外研初二上Module 10 Lao She’s Teahouse(外研版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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I. Teaching objectives 教学目标
Skill focus 听 Listen for numbering sentences in order.
Listen for the events in your life.
说 Talk about plans, hopes, offers, etc.
Talk about events in your life.
读 Read a passage about Lao She and his teahouse, matching headings with paragraphs.
写 Write a passage describing a film or play.
Write and act out a scene from a play.
Focus 功

Talk about events in your life
Would you like us to take you to Lao She’s Teahouse?
I’d like to go to the teahouse again one day.
Can we come and see the teahouse?
Let’s stay longer.
How was it?
Did you have a good time?
That’s the main thing.
She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.
My parents offered to take us there.
My parents agreed to take us.
We decided to stay for two hours.
I hope to understand more next time.
词汇 1. 重点词汇:
main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible, special, take place, lose, master, twentieth, full, silver
2. 认读词汇
teahouse, audience, customer, dynasty, waiter, folk, acrobatics, enjoyable, performance
Verbs followed by infinitives
话题 Lao She’s Teahouse
Ⅱ. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析
本单元以Lao She’s Teahouse为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论自己生活中的情况;了解关于老舍和他的著作《茶馆》;学会表述计划、希望与供给;能找出文章的小标题;能用所学的知识写一段话,描述一部电影或戏剧,并出演其某些场景。
Unit 1谈论日常行为,复习表示“邀请”的日常用语,引入关于老舍茶馆的对话;学习带不定式做宾语的动词的用法。
Unit 2 学习老舍、老舍的《茶馆》以及老舍茶馆的简介,学习一些生词和短语;通过阅读此篇文章,学会找每一段的大意,以便理解整篇文章;利用所学知识,就一部戏剧或电影进行写作。
Unit 3 在练习中复现本单元重点词汇、句型和语法;读关于Theatres的文章;写戏剧中的一个场景并进行表演。
III.Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配
Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)
Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2)
Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3)
Ⅳ Teaching plans for each period分课时教案
Unit 1 She wanted to see some Beijing Opera
Target language 目标语言
1. Words & phrases生词和短语
main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible, special, teahouse, whisper
2. Key sentences重点句子
How was it?
Did you have a good time?
So my parents offered to take us there.
Not especially, but I wanted to see the teahouse, so my parents agreed to take us.
I tried to understand it, but it was almost impossible.
We only planned have some tea, but we decided to stay for two hours.
I hope to understand more next time.
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to listen to and talk about events and learn some everyday English.
Pay attention to some verbs followed by infinitives.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to learn how to listen to and talk about events.
Help the students to talk about events with some verbs followed by infinitives.
Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点
Introduce some verbs that must followed by infinitives.
Teaching aids教具准备
A projector or some pictures, a tape recorder
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
Step I Lead-in
In this procedure, give the students a brief introduction of the teahouse and Beijing Opera. Ask the students to do pair work to guess where and why Lingling and Sally went.
T: Hello. Boys and girls. Nice to see you again.
S: Nice to see you.
T: In Module 5 we learned many different types of music. Do you still remember? What are they?
S: Jazz, pop, classical, rock…
T: Which type of music is China famous for?
S: Beijing Opera.
T: Yes, many people like to listen to Beijing Opera. Some foreigners also like. We can listen to Beijing Opera in big theatres, but we can also listen to it in a teahouse.
Write the word teahouse on the blackboard and explain it to the students.
T: What does teahouse mean? It is formed by tea and house.
Help the students to guess the meaning of teahouse and Lao She’s Teahouse. Ask the students to guess where Lingling and Sally went, and why.
T: Lingling and Sally went out last night. Where did they go? Why? Let’s look at the pictures and the title. Let’s guess. Work in pairs.
One sample conversation:
S1: Where did they go?
S2: They went to Lao She’s Teahouse.
S1: Why did they go there?
S2: Because Sally wanted to listen to Beijing Opera.
Step 2 Listening and pair work
In this procedure, students will listen to events. Ask them to listen to the conversation and number the sentences. Pay attention to Would you like…and I’d like…? Then do pair work to practice this pattern.
T: Two children want to go to Lao She’s Teahouse. Let’s listen to the tape and number the sentences.
Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully.
T: Now, let’s exchange your answers with your deskmates and check the answers.
Play the tape again and go through answers with the students. Then ask some pairs to make up a conversation with Would you like…and I’d like…? They can use any words.
One sample conversation:
S1: Would you like to go skating with me?
S2: All right. I’d like to.
Step 4 Listen and read
In this procedure, the students will listen and read a dialogue, then they will answer some questions and do some exercises to find further information. At the same time, they will learn some new words and expressions. Another important point is to learn some verbs followed by infinitives.
(1) Present the new words main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible. Stress these words when talking to the students.
T: OK. Lingling and Sally went to Lao She’s Teahouse last night. Let me tell you something about my friend Sally. Sally likes traveling, but her main interest is music. So Lingling’s parents offered to take them to the teahouse. They can drink tea and see opera there. Lingling wanted to see the teahouse, so her parents agreed to take them. Sally found it almost impossible to understand Beijing Opera.
Read slowly to make sure the students understand the meaning of each word and write the new words and expressions on the blackboard. Ask the students to repeat.
(2) Listen to the tape recorder and answer the questions.
T: Some students are talking about Teahouse, Beijng opera and Lao She. Let’s listen to the tape recorder and find out what they are talking about. Books closed.
T: Have you got it? Now work in pairs, look at Activity 4, ask and answers questions in pairs, one ask and one answer. Then you’ll show your answers to the class.
One sample answer:
S1: What does Sally like to do?
S2: He likes to listen to music.
S1: Why did Sally want to go to Lao She’s teahouse?
S2: Because she wanted to see some Beijing Opera.

