M6 U2 What is happiness to you 全单元教案(Weekly)(译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)

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Teaching and learning plan for
Unit 2 What is happiness to you?
By Li Ailing
The first period----Welcome to the unit
Teaching aims:
1. Train the students’ ability of speaking.
2. Get the students to talk about happiness.
Teaching Important Points:
Finish the task of talking about happiness to train the students’ speaking ability.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to help the students finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods:
1. Free talk, discussion and speaking to train the students’ ability to use English.
2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in
T: What adjectives can you think of when taking about happiness?
Ss: lucky; sweet; happy; positive; comfortable;
Step II Speaking
T: What do you think can make us happy?
Ss: All kinds of things. For example, playing games; winning the first prize; making progress in our studies; enjoying music; achieving success; making friends…..
T: Look at the pictures on Page 17 and tell what make them happy and what it is that makes them feel happy.
Ss: ….(Talk about the pictures)
Step III Discussion
T: Let’s have a discussion. Discuss how people can become happy and what happiness is to you.
S1: Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it is about how we perceive what happens to us. It's the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a setback as a challenge. It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess.
S2: Happiness is the "capacity for enjoyment". The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.
S3: Everyone has their own definition of happiness, may different from others. Keep what is happiness in your mind as your own image and to enjoy your own happy life. Life is not what other people's thinking, is your inside feeling.
Step IV Homework
Preview the text.
The second period----Reading
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:
goal; times; devote; remain; adapt; apart; rush; cheer; spirit; focus…on; cost; due to; range; sympathy; quit;
2. Train the students’ reading ability.
3. Get the students to learn about the gymnast Sang Lang.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:
goal; times; devote; remain; adapt; apart; rush; cheer; spirit; focus…on; cost; due to; range; sympathy; quit;
2. Train the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:
1. She must have been very sad.
2. While she was injured and in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained cheerful.
3. She was rushed to a top hospital in New York and…
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.
3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.
4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. a tape recorder
3. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.Step II Revision
T: Yesterday we talked about what happiness is and how we can become happy.
Make up a dialogue with your partner and talk about these.
(Some minutes later, the teacher asked some pairs to act out their dialogues.)
Step Ⅲ Presentation for Reading
T: Today we’re going to read a passage “The search for happiness”,which will get us to know about how to find happiness through the example of Sang Lang.
Can you name any famous people with disabilities you admire?
What do they have in common?
How would you feel if you were injured?
How can we find happiness in life?
Have a discussion with your partner to collect the answers to these questions.Step Ⅳ Skimming
1. Listening
T:OK.Now please listen to the tape first and find the answers to the questions on the screen.
(Teacher shows the questions on the screen, and the students begin to read the text.)
1. What’s the topic of the TV interview?
2. What is the name of the psychologist?
3. Where was Sang Lang born?
S1: The topic of the TV interview is happiness.
S2: The name of the psychologist is Dr. Brain.
S3: Sang Lang was born in Dingbo.
Read the text and then finish the following tasks:
1).Find the events related to the time listed in the text after reading.
1981 ___________________________
1987 ___________________________
1991 ____________________________
1998 ____________________________
S1: born in Ningbo,China
began learning gymnastics starting winning competitions got injured at the Goodwill Games.
2).Decide whether the following sentences are true or false.
1The topic of the TV interview was the story of Sang Lan. 2. Dr Brain studies happiness.
3. Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was eleven years old.
4. Sang Lan was injured in China in 1998, which practising for the Goodwill Games.
5. Before her accident, Sang Lan’s best event was the vault.
6. Sang Lan broke her legs and will never walk again.
7. Leonardo DiCaprio visited Sang Lan in the hospital.
8. Sang Lan believes doing no work keeps her happy.
S1:F: F
Step V Scanning
T:Read the text again carefully and try to match the two.
1.Before her accident,
2. After the Goodwill Games in 1998.
3.While she was in hospital,
4.Back in China,
5.She tells people that
A.She likes to think about positive things. B.Sang Lan made a mistake while practising a vault. C.we knew her as a young girl who was happy and successful in her sport.
