held out your left hand. He wouldn’t shake hands with you!
Li Lin: Also, he got a bit upset in the restaurant and refused to try the black pepper beer on the menu. I thought most people liked black pepper beef. Perhaps he would have preferred beef and onions.
Zhu Qing: All the visitors I have taken to that restaurant before have really enjoyed it. Mr Takashi and Mr Hudson liked it. Mr Takashi seemed to have a really good time. He asked so many questions in the Forbidden City that I think I know the history very well now! He must have taken about a hundred photos in a day and he kept buying lots of gifts. Some were very expensive. One thing I noticed though was that he was always giving people his business card. He didn’t look very happy when I just put in my pocket. Also, it was very confusing when he kept making an okay sign. We just didn’t know what he wanted.
Li Lin: Mr Hudson thought the Summer Palace was amazing but he got a bit upset before we got on the boat. It was really a pain that he wanted to wait for the next boat as he thought the first one was too crowded. I thought there was plenty of space on it. Well, I suppose we should volunteer to show another set of visitors around next year---- at least we get to improve our English!
A: (1) three (2) strange (3) upset (4) shake hands (5) beef
(6) gifts (7) business cards (8) OK (9) crowded (10) space
3. Listen to the tape again and try to answer the following questions:
Which tourist attractions did the two students show the three foreigners around? (The Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.)
Why did the writer feel strange about Mr Singh? ( Because he looked upset when the writer
held out his left hand to shake hands with him.)
Where is Mr Singh from? ( He is from India.)
Where is Mr Takashi from? ( He’s from Japan.)
Do you think the OK sign made by Mr Takashi means ‘very good’ or ‘great’? (No.)
Why wouldn’t Mr Hudson get on the boat? (He thought it was too crowded.)
4. Read the first paragraph of Part B and find out what the word ‘taboo’ means. You can go back to the diary entry in Part A. Then read the rest of the article and circle the taboos in different cultures. Find out the reason why Mr Takashi did not look very happy when the student just put his business card in his pocket.
B: Paragraph 2
…, if you are from India, you may not eat beef because of your religion.
Paragraph 3
In India, it is impossible to shake hands or give someone something with your left hand. Japanese
people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others and get upset if people do
not look at the cards carefully. So remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.
5. Read the guidelines in Part C to know what you will do in this part. Listen to the recording to
get more information about cultural habits.
Teacher: From my experience, people from the USA often feel uncomfortable if people are in their ‘personal space’ ( about fifty centimeters around their body). But I heard that business people from Asia have a different idea about personal space and usually stand closer than some people from the USA might like. Latin Americans are the same, and like to greet their colleagues with a hug. I also noticed that in the USA, gift-giving is not part of the culture unlike in many other countries. I saw that gift-giving is very important in Japan and on a trip, Japanese people must bring back lots of gifts. There are also signs which mean different things in different countries. In the USA, an ‘OK’ sign is formed by touching the thumb to the index finger. This is a positive sign in the United Stated, but in France, the same sign means ‘zero’ or ‘worthless’ and in Japan, it is a request for small change.
Skills building 2: asking questions
1. There are many types of questions you can ask. They are as follows:
Do you know…?
Could you please tell me if/whether…?
Please tell me if/whether…
Who is…?
Please tell me his/her name.
When/Where did…?
Please tell me when/where…
How did…?
Do you know how to…?
Why did…?
Can you tell me the reason why…?
2. Read the guidelines on page 44. Make some sentences by using the correct question words.
Step 2: asking about cultural differences
1. Read the instructions to make sure you know what you are going to do. Work individually to form the eight questions in this part.
(1) What do some people from India not eat?
(2) Which hand shouldn’t be used to shake hands with or give things to people from India?
(3) What do Japanese people have to buy when they travel anywhere?
(4) What should you do when a Japanese person gives you a business card?
(5) What does the OK sign mean to Japanese people?
(6) Why do people from the USA not like crowded places?
2. Work in pairs to do the question-and-answer exercise according to what you have read in the magazine article on page 42 and what you have heard in the recording.
(1) Some people from India do not eat beef.
