必修2 unit1 Cultural relics语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Part One : Words
1)vi 剩下,余留
4)remain + adj. ? n/ p.p./ to be done
I went to the city , but my brother remain at home.
After the fire , very little remain of my house 大火过后,寒舍所乘无几。
Let thins remain as they are 一切保持原样吧
remaining adj. 剩下的(作前置定语)
remain standing / seated (一直站着、 坐着)
remain / keep silent (保持沉默)
remain 只能用作不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。表示”…留下来被做时“ 采用句式 “sth. remain to be done”
remain/ stay都指“继续停留“或”继续保持某种关系“,状态或行动。 remain常可与 stay互换,但它强调”人或物“继续停留于一处或保持原来状态,情况性质而不改变。 ”stay’强调“人在一定的场所逗留不离开”
The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ______ as the plane was making a landing. (2004上海春)
A seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating
2) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it (2002 全国)
A to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen
consider +n.
consider +v.ing
consider + wh + to do
2) vt. 认为, 把… 看作(同 think , regard)
consider sb. / sth. + adj./n.
consider sb. / sth. to be…
consider sb. / sth. as……. ? that clause
3) vt. 考虑;照顾;体谅
I’m considering going abroad. ( 我正在考虑出国)
I consider it ( to be / as ) a great honour.我认为这是极大得荣幸。
If you consider that she has only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well. 想想她学英语才一年,她的英语已经说得相当好了。
consider后接不定式作宾补时, 要用to be 或 to have done.
consider 后不能接to do作宾语。
considering prep.&conj. 就。。。而论; 照。。。来看。
consider… as…. 侧重“经过考虑而认为”, 表示“一种比较客观的看法.
regard…. as,,, 指“把。。。认为..”、 “把。。。看作。。”表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人得主观认识。
treat… at…表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”重在行动,而不在认识。
Many things ___ impossible in the past ate quite common today.
A. having being considered B. considered
C. to be considered D. considering
5) Charle Babbage is generally considered ____ the first computer.
A. to invent B. inventing
C. to have invent D. having invented
3. rare
adj. 稀罕的;希有的(常意味着珍贵,难得)
adj. 极好的;极度的
adj. (尤指空气)稀薄的
It’s rare for him to be late. 他很少迟到。
The rare air of the mountains makes people difficult to breathe.
short adj. 短缺的; 不足量的(常用于缺少量的前面) be short of……
rare adj. 指罕见而珍贵的事物; 很少发生的事或人的行为反常等; 关于时间,常用rare.
scare adj. 指有用而不够。
用rare ,short, scare填空
1). Gold is a ______ metal.
2) He gave me ____ change.
3)Good fruit is ____ just now, and costs a lot.
4) – How about your holiday, Lily?
-- Oh, it was great. We _____ by the seaside.
A. saw a lot of people
B. had rare fun
C. really wanted a rest
D. rarely played so well
4. furniture
They bought much new furniture.他们买了一些家具。
There are four pieces of furniture in our house.在我们房子里有四件家具。
This old French table is a very valuable piece of furniture.这张旧的法国桌子是一件很贵重的家具。
furniture 不论受什么词修饰,其前面不能加不定冠词a也不用复数。furniture若要表示其数目时,”一件家具” 表达为a piece of furniture; 许多件家具用pieces of (articles of ) furniture;“一套家具”则用a set of furniture..说多少家具时,不用many, few而用much 或little
We have a staff of 28 but there ____ in the office.
haven’t many furnitures B. aren’t many furnitures
C. hasn’t much furniture D. isn’t enough furniture
5. doubt
n. 怀疑,疑问
There is no doubt about …. / that clause
throw doubt upon…对。。。表示怀疑
without doubt 毫无疑问地
I have no doubt about… / that-clause
I have some doubt whether…
(2) vt. 怀疑,不信
doubt sb./ sth.
doubt if / whether… (肯定句)
don’t doubt that…..(否定句或疑问句)
I doubt the truth of it. 我怀疑此事地真实程度。
I don’t doubt that John will come on time. 我相信约翰一定会准时。
There is some doubt about whether John will come on time.约翰会不会准时来还不太确定。
doubt n. 在否定句和疑问句中,其后地同位语从句用that引导; 在肯定句中,则用whether引导。
doubt v. 在否定句和疑问句中,其后地宾语从句用that引导;在肯定句中,其后地宾语从句用if 或whether引导。
1)______ is no doubt that the Chinese team will win this game and become the champion team again this year.
A. It B. There C. That D. As
2) I have no doubt ______ we shall be able to do something for you.
A. that B. if C. what D. why
3) I doubt __________ . 这事实是否属实。
4) I _____________. 不相信他人老实。
5) Does any one __________________. 怀疑它原来如此吗?
6) We all have no doubt ____________ 台湾会回归中国。
Part two : phrase
1. belong to
属于; 为。。。的财产
That dictionary belongs to the library. 那本词典是图书馆的。
He belongs to the trade union. 他是工会会员。
That key belongs to the lock. 那个钥匙是开这把锁的。
注意:belong to 没有被动语态, 不用于进行时态,后面不能接名词性的物主代词。
belong vi. 合适, 对。。。合适或有用;处在适当的位置
I belong here. 我住在这里
Put it where it belongs 把它放在应放的地方
A telephone belongs in every home 电话对每户家庭都有用。
2) belongs财产,所有物;行李
1) This is a dictionary ______ me.
