牛津英语M5 Units 1-3 期中词组复习(扬州大学附属中学)(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Pages 1-5
__ 和某人相处 1. get along with sb.
__ 和某人交朋友 2. make friends with sb.
__ 信守诺言 3. keep one's word
__对某人大声吼叫 4. yell at sb.
__ 对……感到羞愧 5. feel ashamed of ...
__ 对……嫉妒 6. feel jealous of ...
__ 保密 7. keep one's secret
__对某人生气 8. get angry with sb.
__变成现实…… 9. turn into reality
__________________________对……感到自豪 10. be proud of…
__为某事向某人道歉 11. apologize to sb. for sth.
__________________________发展友谊 12. develop friendships
__________________________感觉到被背叛了 13. feel betrayed
__________________________得到最低分 14. score the lowest mark
__________________________忽略我的学习 15. overlook my studies
__________________________直盯着看 16. stare at… (比较:
__________________________怒目而视 17. glare at…
__________________________瞥了一眼 18. glance at
__________________________径直地走向…… 19. go straight to…
__________________________对…有强烈的感情 20. have a strong feeling about
__________________________因…而责备某人 21. blame sb. for…
__________________________推迟做…… 22. delay doing
__________________________推迟做…… 23. put off
__________________________避开做…… 24. avoid doing
__________________________各走各的路 25. go their separate ways
__________________________信任某人 26. trust sb.
__________________________麻烦;处于困境之中 1. in trouble
__________________________当众;在公共场合 2. in public
__________________________当众让某人难堪 3. embarrass sb. in public
__________________________结果(……)/由于……的结果 3. as a result (of ... )
__________________________代替……/而不…… 4. instead of ...
__________________________尽某人的最大力量 5. to one’s strength

_________________________即使 1. even though/if
_________________________为……而担心 2. be worried about……
__________________________学业良好的 3. be academic
__________________________学业良好的 4. be academic
__________________________不能容忍做…… 5. can’t stand sth./ doing
_________________________决心做某事 6. be determined to do sth.
_________________________心不在焉的 7. be absent-minded ,
_________________________情不自禁做某事 8. can't help doing sth.
_________________________不久 9. before long
_________________________不是某人的错 10.It is not sb’s fault
_________________________问题在于你 11.The problem lies with you.
__________________________某人应该受到责备 12. sb.+ be to blame
__________________________ 熬夜 1. stay up/sit up at night
__________________________讲笑话 2. tell jokes
__________________________毫不怀疑 3. have no doubt
__________________________提出,想到 4. come up with
__________________________在……之初 1. at the beginning of
__________________________心胸开阔的 1. be open-minded
__________________________我一切很好 2. I’m doing fine.
__________________________那是一定的/当然 3. That’s for sure.
__________________________在某方面对某人要求严格 4. be strict with sb. in sth.
__________________________还,也 5. as well
__________________________首先 6. first of all
_________________________使某人高兴起来 1. cheer sb. up 4P,.
________________________ 假装做某事 2. pretend to do sth.
_________________________朗读 3. read aloud
_________________________劝服某人做某事 4. persuade sb. to do sth.
_________________________当心/小心 5. take care
_________________________保持健康 6. keep fit
_________________________盼望(做)某事 7. look forward to (doing) sth.
_____________________阻止/打消某人做……的念头 8.discourage sb.from doing sth.
_________________________玩得开心 9. have fun
__________________________在网上 1. on the Internet
__________________________宁愿 1. would rather
__________________________游乐场 2. amusement park
__________________________对……有好处 3. be good for
__________________________聊天室 4. chat rooms
__________________________网友 5. one's online friends
__________________________大量的时间 6. a large amount of time
__________________________谈到……的话 7. speaking of……
Page 12-17
__________________________做笔记 1. make notes
__________________________一直做某事 2. keep doing
__________________________接通(到某人) 3. get through (to sb. )
__________________________认真对待…… 4. take ... seriously
__________________________讨论某事 5. have a discussion on/about sth.
__________________________同意某人;与……一致;符合; 6. agree with ...
__________________________注意/当心…… 7.Look out for…
__________________________使某入陷入麻烦 8. get sb. into trouble
__________________________因某事而责怪某人 9. blame sb. for (doing)sth.
__________________________对……产生影响 10. have some effect on ...
__________________________克服困难 11. overcome the difficulty
__________________________熟悉周围的道路(不至于迷路) 12. find one’s way around
__________________________接受/赞成……的观点 13. take sb’s point
__________________________我看待事情的方面稍微有点儿不同14.I see things slightly differently
_________________________ 把嘴巴比上 14. keep one’s mouth shut
shut up
_________________________保守秘密 15. keep a secret
__________________________事先;预先 1. in advance
__________________________第一次 2. for the first time
__________________________在另一方面 3. on the other hand
__________________________至少 4. at least
__________________________特别;尤其 5. in particular
__________________________沉默地,静静地 6. in silence
__________________________除此而外 7. apart from
__________________________尤其,特别 8. in particular
__________________________一段难熬的时光 1. a trying time
__________________________和……相似 2. (be) similar to ...
__________________________你说得正确 3. you've got the point
__________________________前几天 4. the other day
__________________________电话服务 5. a telephone service
__________________________社会学专家 6. social expert
__________________________对……有不同的态度 1.have different attitude towards……
__________________________做……犹豫不决 2. hesitate to do
__________________________和某人分享…… 3. share ...with sb.
__________________________把…加起来 4. add up sth.
e.g. Add up all the money I owe you
__________________________总共是,总计为 5. add up to……
e.g. The numbers add up to exactly 100.
__________________________得出结论 6. draw a conclusion
__________________________承担……的责任 7. take the responsibility for
__________________________毫不犹豫 1.without hesitation
__________________________在另一方面 2.on the other hand
__________________________不顾…… 3.regardless of……
__________________________究竟(置于疑问词之后强调) 4. in the world/on earth
__________________________多种的;许多的 1.a variety of
__________________________例如 2.For example
__________________________全神贯注(做)某事 3.be absorbed in(doing)sth.
__________________________以……为基础 4.Be based on ...
__________________________与……一致 6. be consistent with……
Page 90 Workbook
__________________________对……感到惭愧/不好意思 1. feel ashamed of……
__________________________因为……为自己感到惭愧 2. feel ashamed of oneself for…
__________________________给……带来耻辱 3. bring shame on……
__________________________求助于……;查阅,参考 4. turn to…… for help
Page 91
__________________________对……密切注意 5. pay close attention to…
__________________________作为……的依据/基础 6. as a basis for……
__________________________高质量的          7. be of a high quality
Page 92
__________________________闲荡 1.hang around
__________________________和……常在一块 2.hang around with sb.
__________________________充分利用…… 3. make full use of
__________________________卷入…之中;参与… 4. be involved in……
__________________________全面发展 5. develop in an all-round way
Page 94
__________________________严重地受伤 1. be badly injured
Page 95
__________________________找到一种解决……方案 1. find a solution to……
__________________________做个妥协 2. make a comprise
__________________________做……花时间/精力 3. It + take time/energy to do…
Page 97
__________________________把……牢记在心 1. keep……in mind
__________________________简明扼要 2. (be) simple and to the point
__________________________做……无意义/无道理 3. There is no point (in) doing…