(2) The left hand shouldn’t be used to shake hands with or give things to people from India.
(3) When they travel anywhere, Japanese people have to buy many things.
(4) When a Japanese person gives you a business card, you should look at the card carefully.
(5) The OK sign means a request for some small change for Japanese people.
(6) People from the USA feel uncomfortable if others are in their ‘personal space’, which is about 50 centimetres around them.
Skills building 3: writing a letter of apology
In this part, you will read about how to write a letter of apology to explain misunderstandings.
1. There are differences between writing letters in Chinese and writing letters in English. In a formal English letter, you should first write your address and the date. Here is the format of a letter as an example. Sun Ting from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School wants to write a letter to her friend Tan Yi in Sunshine Town:
Beijing Sunshine
Secondary School
Sunshine Town
Beijing 100000
Date 10 June
Tan Yi
88 Sunny Street
Sunshine Town
Beijing 100000
Dear Tan Yi,
( Content of the letter)
Yours sincerely,
Sun Ting
2. If you want to make an apology, what do you usually say? (I apology for…; I want to apology for…)
What do we do if we want to write a letter of apology?
Should we give some explanations?
Step 3: explaining misunderstandings
In this part, you will use the information about taboos in different cultures in Steps 1 and 2, and use the skills you have learnt in Skills building 3 to write a letter to explain how the misunderstandings arose when you showed the three foreigners around Beijing.
1. Read the diary entry and the article in Step 1 again and then discuss in pairs what should be included in the letter. Choose one of the three visitors to write your letter of apology to.
2. Choose a recipient and write the letter of apology. Read your letter to the whole class and try to improve it.
●Project Making a reference book
Part A
1. Answer the following questions:
Every country has some or many ethnic groups. How many ethnic groups do we have in China?
Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world?
If you are to do some research on the cultures, traditions, customs and way of life of different minorities, which minority group will you focus on?
Do you know where you can find the information you need?
2. Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live. Read the travel brochure carefully and finish the table below.
Ethnic group In which country What to eat Where to live Specific events
Inuit Canada animals, birds and fish Igloos or tents have large summer gatherings
Aborigines Australia food from the bush like lizards and snakes have Aboriginal ceremonies,
play the didgeridoos and use boomerangs
Maoris New Zealand fish and sweet potatoes wooden houses do a dance called the Haka,
eat food cooked in underground ovens and go night fishing
American Indians The USA buffaloes roasted over an open fire teepees wear buffalo skin clothes and feather headdresses,
do a dance called the Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow competition
3. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page in Workbook to practice using words and phrases learnt in the reading material.
Part B
1. Discuss the eight questions given in this part in groups. Decide which minority culture you want to research and what topics you want to focus on in your research and how to find the information you need. Divide the different tasks among your group members. Each group should make a reference book about an ethnic group with a different culture.
2. Present your reference book to the whole class.
3. Do Parts D1 and D2 on page 119 in Workbook.
This section aims to help you determine the progress you have made, what you have achieved and what else you can do to improve your English.
In this unit, 18 items are listed, each with a score of 5, making a total score of 90. These items cover the main study targets in this unit, such as skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the use of vocabulary and grammar items as well as doing activities in English. Through assessing yourselves as learners, you can evaluate how well you have achieved the goals in this unit.
The colour bar with five levels shows how confident you yourselves feel about what you have learned. In part A, some items are presented to you and you are asked to check how well you think you’ve developed these skills. Each item corresponds to something you’ve learnt in this unit. For example, by finishing Step 3 on page 45 without any difficulty, you’ll know whether you are able to write a letter of apology. You have the opportunity to evaluate your own skills and abilities in English. If you feel very confident about one item, you get a score of 5. If you feel slightly confident about another item, you get a score of 2. By adding up all the scores you get and dividing it by the total number of items, you’ll get a percentage, which shows your overall level. If you feel there are some items you are not confident about or just slightly confident about, you can think about how to improve on them. In Part B, you are asked to make an action plan, so you will know what to do and how to take some effective measures to improve your confidence.