Check some pairs to answer these questions before the class.
Now listen again and check answers with each other, then go through the answers.
Step 5 Discussion
In this procedure, practice some words and expressions in Activity Six by having a discussion.
T: We have known that Sally likes music and wanted to see some Beijing Opera. You must want to know something more about their visit to Lao She’s Teahouse. Now let’s look at Activity Seven, imagine you are a reporter, you’ll ask your friend some questions. You must use the new words in the box. Work in pairs!
One sample conversation:
S1: Did they plan to stay for two hours?
S2: They only planned to have some tea, but they decided to stay for two hours.
S1: What is Lao She most famous for?
S2: He is especially famous for his play, Teahouse.

Check the answers. Ask some pairs to make up a dialogue.
Step 6 A Game
In this procedure, do a game to help the students to find pairs of sentences which have the same meaning. Help the students understand the meaning of each sentence and what the direct speech sentence stands for.
Hand some cards with the sentences of Activity 2 to some students.
T: Now let’s play a game called Find Your Friend. A student will read one sentence in Activity 5. Those six students who got my cards must check your sentences. If your sentence has the same meaning with it, you must stand up and read it. If you can’t find it, you may lose the game.
One sample conversation:
S1: She offered to take us there.
S2: Would you like us to take you to Lao She’s Teahouse?
S3: They planned to stay for some tea.
S4: We are only going to stay for some tea.
S5: They decided to stay longer.
S6: Let’s stay longer. OK.

In the end, help the students to find the rule: each verb in these sentences is followed by infinitive. Ask the students to remember this rule and these verbs.
Step 7 Pronunciation and speaking
In this procedure, revise the pattern in this unit and make sure the students pronounce the sentences properly. Try to make the students talk about themselves by using “verbs+to do”.
T: Today, we have learned something about Lao She’s teahouse and some special verbs that are followed by infinitives. You’ll listen to some sentences and repeat.
Play the tape recorder twice, give the students a few minutes to read the sentences by themselves.
T: Let’s do group work. Work in fours, every student must make up a sentence according to Activity 8.
S1: I have decided to go fishing next week.
S2:They offered to buy a present for me.
S3: My hope is to be a scientist one day.
S4: My parents agreed to take me to the park on Saturday.
Check some groups. Then ask the students to complete Activity 9, using their answers. Ask one student to report his events.
One sample version:
I wanted to watch TV tonight. My parents offered to buy me a computer. They agree to take me to listen to a concert. I hoped to be an artist one day.
1. Ask the students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit.
2. Ask the students to finish exercise on P124 in the workbook.
Unit 2 It takes places in a teahouse
Target language 目标语言
1. Words & phrases生词和短语
lose, master, twentieth, customer, dynasty, waiter, folk, acrobatics
2. Key sentences重点句子
The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and 1945.
It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.
It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.
His parents sent him to the Teacher’s School and he learned to teach.
He was named a “People’s Artist” and a “Great Master of language”.
Lao She’s teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable students to read and understand the passage and write a passage about the film and play.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.
Help the students to write a passage from some questions.
Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点
How to find out the heading of each paragraph in the passage
Verbs followed by infinitives
Teaching aids教具准备
A projector or some pictures and some small pieces of paper, a tape recorder
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
Step 1 Revision and lead in
In this procedure, revise something that was studied in unit 1 by doing pair work. After that, lead in Activity One of this unit.
T: Yesterday we have known something about Lao She’s Teahouse. I have some small pieces of paper with some questions on them. I’ll give them to some students and they will read the questions. You will answer the questions as quickly as you can.
One sample conversation:
S1: What does Sally likes to do?
S2: He likes to listen to music.
S1: Why did Sally want to go to Lao She’s teahouse?
S2: Because she wanted to see some Beijing Opera.
Ask some students to ask and answer, revising difficult points in Unit 1. Ask a question about Lao She and Teahouse and lead in this unit.
T: I ask you the last question. What is Lao She most famous for?
S: He’s especially famous for his play, Teahouse.
T: Right. Do you want to know something more about Lao She and his Teahouse?
S: Yes.
T: OK. Let turn to page at 82 and look at Activity One.
Step 2 New words
In this procedure, make the students familiar with some new words of some instruments, using pictures. Give a brief introduction of Lao She and Teahouse, learning some new words.
T: Teahouse is the most famous play written by Lao She. When and where did it take place?
Help the students say: It took place in 1898 to 1945 in a teahouse in old Beijing.
T: This play tells us a story of Wang Lifa and his customers in old Beijing. There are many different types of people and their different ends. Wang loses the teahouse and dies in the end. Lao She is considered as a Great Master of Language in the twentieth century.
Use the picture of the Teahouse to help the students understand. Present the new words: take place, customers, lose, master, twentieth, waiter.
Ask the students to read these words. Make sure they understand the meaning of each word.
Step 3 Listen and Read
In this procedure, ask the students to listen and read the passage and find out the heading of each paragraph. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs.
T: Now that you have known something about Lao She and Teahouse. Let’s read the passage to get some further information.
T: Please listen to the tape with your books closed. After listening, you’ll match the headings with the paragraphs.
Play the tape and check the answers after listening. First check the answers with each other, then play the tape again and go through the answers in the class.
Point out that finding out the heading of each paragraph is important. The title of a passage, the paragraph headings and the photos will help you understand the main ideas.
Step 4 Competition
In this procedure, ask the students to read the passage again and learn the explanations of some new words.
Ask the students to read the passage for again and underline the new words and expressions. Do Activity 4 to match the words and phrases with their meanings.
Have a short competition:
T: I’ll read a word or an expression. If you know its meaning, please read the meaning as quickly as you can.
T: part of a town where people live
S1: neighbourhood

