Unit 14 Zoology 全单元教案Teaching plan Unit 14 Zoology(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching goals
Knowledge objectives:
1. Enable the students to know the communicating ways of bees.
2. Enable the students to understand how Professor Karl Von Frisch’s experiment is done.
Skill objectives:
Improve students’ reading ability, especially in exploring the implied information. Improve students’ thinking ability, especially deducing.
Moral objective:
Promote the spirit of scientific thinking and cooperation and loving animals.
Key points:
To improve students’ reading ability and skills
Difficult points:
The ways bees use to communicate information of food
Teaching methods and tool
Multi-media method, acting etc. computer, recorder
Period 1 Words and expressions
1. Ensure the students to pronounce the new words and expressions correctly.
2. Learn the words and their usages by heart.
Teaching procedures
Step One Greeting
Greet the students as usual.
Step Two Lead in
Read aloud all the words and expressions to make sure the students can pronounce them correctly.
Step Three Comment on the usages of the key words & expressions
( Cf the ppt files )
1. -ology 学问,学科
2. take/get/catch/seize hold of 抓住 lose hold of松开
3. surrounding n. 环境,周围(通常用复数形式)
Animals in zoos are not in natural _________.
surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的
The dance seemed to excite the _____________ bees.
surround v.环绕,围绕
He used to live in a lonely village ___________ with mountains.
4.oppose v.反对
adj. opposed (to)与…对照
opposable adj.可相对的,与其他手指相对的
opposite adj/adv. 对面的, 对立的, 相反的 prep.在…对面的 n.相反的东西
The woman sitting ______ is a detective.
Light is the ________ of heavy.
In London you must drive on the _______ side of the road to China.
I am here on business as_______ to a holiday.
He ________ the proposal to build a new factory.
Other animals except the primates don’t have _______ toes so they can hardly grasp things with their feet.
5.come to light显露,为人所知 come to oneself苏醒过来
come to one’s help/aid/assistance/one’s rescue赶来帮助某人/救助某人
come to + number合计,总计
come to an agreement/a conclusion/an understanding
come to sb被…继承
it comes to sb that…(it occurs to sb that) 想起
come to realize/know/understand… 开始意识到/了解/理解…
when it comes to sth 涉及,有关
____________________ that he had been wrong all along.
___________________ upon his father’s death.
After a careful investingation,_____________________(他们最终得出结论)
New evidence __________________.(新的证据终于显露出来)
When we are in trouble,he will always ___________________.(及时帮助我们)
__________________________the significance of the matter.
6. dot n.小数点,小圆点
v. be dotted with点缀着,分散 The sky is dotted with stars.
Step Three Drills
Give the English for the following:
humour (adj)________ surround (n)__________
assume (n)____________ maximum (ant)_________
upward (ant.)________ change (adj)_____________
adequate (syn.)_________ adapt (n)____________
1. He told us such a h__________ story that we all burst into laughter.
2. Animals in the zoo are not in their s____________.(环境)
3. There were t_______ of friends to see him off.
4. The professor is a specialist of studying a criminal's p________(心理).
5. The weather is so __________(易变) that he has caught a cold.
6. The woman sitting o______(对面的) is a detective.
7. The teacher told him to f_______ some chalk for her.
8. The victim was able to give a p________ description of the suspect.
9. The s________ cheered when he won the first prize.
10. The supply is not a ________ to the demand.
Periods 2 & 3 Reading
The language of honey-bees
Teaching aims:
1. Enable the students to know the communicating ways of bees.
2. Enable the students to understand how Professor Karl Von Frisch’s experiment is done.
Teaching methods
Team work learning Task-based learning
Teaching aids
The computer media system in the classroom a tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Step One: Leading in
1. How do people communicate with each other?
2. How do animals communicate?
Step Two: Reading and judging
A. T or F
1. All bees do not live in trees.
2. Honey-bees interested scientists most.
3. Bees communicate the news of food to other bees outside their hive.
4. There are three dances mentioned in the text.
5. The number of wagging dances per minute told the direction to the feeding place.
B. Choose the best answer
1. The scientist can research the language of the honeybees because of the development of ____ .D
A. the modern beehive B. experiment
C. dishes of honey D. both A and B
2. The phrase “tell the bees apart” in Paragraph 2 means ______. B
A. tell the bees separately B. tell one bee from the other
C. drive the bees away D. tear the bees into pieces
3. After the marked bees danced, the other bees _____. D
A. danced together B. became very excited
C. seemed not to noticed it D. both A and B
4. Different dances indict different ______. B
A. food B. feeding place C. steps D. semicircle
5. The phrase “come to light” in Paragraph 5 means _______. A
A. become known B. come to a bright place
C. turn bright D. both A and B
6. The circle dances told the bees about ______. A
A. the position of the feeding place B. the distance of the feeding place
C. the amount of the food D. all the information about food
7. The number of the wagging dances per minute told ______. C
A. the position of the feeding place B. the amount of the food
C. the distance of the feeding place D. all the information about food
8. You can find the main idea of the test simply from _____. A
A. the title B. the first paragraph
C. the second paragraph D. the last paragraph
9. Karl Von Frisch made an experiment to research ______. C
A. the food of honeybees B. the dance of honeybees
C. the ways honeybees communicate D. the hive of honeybees
10. Which of the statements is possible according to the last paragraph? D
A. We human beings can communicate as honeybees do
B. We human beings can go as quickly as honeybees
C. We human beings can come to help each other in a fast way
D. We human beings can learn something from animal’s behavior
Task 1: reading the text and match the main idea with the right paragraph.
Task 2: find out the ways bees used to communicate information of food
Answer some questions
Para2-3 1. What the scientist assume first?
2. What did they do for their assumption? Was it proved?
3. What kind of a dance was found? ( flash)
4. What was the conclusion?
Para 4-5 5. What was the other dance? (flash)
6. What information did it convey?
7. What’s the difference between the two dances?