Part Two Teaching Resources
第二部分 教学资源
●Section 1 A text structure analysis of Cultural difference
I. A tree diagram of the text
II. A retold version of the text
Ma Li has to do her homework on cultural differences. So she goes online to chat with others and find some information she needs.
She gets to know English and American people have unbelievable differences in culture even though they both speak English. For example, the British may be puzzled when Americans talk about Thanksgiving and the huge turkey they eat. There are different reactions in the West and the East when they get presents. Westerners like to open them as soon as they get one. Though there are similarities between wedding traditions in the west, there are also differences between different western countries. In Italy, guests expect to get presents from the newly-weds while the guests are expected to give presents to them in the UK. In Brunei, a male guest has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men and a female guest has to be with the bride and the other women in a different area. What’s more, if you go to Brunei, you should point with your thumb instead of your index finger. You shouldn’t wear yellow. Either.
So remember when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
III. Translation of reading and project

马莉: 嗨,大家好。我的名字叫马莉。我是个来自北京的女孩。今天我想跟大家聊—聊,尽量积累更多有关文化差异方面的知识,因为我要完成一个有关文化差异方面的家庭作业。
瓦利德: 嗨,马莉,我是来自文莱的瓦利德。这是—个非常有趣的话题。在我们文莱的这个学校里 我们总是在体验文化差异,因为我们有几位以英语为母语的英语教师。其中一位来自美国,另外两位来自英国。虽然他们说的是同—种语言(只是带有不同的口音),在文化方面却有着令人难以置信的差异。
马莉: 嗯,我也不知道。
彼得: 嗨,瓦利德,我发现你又在开讲座了!这次是什么话题呢?
瓦利德:哦,你好,彼得。嗯,要是你在十分钟前就进入聊天室的话,你就知道我们在谈些什么了! 我只不过是在告诉马莉有关文化之间的差异。
彼得: 嗨,马莉,见到你很高兴。我来自英国。我猜想瓦利德已经告诉你关于那位英国老师在期末典礼上一收到礼物马上就打开的事情了吧?
马莉: 不,他还没有说呢,不过,我的美国朋友杰克就是这么做的。
彼得: 嗯,西方人都是这么做的。当有人送给你一份礼物时,你不打它是很不礼貌的行为。我们喜欢看到对方对礼物的反应。我们觉得,不打开礼物的做法非常奇怪!嘿,你知道吗,尽管西方的婚礼传统有很多相似之处,如抛洒五彩纸屑,但不同的西方国家往婚礼方面也还是有差别的。一旦出错可能会非常尴尬!在意大利参加婚礼和在英国参加婚礼是不—样的。在英国,客人应该给新人礼物;而在意大利,新人要给来宾礼物作为纪念,让大家记住这个重要的日子。
马莉: 所以,说得更清楚一些,如果我在英国结婚,我会得到客人的礼物;而如果我在意大利结婚,我得给客人礼物。真有趣!在中国,我们总是大办筵席来庆祝婚礼。
瓦利德:有意思!在文莱,如果男士参加一个婚礼招待会,他得和新郎以及其他男士坐在一起。新娘和其他女土得坐在不同的区域。还有—个区别是:我们在婚礼上提供食物、软饮料、茶 和咖啡,但没有白酒!而且,你很可能睡不了什么觉,因为我们连续好几个小时击鼓庆祝婚礼------有时候通宵!
彼得: 通宵?
马莉: 那么,在你们国家还有哪些事情与别的国家不一样呢,瓦利德?
瓦利德: 嗯,你知道,在很多国家人们用食指来指东西。我们觉得这样的做法是粗鲁的,所以我们用大拇指来指东西。看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子很是滑稽。哦,还有,如果你来到文莱,你不能穿着黄颜色的衣服。
马莉: 为什么呢?
瓦利德: 因为黄颜色是皇室的颜色,只有苏丹与其家人能够穿着黄颜色。还有一件事是,如果你来到文莱,你进别人家门之前得脱鞋!