D.she now studies journalism and hosts a sports programme. E.the world was amazed by the way she stayed cheerful.
Step VI Post-reading
T: Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. What does the example of Sang Lan show us?
2. In the opinion of Sang Lan, what’s the secret to happiness for many people?
3. How did she stay positive?
S1: It shows how people can find happiness even in difficult times.
S2: She thinks it is to think about good things, and to focus on goals.S3: By keeping busy.
Step VII DiscussionT: After reading the text, I think you can learn a lot from Sang Lang. Let’s read what Sang Lang has said: “Get up from where you fall is the most ordinary thing for a gymnast. And it’s my motto. I’ll arrange my time scientifically and work hard on my studies so as to be a winner in life.”
What adjectives can you use to describe Sang Lan? Suppose one day, you became disabled, how would you go on living?
T: Very good. In face of misfortune, what should we do ? Next let’s enjoy some famous sayings.
People don’t lack strength ,they lack will. ----Hugo
人缺失的不是力量,而是意志。 雨果
Chances favor the minds that are prepared. ----Pasteur
机遇总是垂青于有准备的人。 巴斯德
Every man is the master of his own fortune. ----R. Steels
每个人都是自己命运的主宰者。 斯蒂尔斯
Step VIII Consolidation
Fill in the blanks.
When Sang Lan got to the Goodwill Games held in New York, she felt very happy. She was a d________ athlete,who had spent many years practising her sport. Her strongest event was the vault and she was the best in China. She hoped to win this event at the games. However, during a practice vault, this young girl made a small m________. Her mistake cost her the ability to w______. Instead of landing on her feet, Sang landed on her head and broke her n_____. She was rushed to a top hospital, and doctors said she would never walk again.
While in hospital, Sang had many v______, including Christopher Reeve, an actor who once played Superman. Reeve could not walk either, due to an unfortunate horse riding accident. He encouraged Sang to stay p_______ and told her that being sad wouldn’t help her get better. Sang already knew this, and won the sympathy and admiration of people across the world with her good attitude and beautiful smile.Sang returned to China, and now studies j_________ and is also hosting a sports p___________ about the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Sang Lan works hard at everything she does. She enjoys learning new things and has a good attitude towards life. With her positive thinking, she is a role model for young people nationwide.
Step IX Homework
Preview the text.
Finish Exercise D on Page 20.
The third period----Word power
Teaching Aims:
Review the words related to emotion.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Help the students master the words related to emotion.
2. Help the students finish each exercise correctly.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Master the uses of nouns related to emotion correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.
2. Practising to make the students master the words related to emotion correctly.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Revision and Word Study
T: Yesterday, we read the text about happiness. Do you know how to describe happy? Happiness is just one of the many emotions. Do you know some words related to emotion?
Ss: Yes.
T: Well,now please read the following abstract words ralated to emotion.
excitement ; happiness; frustration; sadness; fear; disappointment; joy…
excited; happy; frustrated; sad; fearful; disappointed; joyful…
Step III Word power
T: Do you know any more words?
Ss: Yes. Look at the screen.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen and checks the answers with the whole class.)
Possible answers:
Nouns: joy; satisfaction; madness; delight; depression; confusion…
Adjectives: joyful; satisfied; mad; delighted; depressed; confused…
T: Well done. Besides, we’ve learnt some useful words in the text. Have you really mastered them? Please open your books at Page 22. Let’s do the exercises in Part A. Please choose the correct form of the word. You’re given three minutes to do it. Then check your answers with your partner. At the end, I’ll collect the right answers from you. See what I mean.
Ss: Yes.
Suggested answers:
1.angry 2. angrier 3.content 4. contentment 5. frustration 6. frustrated
7. frightened 8. fright 9. concerned 10. concern 11. jealous 12. jealousy
T: Well done. Next, let’s do the exercises in Part B. Read a diary entry and fill in the correct words. You can begin now. Five minutes later, I’ll check your answers.