Ask the students to read the words and expressions and their meanings, make them familiar with the words and meanings.
Step 5 Careful reading
In this procedure, ask the students to read more carefully to find out some important and difficult sentences. Explain these sentences and give some other examples. Then do some exercises.
T: Let’s read the passage again and complete the sentences in Activity 3. Read slowly and carefully this time.
When the students are reading, walk up and down to see if the students have any difficulty in reading.
T: Now, Do these exercises. Work in pairs to check your answers after completing.
Check the answers and go through answers with the students. Deal with any difficulty point in understanding. Explain the meaning of the difficult sentences if necessary.
Ask the students to read the sentences carefully and loudly.
Step 6 Reporting
In this procedure, help the students report the passage, using some questions. Practice the speaking. Be prepared for the writing.
T: We have learnt the passage about Lao She’s play, Teahouse. If you are a reporter, can you tell us this story? You can do a report after answering some questions.
Provide some questions, ask the students to do pair work.
One sample conversation:
S1: When and where does the play take place?
S2: It takes place between 1898 and 1945 in a teahouse in old Beijing.
S1: Who is in it?
S2: It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.
S1: What’s the story?
S2: The play shows the audience life in old China by asking us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood. In the end, Wang loses the teahouse and he dies.
Collect some key words and ask the students to have a report.
One possible version:
Lao She’s play Teahouse takes place between 1898 and 1945 in a teahouse in old Beijing. It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers. The play shows the audience life in old China by asking us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood. In the end, Wang loses the teahouse and he dies.
Ask some students to report the story of Teahouse.
Step 7 Reading and Speaking
In this procedure, ask the students to ask and answer questions of the passage in pairs. Be prepared to write a short passage.
T: Let’s talk about some other films and plays. Did you ever heard of The Sound of Music? It is a very interesting film. Let’s read the passage to find answers to the questions. Work in pairs!
One sample conversation:
S1: What’s the name of it?
S2: The name is The Sound of Music.
S1: Where does it take place?
S2: It takes place in Australia.

T: Everyone may have your favourite film and play. Let’s ask your friends some answers to talk about your favourite film and play. Ask and answer questions in pairs like Activity 4.
One possible version:
S1: What’s the name of it?
S2: The name is Superman Returns.
S1: Where does it take place?
S2: It takes place in America.