马莉: 这和中国城市里的习俗是一样的!所以,彼得,如果你去文莱或者中国的城市,你要记得在进入别人的房子之前先脱鞋!好了,各位,我要下线了。今天的聊天真的很有趣。我想现在我对不同的文化以及什么是恰当的行为方式有了更多的了解。这确实对我的作业有帮助!我希望我们大家以后能够再次聊天。毕竟,了解文化差异是更多地了解对方的—个好办法。祝大家愉快!


本次旅行的目的地是澳大利亚的卡喀杜,其中包括要在卡喀杜一个土著村庄逗留三天。在这里,你将有机会目睹基于古老的土著信仰之上的、人们又唱又跳的土著仪式。澳大利亚土著相信,是 “太祖神灵”创造了地球上所有的人、动物、植物和鸟类。他们相信,“太祖神灵”将人、植物和鸟 类安置在不同的地方,制定规则和律法来管理他们。这些土著仪式有时可持续好几个小时之久。
土著人从周围的灌木丛中采集食物,常常深入洞穴里捕猎大型蜥蜴和蛇。你将有机会品尝一些非常奇怪的食物!本次旅行过程中你还会了解到澳大利亚土著乐器,比如迪吉里杜管,以及他们使 用的狩猎武器之—回飞镖。
● Section 2 Background information about Cultural differences
I. April Fool’s Day-History, Traditions and more
Unlike most of the other nonfoolish holidays, the history of April Fool's Day, sometimes called All Fool's Day, is not totally clear. There really wasn't a "first April Fool's Day" that can be pinpointed on the calendar. Some believe it sort of evolved simultaneously in several cultures at the same time, from celebrations involving the first day of spring.
The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. Prior to that year, the new year was celebrated for eight days, beginning on March 25. The celebration culminated on April 1. With the reform of the calendar under Charles IX, the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved to January 1.
However, communications being what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, many people did not receive the news for several years. Others, the more obstinate crowd, refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the new year on April 1. These backward folk were labeled as "fools" by the general populace. They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were made the butt of other practical jokes.
This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century. It was later introduced to the American colonies of both the English and French. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun festival, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.
Mexico's counterpart of April Fool's Day is actually observed on December 28. Originally, the day was a sad remembrance of the slaughter of the innocent children by King Herod. It eventually evolved into a lighter commemoration involving pranks and trickery.
Pranks performed on April Fool's Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe's untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"
Practical jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, elaborate practical jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees.
April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!
II. 文化震撼与调适
「文化震撼」(Culture Shock)主要是来自于两个不同文化差异而引起。可以发生在任何时候,任何新环境。很多时候,「文化震撼」会引起身体上的一些症状:如头痛、胃囗不好、睡眠失调或者心理上的焦虑、沮丧。
几乎每一个留学生都经验过文化震撼, 其实文化震撼并不是指突发一次即结束的 "shock" 的感觉,而是在一段时间内,密集式的有强有弱的震惊,仓惶和被冲击到的感觉。过去的文化背景和新文化差异愈大时,震撼的感觉会愈强且愈密集。文化震撼到结束,其实就是一个适应新文化的过程。对留学生来说,它通常有四个阶段:
III 一般及社交礼仪
(6)别忘了说「Excuse me」,「Please」和「Thank You」。
1.新年(New Year's Day):
2.情人节(St. Valentine's Day):
3.圣派克节(St. Patrick's Day):
5.阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day):
6.独立日(Independence Day):
7.劳动节(Labor Day):劳动节是美国全国性节日,为九月的第一个星期一,放假一天,以示对劳工的尊重,通常各地会有游行活动。
万圣节(All Saints' Day)是西方的传统节日,时间为十月卅一日。万圣节前夜,孩子们装扮成妖魔鬼怪,手提「杰克灯」,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:「Trick or Treat」,不给糖果的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧,学校通常也有庆祝万圣节的化妆晚会。
9.感恩节(Thanksgiving Day):
V. 阿拉伯国家之禁忌
莫夸奖任一中东国家, 不能双手交叉着说话, 洋娃娃不能当礼物, 禁穿有星星图案的衣服, 不送酒
VI. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid(爱神丘比特), the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow.
  February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14!
Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the day that you show your friend or loved one that you care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flower of love.
  Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines.
  For teenagers and adults, major newspapers throughout the country have a Valentine's Day offer. Anyone can send in a message, for a small fee of course, destined for a would-be sweetheart, a good friend, an acquaintance or even a spouse of fifty years. The message is printed in a special section of the newspaper on February 14.
●Section 3 Words and expressions from Reading
●Welcome to the unit
1. Look at the pictures below and discuss the following questions with your partner. (P33)看下面的图画, 并与你的搭档讨论下面的问题.
1) below
adv. 1) at or to a lower level, position or place 在或向较低处
She looked down from the mountain to the valley below.
2) under the surface 在地下
The captain told the sailors to go below.
prep. Lower than; under 在…下;低于
Children below the age of 16 are not allowed to enter.
2) following
adj. next (to be mentioned) 随后的
The child was sick in the evening, but on the following day he seemed well again.
prep. after an event or as a result of 在…之后
Following the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions.
2. In the Middle East, Arabs greet each other by touching noses. (P33) 在中东, 阿拉伯人的见面礼是互相碰鼻子.
vt. 1) be or come together with 9sth. else) so that there is no space between 接触,触及
One of the branches was touching the water.
2) make (sb./sb.s feelings) sympathetic or sad 感动(某人); 触动(某人的感情)
We were all deeply touched by his tragic experience.
get in touch with 与…取得联系
keep in touch with 与…保持联系
lose touch with 与…失去联系
out of touch with 与…不联系
●Reading--- Cultural differences
1. Today I would like to talk to you guys and try to accumulate some more information about cultural differences because I have to do a piece of homework on cultural differences. (P34) 今天我想和伙计们谈谈, 并想搜集更多的关于文化差异的信息.因为我必须完成一份关于文化差异的家庭作业.
vt. &vi. 1) gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of sth. 积累,聚集
By investing wisely she accumulates a fortune.
2) increase in number or quality 增加
Dust or dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
2. This is a very interesting topic. (P34) 这是个很有趣的话题.
n. (c) a subject which is discussed, written about or studied:
Our discussion ranged over various topics, such as acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer.
n. (c) the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc. or a short, simple tune on which a piece of music is based: 主题
The theme of loss runs through most of his novels.
title (NAME)
n. (c) the name of a film, book, painting, piece of music, etc: 题目
The title of Evelyn Waugh's first novel was 'Decline and Fall'.
And this next record is the title track on the album 'The Red Shoes' (= the piece of music and the
record are both called 'The Red Shoes').
3. Here at my school in Brunei, we experience cultural differences all the time because we have some native English teachers. (P34) 在文莱, 我们在学校里一直能体会到文化差异, 因为我们有几位以英语为母语的老师.
all the time 一直
The letter I was searching for was in my pocket all the time.
at all times 随时; 永远 at one time 一度; 从前
at a time 每次; 依次 at the time 在那时
at times 有时; 间或 behind time 迟, 晚
ahead of time 提前 for the time being 暂且
in time 及时; 迟早,最后 once upon a time 从前
on time 准时 take one’s time 慢慢来
----Can the project be finished as planned?
----Sure, ______ it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day. (2005福建)
A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get
答案 :B
4. He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic.(P34)一谈到这个话题,他就很兴奋。
get excited (变得)兴奋起来
He got excited when he heard the news.
Note:(1)get+ p.p. 使自己处于某种状态和情况;或表被动意义。如:
get dressed 穿上 get married 结婚
get burnt 烧伤,晒黑了 get paid 得以付钱
get drunk 喝醉酒 get started 开始
(2)get + adj. 表示达到某种状态或情况
get well/bored/hungry/worried/fat/fit/cold, etc.
come to
1) to reach a particular point or state:
His hair comes right down to his shoulders.
He's tiny, he doesn't even come up to my chest!
And now I come to (= I will mention) my main point.
The war had just come to an end (= ended).
2) to be a particular total when numbers or amounts are added together:
That comes to £25.
3) If you come to a decision, arrangement etc., you make a decision or decide what to think about sth.:
We haven't come to a decision on the matter yet.
