北师大Module 2 Unit 4-6 词汇句型汇总(北师大版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Lesson 13
find out 找出, 发现, 查明(真相等)
affect (v.) out lives 影响我们的生活
connect to/ with 与…相连接,联系
be optimistic/ pessimistic about 对…感到乐观/ 悲观
it is clear/ obvious that… 很显然/ 明显的是…
make you feel as if… 让你感觉起来好像…
personally 就个人而言
I fear that… 我恐怕…
come true 实现
feel like (sth./ doing sth.) 想要某物,想要做某事
take immediate action 马上行动
Lesson 14
fancy doing 想干某事
share…with… 与…分享
get in touch (with) 取得联系
be up to (What are you up to this weekend?) 忙于…, 打算…
Lesson 15
virtual reality 虚拟现实
depend on 依靠,依…而定
an around- the- world tour 环球旅行
go on a world tour 去环球旅行
find it hard to do 觉得做某事很难
be popular with 受…欢迎
Lesson 16
It has a population of… 人口数量是…
be located 位于
go back 追溯到…
make Auckland the capital 使奥克兰成为首都
a nuclear free zone 无核区
protest against 反对,抗议
plenty of 大量
as well as 也
make a visit to… 访问,参观
be known as… 以…著称,被称为
carry out 执行

1. It is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the Internet.
2. We have clear evidence that in the next few years the earth’s climate will probably change.
3. …if we had virtual reality holidays, we wouldn’t have any problems with the weather.
4. From wherever you are in the city, you can see the sea.
5. It is known as the “city of sails” because of all the yachts there.
6. It is easy to travel between Auckland and the rest of New Zeland.
Unit 5

Lesson 17
go with 相配,协调
special effect 特技
react to… 对…作出反应
be used to 习惯于…
come out 出版,发行
make her world famous 使她名闻遐迩
an incredibly cold night 一个令人难以置信得寒夜
warm it up 热起来
be full of / be filled with 充满着
manage to do 设法完成某件困难之事
be (greatly) impressed by… 留下印象,印入脑海
Lesson 18
date back (to) 追溯到
note down 记下
play an important role in … 扮演重要角色,起重要作用
in other words 换句话说
hand in 上交
various body movements 各种各样的身体动作
Lesson 19
Shave off 剃去
combine … with… 把…与…相结合
as a result of 结果是…
be an important part of … 是…的重要部分
admit that 承认
see it as… 把…看作
a two-way exchange 双向的交流
Lesson 20
make sure that 确保
are taught from one generation to another 代代相传
be dressed in 身穿…服装
dance to music 随着音乐起舞
dream of 梦想
Culture Corner
be related to… 有关联
in fact 事实上
refer to 提到,谈到

1. Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissette’s brilliant music and singing.
2. As a result of his search, he discovered the potentials of Chinese folk music.
3. He was made to practise the piano so much that he sometimes found it unbearable.

Unit 6

Lesson 21
fix one’s eyes on 注视,凝视
a number of 许多
at high speed 高速
work as 做…工作
be deep/ lost in thought 陷入沉思
add… to… 增添,增加
choose to do 选择做…
leave sb/ sth doing 让(某人/某事物)处于某状态
Lesson 22
Sort of 有点,稍微
be situated 位于
Lesson 23
with a long history 有悠久的历史
according to 根据…
be used for… 做…用
be used as 把…用作
put up 贴
for the same reason 同样的道理
a third 又一,再一
suggest doing 建议做…
hopefully 有希望地
leave out 省略
in the shape of 以…形状
be made out of 以…制作
Lesson 24
It seems (that)… 似乎
that’s why… 那就是为什么…
take a bath 洗澡
dream up 梦想
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

1. But I remembered most is moving a lot.
2. …and that’s why we moved into the house on Mango Street.
3. This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket…
4. But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all.
5. Mr. Chen suggested practising easy designs such as snowflakes.



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