新课标必修1 unit 1 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 Friendship
Part one useful words
1. add
1) 增加,附加
2) 加,加起来
3) 补充说,又说
1) Add more hot water , please.
2) If you add 4 to 3 you get 7
3) I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.
4) These numbers add up to 100.
1)n. addition 增加,附加物
2) n. adder 加法器
1) add to = increase
2) add … to.. 把。。。加到。。
3) add up 加起来
4) add up to 总计达, 加起来总和是。。。
The bad weather only add to our difficult.
He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.
1) there have been several new events _______ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. ( 2006年北京)
A. add B. too add
C. adding D. added
2) The heavy snow _____ our difficulty with the project.
A. added up to B. added
C. added up D. added to
3) Please ______ the numbers and I’m sure they will ______ more than 1000.
A. add up ; add B. add up ; add up
C. add up; add up to D. add; add up
2. ignore
2) =take notice of 强调装不知道或没有看到
1) I tried to tell her but she ignored me.
2) Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and he’ll soon stop.
1) adj. ignorant (常和of, in 连用) 无知识的, 不知道的。 强调“不懂,不知”
He is ignorant of Latin
2) n. ignorance 无知愚昧
ignorance of the law is no excuse 不懂法律不能成为借口
1) ― My children are always arguing.
--- ____________.
A. Just ignore them B. That’s right
C. Are you sure D. How old is the boy
* 用ignore的适当形式填空
2)He ________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.
3) I was ______ that the boss could be so strict.
4) his failure resulted from his ______________.
1). V (常和into , of 连用)骗取,欺诈,作弊;逃脱,免于
2) 骗子(尤其是游戏或比赛中的)作弊者; 欺骗手段
1) George cheated me but I’ll get even with him one day!
2) He always cheats at chards ; I never play with him.
3) He didn’t play the game fairly --- he cheated.
4) The swimmers cheated death in spite of the storm.
cheat sb. . of sth.
demand sb. . of sth.
cure sb. . of sth.
rob sb. . of sth.
fool sb. . of sth.
inform sb. . of sth.
warn sb. of sth.
accuse sb. of sth.
1) Any who is caught ___ shall not pass the exam.
A. to cheat B. cheating
C. to be cheating D. cheated
2) All her money was ____ on her way home
A. cheated B. robbed C. stolen D. lose
* 完成句子
3) 这家银行昨晚被抢劫了很多现金。
The bank _______ _______ ________ a lot pof money last night.
4) 这个贼从这家商店偷了很多昂贵的画。
The thief ______ many expensive pictures ______ the shop.
5.) 他因拒捕而受到控告。
He was ______ ______ resisting arrest.
6) 请通知学生们演讲的日前。
Please _______ the students ______ the date of speech.
The doctors _______ him ______ his SARS successfully.
4. reason
1) n.原因, 理由, 动机
2)n. 理智,道理。判断力
1) The reason why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.
2) The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle.
3) There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and action of youth.
3) There’s a great deal of reason in his advice.
1) The reason _____ he was late was _____ his car had broken down on the way.
A. why; because B. that; because
C. that; for D. why; that
2) This is the very reason _____ he explained to me just now.
A. why B. that C. for which D. of
3) He didn’t turn up at the party ______ some reason.
A. for B. because C. because of D. on
4) His failure was ______ his laziness.
A. because B. because of C. as a result D. the reason for
adj. reasonable ①合理的 ; 通情达理的;
You must really be reasonable, and prepared to cooperate.
② 适当的;不高的(价钱)
Ten pounds for a good dictionary seems reasonable enough.
1) reason 决定做一件事或采取某种行动的理由; 解释或原谅某个行为的理由。
2) cause 产生某事结果的起因,动机,理由
3) excuse 托词,借口; 指为某行为而作的解释,可能是真的,也可是藉口
用reason, cause, excuse, reasonable填空
5) what he said at the meeting was very _______ and nobody was against him
6) You shouldn’t find any ____ for your laziness.
7) Who knows the ___ for his being late?
8) The police had found out the ______ of the big fire in the centre of the city.
5. share
1) n. (属于或由某人做的)部分, 一份, 股份,股票
2)v. (常与in连用) 共用, 分摊,共有
1) We gave each of the five children an equal share.
2) they sell share in companies at the stock exchange.
3) they shared the sweets
4) they share their joys and sorrows
1) share sth. with sb. 与某人共用某物
2) bear / take one’s share of 负担。。。的部分
1) Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare, you must learn to ______ (2002年全国)
A. support B. care C. spare D. share
2) It rained heavily. And it was very kind of him to ____ his umbrella with me.
A. use B. share C. take D. bring
Part Two Phrase
1. be concerned about
对。。。关心,挂念, 关注某事
1) The government should be concerned about unemployment.