Have you come to any conclusions about the story yet?
4)to become conscious again after an accident or operation:
Has he come to yet?
5) If a thought or idea comes to you, you suddenly remember or start to think about it:
I can't remember his name - it'll come to me in a minute.
Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it ______ shopping and eating. (2006天津)
A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to
答案 :D.
5. I suppose Waled has already told you about the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he was given it at the end-of-term ceremony? (P34)我想威得已经告诉了你关于那位在期末典礼上将收到的礼物立刻就打开了的英国老师的事了吧?
vt. 1) to think that sth. is likely to be true:
[+ (that)] I couldn't get any reply when I called Dan, so I suppose (that) he's gone out.
He found it a lot more difficult to get a job than he supposed it would be.
[+ (that)] Do you suppose (that) Gillian will marry him?
It is widely supposed (that) the minister will be forced to resign.
[+ to infinitive] We all supposed him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss.
Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good.
2) [+ (that)] used in making polite requests:
I don't suppose (that) you could/I suppose you couldn't lend me £5 till tomorrow, could you?
Note: be supposed to 相当于 should
6. The British teachers didn’t know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving was held in celebration of. (P34) 来自英国的老师不知道他在谈论什么, 也不知道感恩节是为庆祝什么而举行的.
in celebration of: in order to celebrate
vi.&vt. to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important:
We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.
If this plan works, we'll celebrate in style (= in a special way).
n. [C or U] a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate sth. or the act of celebrating sth.:
There were lively New Year celebrations all over town.
Such good news calls for (= deserves) a celebration!
Let's buy some champagne in celebration of her safe arrival.
celebrate表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接sth. 其名词构成的词组为:have/hold a celebration(举行庆祝会)in celebration of…(为了庆祝…)
congratulate表“祝贺”其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语congratulate sb. on sth./doing…
名词congratulation可构成短语congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…
7. In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds, but in Italy, the newly-weds are expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir to remember the big day. (P35) 在英国, 客人通常要送礼物给新婚夫妇, 而在意大利,新婚夫妇要给客人门赠送礼物作为记住这一个重要日子的纪念品.
vt. 1) to think or believe sth. will happen, or someone will arrive:
We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.
[+ (that)] I expect (that) you'll find it somewhere in your bedroom.
I expect (that) he'd have left anyway.
[+ to infinitive] He didn't expect to see me.
The financial performance of the business is fully expected (= almost certain) to improve.
We were half expecting you not to come back.
2) to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing:
I expect punctuality from my students.
[+ to infinitive] Borrowers are expected to (= should) return books on time.
adj. [before noun]
The expected counter-attack never happened.
n. [U] when you think that sth. exciting or pleasant is going to happen:
There was a general air of expectancy in the crowd.
n. 1) [C usually plural] when you expect good things to happen in the future:
The holiday lived up to all our expectations (= was as good as we were expecting).
I have high expectations for this job (= I believe it will be good).
We did so well - beyond all (= better than) our expectations.
I think she had unrealistic expectations of motherhood.
2) [C or U] when you expect sth. to happen:
Considering the injuries he's had there can be little expectation of him winning the race.
Our expectations are that the UK will cut its interest
When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _____ to become a world champion by his coach and parents. (2006上海)
A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected
答案 :C
8. So, to clarify, if I got married in the UK, I would expect a present, but if I got married in Italy, I would have to give a present. (P35) 让我来说得更清楚些. 如果我是在英国结婚的话, 我就会得到一份礼物, 但如果我是在意大利结婚的话, 我就得送给别人一份礼物.
vt. 1) to make sth. clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation:
Could you clarify the first point please? I don't understand it completely.
The position of all shareholders will be clarified next month when we finalize our proposals.
2) to remove water and unwanted substances from fat, such as butter, by heating it
n. [C or U]
Some further clarification (= explanation) of your position is needed.
You often use clarified butter when making curry.
9. If a man participates in a wedding reception in Brunei, he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men. (P35) 如果一位男士是在文莱参加婚宴, 他就得和新郎及其他的男士坐在一起.