A circle dance Food is near.
A wagging dance Food is far away.

Para 6 8.What do you think the remaining question is
Step 3: consolidation
A circle dance
A wagging dance
A faster wagging dance
A slower wagging dance
Step 4: Reinforcement
1. Group work Finish the exercises in the Post Reading section
Step Five: homework
Read the text again and underline the useful expressions and sentences.
彼此交流 令人惊异的方法
对…感到迷惑 把这个消息传给…
区分那些蜜蜂 靠近峰巢
表演舞蹈 使周围的蜜蜂兴奋起来
模仿他的动作 传达信息
看到奇妙的景象 仔细观察
被人所知 剩下的问题
获取更多的数据 对蜜蜂行为的充分描述
被授予诺贝尔奖 把…标上红色
走直路,走近路 成群结队的跟在后面
Period 4 Integrating skills
Teaching goals:
1. Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by practice.
2. Talk about animals and animal behavior.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check language points by giving a dictation.
Step 2. Fast reading
In what ways are the higher primates, for example chimpanzees, similar to human being? How are they different?
Step 3. Detailed reading
Use the information in the text to complete the chart below. Give examples and characteristics for each type of animal.
Types Characteristics and examples
Primate 1. hands and feet can grasp and often have opposable thumbs and toes;
2. have a better sense of touch and the primate brain is larger.
Other animals 1. not good at holding, moving, and using objects;
2. have a weak sense of touch and small brain.
Higher primates Large size of brain, such as human beings and apes.
Lower primates Small size of brain.
Monkeys Have tails, small and walk less upright.
Apes no tail, larger and walk more upright, use sight more than smell, developed brain.
New world
primates Bigger and spend more time on the ground, such as monkeys, apes and humans
Step 4. Reinforcement
Deal with the exercises on page 126
Suggested answers to Ex 1 on Page 126
Primates Primates have hands and feet that can grasp or thumbs and toes that are opposable. Primates also have a highly developed sense of touch and a brain that is larger—compared to body size—than that of other animals. Other animals Other animals have smaller brains compared to their body size.
Higher primates Larger brains Lower
primates Smaller brains
Monkeys Most monkeys have tails; monkeys are smaller and doesn’t walk upright as apes; their brains are less developed. Apes Apes have no tails; apes tend to be larger and walk more upright; apes use sight more than smell; an ape’s brain is more developed; apes have fewer young
New world primates The group includes, among others, the spider monkey and the night monkey. New world primates are usually small and live in trees
Old world
primates The group includes monkeys, apes and humans. Old world primates are bigger and spend more time on the ground.
Suggested answers to Ex 2 on Page 126
Higher primates, such as chimpanzees, are genetically very similar to human beings. They walk like us (upright) and have hands and feet that can grasp. Chimpanzees and other higher primates also behave in “human” ways: they live in groups, they communicate with each other, and they use tools to find and eat food. However, these similarities do not mean that higher primates necessarily think like humans or are able to do what humans do, such as the solve problems and use human language. Some primates, such as chimpanzees, also have opposable toes, but human beings don’t.
Step 5. Language points
1. …are better than other animals 是比较级表最高级的用法
(1)比较级+than+ any other+单数名词
He is taller than any other boy in his class. 他在班上是最高的。
(2)比较级+than+ all the other+复数名词
He is taller than all the other boys in his class.
(=He is the tallest of all the other boys in his class.
(3)比较级+than + anyone (anybody) else
He is taller than anybody else in his class. 他是班上最高的。
2. have a sense of …
3. that指代“the brain”
辨析: it, that, one
(2)one代替的是前面提到的同名异物的任何一个(不定指),所代名词只能是可数名词,其前可代冠词,还可被this, that或形容词修饰,其后也可有定语。
(4)如果前面提到的名词是复数形式,为避免重复,则可视具体情况分别为they, them, ones或those代替。
4. Compared to (with)与……相比较
Compared to (with) her mother, she is tall.
compare…to… 把……比作……
beyond/past/without compare 无比的; 无双的
5. feast on 或feast…on… 宴请(某人), 款待; 尽情地吃
He feasted his friends on turkey.
We feasted all evening on the best food and drink.
be a feast for the eyes
Step Five: homework
Finish the workbook exercises from Page 250 to Page 256
Period 4 Reinforcement
Teaching aims:
1. Review the key points of the unit
2. Comment on the workbook exercises
3. Practise writing a story
Teaching aids: computer system
Teaching procedures
Step One: Revision of the unit
(Cf: the word files)
Step Two: Comment on the workbook exercises
Refer to the workbook exercises from Page 250- Page 256.
Step Three: Assignment
4.在大家的鼓励下, 你终于拿起麦克风 (microphone),唱了一首英文歌曲 “I believe l can fly”。
注 意:1.词数:100 ~ 120。
3.时间:2004年11月12日, 星期五,晴天。
Nov. 12, 2004 Friday Sunny
This evening I went to the KTV with some of my good friends.
This was the first time that I had been to a KTV and at first I didn’t want to go. I was ( had been ) in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn’t do well in the math exam. At the KTV, everybody sang their favorite songs very happily except me – I was only one of the audience. I dared not have a try because I was afraid that I couldn’t sing well. Encouraged by my classmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song entitled “I believe I can fly”.
I have become cheerful now and above all I’ve regained my self-confidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one’s life is oneself. I shouldn’t lose heart just because of one or two failures because I still have chances to try.




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