Ask a student to report his favourite film or play. Connect the answers together.
One sample version:
My favourite film is Superman returns. It takes place in America. A man…
Step 8 Writing
In this procedure, write a passage about the film and play. Use the sentences in the reading and speaking. Because of the practice, students will find it easy to write them down.
T: Let’s write a short passage about your favourite film or play, using the sentences you just spoke. Come to Activity 6, ask the students to write the passage down. Ask one student to write on the blackboard. Correct mistakes after writing.
1. Learn and remember the new words and important sentences.
2. Read the passage for several times.
3. Practice writing.
Unit 3 Language in use
Target language 目标语言
1. Words & phrases生词和短语
full, silver, enjoyable, performance
2. Key sentences重点句子
She wanted to see some Beijing Opera.
My parents offered to take us there.
My parents agreed to take us.
We decided to stay for two hours.
I hope to understand more next time.
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to use Verbs followed by infinitives
Learning ability goals学能目标
Talk about Lao She’s Teahouse and listen to a passage. Revise some verbs followed by infinitives.
Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点
Verbs which are followed by infinitive.
Teaching aids教具准备
Some pictures and a tape recorder
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
Step 1 Revision
In this procedure, check the homework of Unit 2 to make the students revise what they have learnt. Revise the Reading, ask the students to talk about Lao She’s Teahouse.
Have a dictation of some new words and expressions.
Ask some students to read the passage about his or her favourite film and play.
T: Let’s come to Exercise 4, talk about something about Lao She’s Teahouse.
One sample:
The play takes place in a tea house. It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood….
Step 2 New Words
In this procedure, ask the students to revise the new words of this module. Finish Exercise 8 and 10 by doing pair work.
T: You have been familiar with Lao She’s Teahouse and the play. Now let’s come to Exercise 8 and 10.
Ask the students to complete the sentences and passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.
Check the answers by themselves first, then go through the answers with the students.
Step 3 Grammar
In this procedure, revise the important grammar points of this module. Do pair work to practise verbs followed by infinitives.
T: Look at page 84, Exercise 1. Let’s work in pairs to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
One sample conversation:
S1: I’d like to see Beijing Opera one day.
S2: He wanted to see Beijing Opera one day.
S1: Yes. Let’s go to the opera.
S2: They agreed to go to the opera.
Ask some pairs to act before the class. Then go through the answers with the students.
T: Well done! Let’s come to Exercise 2. Please complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
Give the students a few minutes to write the correct answers.
T: Work in pairs. Check your answers with your partners.
Ask some pairs to read their answers. Go through the answers with students.
T: Let’s do Exercise 3. You will be given five minutes to write the sentences.
Ask the students to do the exercise. Go through the answers with the students.
Step 4 Listening
In this procedure, listen to a conversation. For the first time, listen for the main idea, the second time, listen for details.
T: Let’s listen to a conversation. Listen carefully and find out what they are talking about.
Ask the students to listen to the tape and answer the two questions. First check the answers by themselves and then go through the answers with the students.
T: Listen to the tape again for some details. Check the true sentences by pair work.
Ask the students to read the sentences and decide whether they are true or false. If it is false, correct it.
One sample:
S1: Steve wants to go the Global Theatre. True.
S2: Vicky offered to take Steve to the Theatre. False. Vicky…
Go through the answers with the students and play the tape again to ask the students to check their answers.
Step 5 Speaking and writing
In this procedure, ask the students to do Exercise 7 and 9. Do oral practice first, then write a conversation. Work in pairs.
T: Sometimes we can express our feelings through what we say. Let’s come to Exercise 9. Work in pairs, match sentences 1-4 with sentences a-d.
One sample:
S1: It’s lovely to see you!
S2: I’m very happy.
S1: The food here is excellent.
S2: It’s delicious.
T: Work in pairs, write a short conversation between you and your friend. You can use sentences in Exercise 9 and the verbs hope, want, would like. You should help each other and write the sentences.
One sample conversation:
S1: It’s lovely to see you!
S2: Me too!
S1: Would you like to go the park?
S2: I want to, but I must do my home work.
S1: It’s a pity. I hope to go with you next time.
S2: OK. Thank you all the same.
Then ask some pairs to act the conversation. Give them some little presents if necessary.
Step 6 Around the world
In this procedure, ask the students to read the short passage. Make sure they understand the meaning of the passage. Explain some difficult sentences to the students if necessary.
Step 7 Module task
In this procedure, the students will work in groups from a play. Write about the conversation and act out the conversation in front of the class.
T: We learned a play in this module. If you want to write a scene, you must first think about some questions. Let’s work in fours, ask and answers questions in Exercise 11.
One sample conversation:
S1: What’s the name of the play?
S2: It’s…
T: Work in fours, choose a scene and write the conversation.
Give the students a few minutes to write the conversation. Ask some groups to act the conversation in front of the class.
1. Revise this Module.
2. Do workbook Module 10
Teaching resources教学资源库
I. 重点知识详解
(1) 不定式作宾语
接不定式的动词主要有:want, like, would like,decide,hope,help,learn,mean,plan,seem,wish, fail等。
The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。
I happen to know the answer to your question. 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。
I like to keep everything tidy. 我喜欢每件东西都保持整洁。
I want to speak to Tom.  我想和汤姆谈话。
Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。
There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind which to buy.有这么多的录音机,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。
II. 背景知识:老舍和他的《茶馆》




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