1) participate
vi. to take part in or become involved in an activity:
She never participates in any of our discussions, does she?
n. [U] when you take part or become involved in sth.
n [C] a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity
2) reception
n. 1) [U] the act of welcoming someone or sth.:
The new hospital was ready for the reception of its first patients.
See also receive (WELCOME).
2) [C] a formal party at which important people are welcomed:
The President gave a reception for the visiting heads of state.
3) [S] the way in which people react to sth. or someone:
Her first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from the critics.
4) n. [U] the place in a hotel or office building where people go when they first arrive:
Ask for me at reception.
I signed in at the reception desk.
n. [C] a person who works in a place such as a hotel, office or hospital, who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the telephone
10. It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.(p35) 看新来的外国老师试图调整着去做它是很有意思的事.
vt. 1) to change sth. slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.
As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.
2) to arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy:
She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath and walked into the room.
vi. to become more familiar with a new situation:
I can't adjust to living on my own.
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.
The lifestyle is so very different - it takes a while to adjust.
adj. able to be changed to suit particular needs:
The height of the steering wheel is adjustable.
Is the strap on this helmet adjustable?
n. [C or U]1) a small change:
She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera.
2) the ability to become more familiar with a new situation:
He has so far failed to make the adjustment from school to work.
devote…to…, make contributions to…, with a view to…, be/get used to…, be accustomed to…, look forward to…, pay attention to…, get down to…, lead to…, stick to…, object to…, in addition to…, on the way to…, compare to…, turn to…, add to…, point to…, belong to…, reply to…, see to…, etc.
11. …, you need to remember to take your shoes off before you go inside someone’s house! …, (P35) 你在进屋前应记着脱鞋。
take off
1) to remove sth., especially clothes:
He took off his clothes and got into the bath.
After the poisoning scare, the product was taken off the shelves/the market (= removed from sale).
2) If an aircraft, bird or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly:
The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.
3) to spend time away from your work:
He took off two weeks in September.
4) to suddenly start to be successful or popular:
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
5) to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going:
When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.
take away 除掉, 带走 take back 收回
take down 取下, 拆除, 记下 take in 吸取, 理解, 欺骗
take on 呈现, 接纳 take over 接管, 管理
take up 举起, 拿起 占据, 从事 take out 取出
prep. adv. conj.
at or during a time earlier than (the thing mentioned):
You should always wash your hands before meals.
Before leaving he said good-bye to each of them.
He said he had never seen her before.
She's always up before (= earlier than) dawn.
Before he could reach the door, she quickly closed it.
Before we make a decision, does anyone want to say anything else?
It was an hour before (= until) the police arrived.
She had to give the doorman a tip before (= in order that) he would help her with her suitcases.
I feel as though I've been here before (= in the past).
prep. 1) in front of:
The letter K comes before L in the English alphabet.
Many mothers put their children's needs before their own.
We have the whole weekend before us - what shall we do?
He stood up before a whole roomful of people, and asked her to marry him.
2) to be before someone or a group of people, is to be formally considered or examined by that person or group:
The proposal before the committee is that we try and reduce our spending by 10%.
The men appeared before the judge yesterday.
3) if a place is before another place, you will arrive at it first when you are travelling towards the second place:
The bus stop is just before the school.
It will be long before… 做…还需要很长时间
It won’t be long before… 不久就…
It has been a long time since… 自从…以来很久了
before long 不久以后
long before 很久以前
--- Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?
--- He rushed out of the room ______ I could say a word. (2006四川)
A. before B. until C. when D. after
答案 :A
12. …, it’s time for me to log off,…, (P35) 我要下线了.
n. [C] a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire
vt./vi. to cut down trees so that you can use their wood:
The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
vt. to officially record sth.:
The Police Complaints Authority has logged more than 90 complaints.
n. [U] the activity of cutting down trees for wood:
logging companies.
log in/on
phrasal verb to connect a computer to a computer system by typing your name, so that you can start working:
Log on using your name and password.
log off/out
phrasal verb to stop a computer being connected to a comput




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