2) we are rather concerned about father’s health.
concern oneself with /in … 从事/参与某事
concern oneself about / for… 担忧/关心。。。
as far as….. be concerned 就。。。而言
as concerns 关于
feel/ show concern about /for… 担心、关心、 挂念。。。
one’s concern 某人关心的事
be concerned with 与。。。有关
concerned adj. 有关的, 担心的
concernedly adv. 担忧的
concerning prep. 有关, 关于
1) __________ that he was no qualifications in business management , Ken plans to grasp the necessary skills by taking a part time course.
A. Concerning B. Concerned
C. Being concerned D. to concern
2) ____________ English is concerned , he is first in our class.
A. As B. As soon as C. As far as D. Now that
2. go through
1) 经历,经受 2) 磨穿某物 3)仔细检查 4)顺利完成
He is considering all that he has gone through.
They went through our luggage at the customs.
How long will it take you to go through the book?
go about = set out to do sth. 着手干某事
go against 反对, 违背
go by 经过
go over 检查
go on with sth, 继续
go on to do sth.
go on doing sth.
go without sth. 没有某事也行
go wrong 出毛病
go away / out 出去,离开
go after sb./ sth. 追求某人
go mad
go ahead.
go in for.. 参加(考试或比赛);
1) It’s ten years since the scientist _______ his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.
A. set out B. took off C. turned up D. went about
2) The early pioneers had to ______ many difficulties to settle on the new land.
A. go back on B. go through
C. go into D. go along with
3) I can’t ______ the letter in an hour
A. pass through B. go through C. take through D. come across
4) You have no idea what I’ve had to ______ during the last few months.
A. come through B. go through C. cut through D. look through
5) I don’t ______ rock’ “ n” roll. It’s much too noisy for my tastes. ( 2004年北京)
A.go after B. go away with C. go into D. go in for
3. join in
参加某项(正在进行的)活动, 尤其指娱乐性活动,常代替take part in,
They came out for their morning exercises, I also joined in
why didn’t Jim join in the conversation?
1) attend是正式用语,指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、典礼,听报告等
2) join指加入某个组织、团体,成为其成员之一。如 参军、入团、入党等
3) join in表示“参加正在进行的活动”, 如游戏、讨论、散步
4) take part in 指参加群众性的活动或会议,强调参加者的积极态度,并在活动中起作用
1) Will you _____ us in the discussion about the students burden of studies?
A. attend B. join in C. take part in D. join
2) When did you ______ the physical training team?
A. join B. take part C. attend D. join in
3) A student began to sing a song , and soon someone else __________.
A. joined B. joined in C. took part in D. took
4) Did John _____ the general cleaning yesterday afternoon?
A. join B. attend C. take D. take part in
part three “ structure
1. while walking the dog , you were careless and got loose and was hit by a car.
while walking the dog作状语,相当于while you were walking the dog
when, while , as , if , though, where, unless等连词引导状语从句中, 如果谓语动词有be, 而主语又跟主句的主语相同或成为it时, 则从句的主语和be常常省略。
When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures.
while ( I was) waiting, I read newspaper.
He looks as if ( he were) drunk.
1.) When ____ help, one often says “thank you” or “ It’s kind of you”. (2005福建)
A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered
2.)_________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared
3.) while watching television , __________ (2005年全国2)
A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings
C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings
4.) when ______ different cultures , we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. ( 2006年浙江)
A Compared B. being compared
C. comparing D. having compared
2. … but your friend can’t go until he / she finishes cleaning the bicycle.
not …. until… 结构。 until/ till在肯定句中表示动作的终点,在否定句中则表示动作的起点。until/ till与肯定的主句连用时,主句的谓语动词必须是持续动词,与否定的主句连用时,主句的谓语动词则为瞬间动词。
I didn’t wake up until I heard the alarm clock.
Wait until the rain stops
1) not until 放在句首时必须用部分倒装语序
2) until/till时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。
1.Simon thought his computer was broken _____ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on .( 2005北京春季)
A. until B. unless C. after D. because
2. We were told that we should follow the main road ________ we reached the central railway station. ( 2004辽宁)
A whenever B. until C. while D. wherever
3.She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered.
before 引导时间状语从句。 before con. 用以表示从句动作发生之前的时间,,译法灵活。
it will be +时间段+before……. 得过多久才。。。。
It won’t be +时间段+before…. 用不了多久就。。。
It was时间段+before…. 过了多久之后才。。。
It wasn’t long before…… 没过多久就。。。
1) It will be+ 时间段+before 从句 (从句用一般现在时表将来) 要过多久才。。。
2)It is / has been + 时间段+since从句 (从句常用一般过去时,动词是非延续性动词
3) It is + 时间状语+ that….. 强调句
4)It was +时刻+when从句 当。。。时,是。。。时间了。
1. – Did Jack come back early last night?
-- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.
A. before B. when C. that D. until
2. – Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?
-- He rushed out of the room ______i could say a word . ( 2006四川)
A. before B. until C. when D. after
3. The American civil war lasted four years _________ the North won in the end. (2005广东)
A. After B. before C. when D. then




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