译林牛津模块2 Unit 1 词组归纳(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Phrases in unit 1 Tales of the unexplained
Welcome to Reading
1. a missing boy; a lost boy 一个失踪的男孩
2. conduct/carry out/make an interview 进行采访
3. be full of unsolved mysteries 充满未解之迷
4. today’s advanced science and technology 当今先进的科技
5. run into sth/sb =come across sth/sb偶然遇见
6. believe in the existence of aliens 相信外星人的存在
7. step up the research 加速研究
8. show interest in=show an interest in 对…感兴趣
9. go to sleep early/late 早睡/晚睡
10. stay out late 在外面呆得很晚
11. show up=turn up 出现
12. put on his favorite CD播放他最喜爱的CD
13. strange-looking creatures 样貌奇怪的生物
14. do/make research on sb.对…进行研究
15. rule out the possibility that+句子/of sth 排除…的可能性
16. look into…调查
17. make up a story/an excuse/a lie/ a dialogue 编造
18. take charge of 负责
19. find convincing evidence 找到令人信服的证据
20. according to 根据
21. make much progress 取得很大进步
22. be disappointed with sb; be disappointed at/about sth. 对…感到失望
23. search for other witnesses 寻找其他目击证人
Word Power to Grammar
1. begin with 从…开始
2. carry out outer space explorations 进行外太空探险
3. launch sth into space 把…发射到太空
4. the first human to travel in space 第一个太空旅行者
5. so far=up to now直到现在
6. go on to do; 接着做另一事go on doing;继续做原来的事 go on with 继续某事
7. dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
8. come true 梦想等的实现
9. look like an aero-plane看起来象一架飞机
10. separate from 从…分离
11. pick them up把它们拾起; pick up some English学得一些英语; pick up the news收听新闻
12. take off their spacesuits;脱下航空服 (a plane)take off起飞; take a day off;休假一天
13. the solar system 太阳系
14. be connected to 与相关
15. many sunken ships许多沉船
16. chat in an internet chat room在网络聊天室聊天
17. take the underground 乘地铁
1. conduct a survey制作问卷调查
2. at a time;一次 at one time;曾经 at times; 有时at no time;决不 in no time立即
3. divide…into;把…分成… separate …from…把…和…分开
4. avoid doing sth/sth 避免做
5. follow a rule 遵循规则
6. point out 指出
7. go shopping at Smith’s 在Smith店买东西
8. buy a new top 买一件外套
9. inappropriate questions 不恰当的问题
10. in the last/past few months 在过去的几个月里
11. greet sb in an appropriate manner 恰当地问候某人
12. in return 作为回应
13. shake hands with 和…握手
14. intend to do; be intended for; had intended to do=intended to have done打算做但没做
15. be included in the next issue 包含在下一期
16. ask questions in an order 一某一次序问问题
17. a number of questions;许多 the number of …的数目
18. draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion得出结论
19. arouse the students’ interest in doing…引起学生们做某事的兴趣
20. take measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施做…
21. the most popular activity最受欢迎的活动
22. be willing to do 甘心做
23. make recommendations 提出建议
1. in a remote area 在偏远地区
2. a man-like creature 一个长得象人的生物 3. run after 追赶
4. on average 平均 5. play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑
6. run with amazing speed and strength 以惊人的速度和体力奔跑
7. one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti
8. make its way to…
9. be six feet tall with huge shoulders 六英尺高,宽大的肩膀
10. live on 继续存活
11. solve the mystery 解迷
12. exist ---没有被动结构
13. see sth with one’s own eyes 亲眼所见
14. leave out 删除
15. a description of sth 对…的描述
Work book:
1. step up the train 2. only two weeks’ away
3. environmental problems
4. all sorts of information 5. look into the cause of the accident
6. be good at making up stories 7. stay out until midnight
8. be knocked down by a car 9. the largest animal on land/at sea
10. go missing 11. be said to be doing/to do/to have done
12. be covered with 13. build up one’s strength
14. believe in the existence of Father Christmas
15. according to his description 16. in one’s view
17. live on in deep oceans 18. play chess
19. develop one’s mind 19. die from/of AIDS
20. die of hunger/cold/sadness/sorrow 21. die of a wound
22. make up one’s mind to do 23. expect there to be a film
24. to my surprise; much to my surprise; to my great surprise
25. in the last few months; every few meters
26. attract a lot of attention
27. put away the books 28. the first two pages
29. due to the bad weather 30. be admitted to a famous university
31. start a toy firm on the Internet 32. argue with sb about/over sth
33. in history 34. be moved by art
35. play with one’s emotions 36. have/take pity on sb; show pity to sb
37. It’s a pity that… 38. far too large
39. get away from the policemen 40. in the 1980’s
41. be attached to sb 爱慕,依恋 42. be seriously ill
43. be worried about terrorism 44. the outbreak of SARS
45. shoot at 46. describe … as
47. at the thought of 48. watch news on the television
49. a faraway place 50. the other day
51. get hold of 52. be worn out
53. gather one’s strength 54. drag oneself along the road
55. run in all directions/run every direction 56. pat sb on the shoulder
57. what is going on




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