New Words
Page 1
1. agony---n.苦恼, 极大的痛苦;
2. talk show
3. proverb---n.谚语;
4. characteristic---adj.特有的n.特性
Page 6
1. moody---adj.喜怒无常的
2. positive---adj.肯定的 积极的
3. negative--- adj.否定的, 消极的
4. reliable---adj.可靠的, 可信赖的;
5. bad-tempered---坏脾气的
6. synonym---n.同义字;
7. antonym---n.反义词;
8. timid---adj.胆小的, 羞怯的;
9. talkative---adj.多话的, 爱说话的, 多嘴的;
Page 7
1. carefree---adj.无忧无虑的
2. oval---adj.椭圆的;n.椭圆形;
Page 8
1. bare---adj.光的,光秃的
bare infinitive
2. perception---n.感觉
3. witness---n.[律]证人, 目击者,vt.目击,
Page 12
1. contraction---n.简略词(won’t
2. abbreviation---n.缩写词(PRC)
Page 14
Page 15
1.acquaintance---n.相识, 熟人;
Page 18
1.approval---n.赞成, 批准;
get the teacher’s approval
2. multiple-choice---n.多项选择
3. regarding---prep.关于;
Page 90
1. stain---n.污点,v.沾污;
2. spoil---vt.损坏, 搞糟, 宠坏, 溺爱;
spoil the appearance of something
The child was spoiled
3. trip---vi.摔倒, 绊倒
4. mission---n.使命

Unit 2
(Page 21-25)
____________________ 对……有持久的影响
_____________________ 做出最后决定
_____________________ 清洁环境
_____________________另外, (除……之外)
_________________ 就环境的一次辩论
_____________________ 环保的;环境友好的
1. flow into
2. wipe out
3. have a lasting effect on/upon
4. cut back (on)…/cut down on…
5. see ... as
6. cut down
7. keep ... in mind
8. make a final decision
9. belong to
10. run out (of)
11. clean up the environment
12. voice comments
13. lay eggs
14. open the floor
15. hide from their responsibilities
16. ask around
17. preserve the environment
18. be meant to convince sb.

1. in addition (to…)
2. more than
3. as long as…,
1. a debate on the environment
2. natural disasters
3. be beneficial to
4. be environmentally friendly
5. be concerned about/with/for/over
6. side by side
7. be bad for
8. the key to helping both sides
9. be willing to do
10. a TV presenter
11. the Society for Environmental Preservation
Page 26-27
12. recycled materials
13. be smart about…
1. dig up
2. associate.., with...
3. change back into
4. label the pictures
4. obtain.., from
5. do damage to
6. plug ... into the outlets
7. power a factory
8. make space for…
1. solar energy
2. compound nouns
3. ozone layer
4. do sth. exactly the same way




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