牛津英语M5 Units 1-3 期中词组复习(扬州大学附属中学)学生版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

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__________________ 宣布 1. make an announcement
__________________ 就基因食品进行一次采访 2. conduct an interview about GM food
__________________ 因…表扬… 4. praise… for
__________________ 尊重 5. show respect for
__________________ 极度渴望得到/想做… 6. be desperate for sth. /to do sth.
__________________ 收养他人的孩子 7. adopt someone else’s child
__________________ 和…有关 8. be related to
__________________ 努力推进 9. push ahead with
__________________ 集中精力于 10. focus/concentrate one’s efforts on
__________________ 治愈某人的疾病 11. cure sb. of a disease
__________________ 对…疾病的治疗 12. the cure for a disease
__________________ 13. be desperate for sth. / to do…
__________________ 采用/采纳一项政策 15. adopt a policy
__________________ 成功做…… 16. succeed in
__________________ 有利于某人 17.benefit sb.
__________________ 从…中获益 18. benefit from/by…
__________________ 从…中获益 19. gain profit from…
__________________ 从…中获益 20. profit from…
__________________ 处理后果 21. deal with the consequences
__________________ 最后结果,以…告终 22. end up doing sth.
__________________ 用光;耗尽 23. use up
__________________ 对…作评论 24. comment on
__________________ 偶然遇见 25. come across
__________________ 有意义;讲得通 26. make sense
__________________ 违背自然 27. go against nature
__________________ 对…负责 28. be responsible for
__________________ 在…对…严格 29. be strict with sb. in…
__________________ 准备就绪;布置妥当 30. put … in place
__________________ 通过一项法律 31. pass a law
__________________ 作出科学突破 32. make a scientific breakthrough
__________________ 干挠 33. interfere with…
__________________ 干涉 34. interfere in...
__________________ 表面上诚实 35. appear (to be) honest
__________________ 以…为实验/验 36. experiment with…
__________________ 在…上做实 38. experiment on…
和…团圆/联合 39. be united with…

__________________ 生长激素 1. growth hormones
__________________ 超出我们的想像力 2.beyond our imagination
__________________ 先进的技术 3. advanced technology
__________________ 一对新生的克隆牛犊 4. a pair of new-born cloned calves
__________________ 观点 5. point of view
__________________ 一方面…,另一方面… 6. on the one hand..., on the other hand ...
__________________ 正在做某事的过程之中/即将要做… 7. on the way to doing sth.
__________________ 在年龄小的多的时候 8. at a much younger age
__________________ 比正常情况 9. than normal
__________________ 一般说来 10. in general
__________________ 待售 11. for sale
__________________ 同意(介词词组) 12. in agreement with
__________________ 毕竟,终究 13. after all
__________________ 就整体来看 14. as a whole
__________________ 以...为目的 15. with the intention of
就个人而言 16. on a personal note
__________________ 科学术语 17. scientific terms
__________________ 为了...利益 18. for the benefit of
__________________ 由于…的缘故 19. in consequence of…
__________________ 结果是,因此 20. in consequence

__________________ 砍倒;削减 1. cut down
__________________ 破坏斗争 2. destroy the environment
__________________ 和…作斗争 3. fight a battle against…
__________________ 取得科学突破 4. achieve scientific breakthroughs
__________________ 由…组成 5. be made up of
__________________ 把…比喻成… 6. compare…to…
__________________ 和…相似 7. be similar to
__________________ 把…看作为… 8. think of…as…

__________________ 有利于…;赞成… 1. in favor of…
__________________ 在…顶端 2. at the top of …

__________________ 查明真相 1. find out the truth
__________________ 计算出;想出 2. figure out
__________________ 耗尽体力 3.be burnt out
__________________ 对…谨慎 4. be cautious of/about
__________________ 把…分裂成若干份 5. split…into…

__________________ 对某人而言 1. on one’s part
__________________ 在…领域 2. in the field of

__________________ 与其…倒不如 1. more … than ..
__________________ 隔壁邻居 2. next door neighbour
__________________ 一项具有挑战性的职业 3. a challenging profession
__________________ 欠发达地区 4. underdeveloped regions
__________________ 一个退休工人 5. a retired worker

记录… 1. take/write…down
__________________ 对…做一些改动/变化 2. make some changes to sth.
__________________ 身高增加了12厘米 3. increase one’s height by 12 cm
__________________ 和…相比的话, 5. compared with …,
__________________ 轮流做 6. take turns to do
__________________ 需要进一步的资料 8. require further information
__________________ 向某人抱怨 9. complain about sth. to sb.
__________________ 进行调查 10. conduct a survey
__________________ 拥护/提倡做某事 11. advocate doing sth.
__________________ 催促某人做 12 urge sb. to do/ into doing
__________________ 极力主张… 13. urge that sb. (should) do
__________________ 征求某人意见/建议 14. seek one’s opinion/advice
__________________ 试图做… 15. seek to do
__________________ __________________ 追随某人的道路 /照着…人的样子去做 16. follow (in) the footsteps of…

__________________ 把…限制在 17. limit … to …
__________________ 抚养;提出 18. bring up
__________________ 对…有抵抗力/抵制… 19. be resistant to sth.

__________________ (长大)多达八厘米 1. up to 8 cm
__________________ 关于 2. with/in reference to
__________________ 回答;应答 3. in reply/response to
__________________ 而不是 5. rather than
__________________ 总而言之 6. to conclude/ in conclusion

__________________ 副作用 1. side effect
__________________ 大多数人 2. the majority of people
__________________ 公共关系 3. public relation
__________________ 保存期 4. shelf life

__________________ 破坏自然 1. destroy nature
__________________ 修建新的通道 2. construct a new channel
__________________ 招致灾难 3. spell disaster
__________________ 满足…的需要 4. meet the need of…
__________________ 用完 5. use up
__________________ 关心 6. be concerned about/over…
__________________ 做出选择 7. make a choice
__________________ 对环境有害 8. be bad for the environment
__________________ 因…责备 9. blame…for…
__________________ 结果…后来被证明 10. turn out
__________________ 留下长久的印象 11. leave a lasting impression
__________________ 想出, 想到 12. come up with
反对 13. argue against

__________________ 通过农业 1. through agriculture
__________________ 赞同;有利于 2. in favour of
__________________ 经过…的数十年后 3. after decades of…
从…观点 4. from the point of view of…
__________________ 以很快的速度 5. at a fast rate
__________________ 毕竟;终究 6. after all
__________________ 离题 7. go off the point




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