A. belong B. belongs C. belonged D. belonging
2) To all the people here _____ the honour for the success.
A. belong to B. belongs to C. belong D. belongs
3) If the dictionary _____ you , put it where it _______.
A. doesn’t belong to; belongs to
B. isn’t belong to ; is belonged
C. doesn’t belong to ; belongs
D. isn’t belong to; is belonged to
2. at war
(常与with连用)与。。。处于战争状态; 同。。。进行竞争
Germany was at war with almost all the countries during world War Two. 二战中德几乎同所有国家处于战争状态。
we both have been at war with each other for years.多年以来我们一直相互竞争。
介词at意为 “在。。。之中“,表状态; 有:
be at war
be at school 在上学
be at table 在就餐,在吃饭
be at peace 处于和平状态
be at work 在工作
be at rest 静止
at war 强调“处于交战德状态之中“, 常见的结构为be at war with..
in the war 意为“在战争中“
in battle 强调“处于战斗之中” 与in the war 有时可以通用,只不过battle往往指局部战斗;in the war 指全面战争。
注意: on也可表示“在。。。中”其常用搭配有:on strike(罢工), on business(出差), on leave(休假) ; on duty(值班); on show(在展览); on sale(出售), on fire (在着火); on holiday (度假中)
# 用适当的介词填空
They are ____ a friendly visit to China.
I was _____ table when an old friend visited me.
The two countries used to be _____ war, but now they are ____ peace.
Many workers were ____ strike because of poor par.
3.do with
忍受 (=bear)
(与can, could连用) 表示需要或愿望
Such people are difficult to do with.这样的人很难对付。
What have you done with the letter? 你是如何处理这封信的?
We can’t do with such carelessness. 我们不能忍受这样的粗心。
You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep. 你看上去好像需要好好睡一觉。
deal with / do with表示“应付,处理”时可以换用。但有区别:
deal with中deal是不及物动词, 没有宾语,常跟作with搭配,所以与what连用。
do with需要接两个宾语一个作do的宾语,另一个作with的宾语,所以与what连用。
Do you know _____ to do with the rubbish?
A. where B. what C. how D. why
Part three structure
1.Why not 为什么不?
why (not) do sth. 是一个常见的句型。
why do sth? ( Why do you do…?) 有时含有责备的意味; why not do sth.?(= Why don’t you do…?)常用来表示建议。此外, Why not?还可以表示“为什么不” “为什么不行”或者“当然好呀‘。
why not study harder?
Why take the book without my permission?
―Let’s go swimming.
-- Why not?
1) You’d better do sth.
2) I think you…
3) I advise you to do sth.
4) I suggest that you (should) …
5) What/ How about….?
6) Would you like to…
7) What do you think of….,?
-Let’s go to a movie after work?
-- ___________ (2005山东)
A Not at all B. Why not?
C. Never mind D. What if it?
2) – We are in great need of help.
-- _______ ask them to do you a favor?
A. How about B. why don’t
C. why not D. why didn’t
3. – How about going for a walk?
-- ________________.
A. That will take us an hour for a walk
B. Walking is a kind of sports
C. I’ll go for a walk with you
D. That’s a good idea
2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea
There is no doubt that ….表示“毫无疑问” , 是一个固定的句式
There is no doubt that he is guilty.毫无疑问,他是有罪的。
There is some doubt whether Peter will come on time. 彼得是否准时来还是个问题。
There is not much doubt about it 那件事情没有什么可疑之处。
There is no …句型
There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事
There is no difference …. 没有区别
There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义或没有作用
there is no time left for… 没留下时间做。。。
there is no possibility… 不可能。。。
1)____ is no possibility _____ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
A. There ; that B. It ; that
C. There ; whether D. It ; whether
2) Since you have repaired my TV set, ______ is no need for me to buy a new one. (2002shanghai春)
A. It B. there C. this D. that
3.) Can you doubt ____ he will win ?
A. whether B. if C. that D. when
3. There design for the room was if the fancy style popular in those days.【用法指南】
“be of +抽象名词” 相当于“be+ 抽象名词的形容词”,本结构常用来一个人或物的特征;其中“of+抽象名词”相当于该名词的同根形容词;此类词有:help/ helpful; value/ valuable; use/ useful; interest/ interesting; importance/ important; effect/ effective; benefit/ beneficial.
great ,good , much, some , little , no, any 等。
The decision is of great importance / very important.
I find the dictionary of great use.= I find the dictionary useful
The present is of no practical value.= The present isn’t valuable practically.)
You’ll find the dictionary is of great help to your study of English .
be of+ a/an +普通名词, 表示“同一的”,相当于”be (of) the same + 名词; 此类词有:height, shape, weight, age, size, colour, type, width.
be + of +名词, 还可以作定语或补足语。
You’ll find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.
A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness
2) The two students _____ had a lot discussion over the question.
A. with the same age B. as old
C. of an age D. the same age
3) This book is ________ no my translation, but that one is ______.
A. great help ; helpless B. a great help; of no use
C. important; of few importance D. very helpful; of few importance
4)The two clothes are ________ . (一样大)
5).The book is _____. (很有趣)
6.) I found your discovery _______(很重要)




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