Key:1.excitement 2.fearful 3.frightened 4.frustration 5.jealous
6.angry 7.sad 8.happy 9. concerned 10. content
T: There are many English idioms about emotions. Please group them in the right way.
hot under the collar ; over the moon ; down in the dumps ;
on cloud nine ; feel blue; fly off the handle
sad: _____________________________________________________________
angry: hot under the collar ; fly off the handle
happy: on cloud nine; over the moon
sad: down in the dumps; feel blue
Step IV Homework
Revise the words learnt in Word power.
Preview grammar.
The Fourth period----Grammar and usage
Teaching Aims:
1. Review the words appearing in the last period.
2. Review the tenses 2: past and future tenses.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Help the students revise the past and future tenses.
2. Help the students finish each exercise correctly.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Master the uses the past and future tenses correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Practicing to make the students master the Non-finite Verbs correctly
2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Grammar
T: Let’s revise the Grammar—past and future tenses.Look at the sentences on the screen.
Please go through the structure and concept of the past and future tenses.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
Past tenses Future tenses
did+do/was(were)+… 一般过去时 shall/will/be (am/is/are)going to+do 一般将来时
was/were +doing 过去进行时 would+do 过去将来时
had+done 过去完成时 will be doing 将来进行时
Past tenses:
1.一般过去时主要用来表示在特定过去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状态。 如:We visited the factory last Friday.
一般过去时常用的状语有yesterday, last night, two days ago, at that time或since从句等。
注意: 1)一般过去时所表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。 如:He lived in Shanghai for 20 years but now he lives in Beijing. (现已不在上海了) He has lived in Shanghai for 20 years. (可能还在上海) 2)一般过去时还可用于虚拟语气中的非真实的动作或状态,常用于特定句型中表示现在和将来时间。
如:It’s time you had a holiday. I wish you lived closer to us. If only he didn’t drive so fast! If I had the money, I’d buy a car. ----Can I smoke here? ----I’d rather you didn’t.
如:What were you doing yesterday at seven p.m.?
注意: 1)过去进行时也可与always; constantly; continually; for ever; all the time 等状语连用表示感情色彩。 如:He was making trouble all the time. 2)过去进行时也可在一定上下文中也可表示按照计划安排即将发生的过去将来事态。 如:The summer vacation was drawing near, but nobody knew where they were going for the holiday. 3)过去进行时与一般过去时的用法比较:
a: I was reading a novel yesterday. (未读完)
I read a novel yesterday. (已读完) b: He was working all through the night. (过去进行时侧重动作的持续时间)
1)完成用法:过去某一时刻或某一事件前完成的动作或状态。 如:I had written the article when they came. 2)未完成用法:过去某一时刻或某一事件前已经开始,一直延续到这一过去时间,而且到那时还未结束,仍有继续下去的可能性。 如:By December last year, he had worked in Beijing for five years.
Future tenses:
1.一般将来时主要用于表示某个时刻或某段时间内将要发生的动作或状态, 更多的用于带有条件分句的主句中。
如:He will come back next week. I’ll ask her as soon as she comes.
1)在主句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时的用法:在表示车、船、飞机等按照固定的时刻表进出站、港时,尤其是特别描述某一车次、轮次和航班的进出时间时,可用此用法,句中的谓语动词常为 leave, start, go等。 如:The next train leaves at seven o’clock.
2)在从句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时的用法:在以after, when, while, as, before,once, as soon as, if, unless 等引导的状语从句中多用此用法。 如:I’ll call you back as soon as I arrive in Paris.
2. 将来进行时
如:What will you be doing this time tomorrow morning? 2)这种结构通常带有“自然要发生”的含义。 如:You can use my bike. I won’t be needing it tomorrow.
3.过去将来时通常带有表示过去将来的时间状语,多用于从属分句中。 如:He said he would come back the next day.
Step III Consolidation
T: Next let’s do some multiple choices.
1.----What were you doing when Tony phoned you? ----I had just finished my work and_ to take a shower. (2004天津) A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting
2.----You were out when I dropped in at your house. ----Oh,I _____ for a friend from England at the airport. (2004福建) A. was waiting B. had waited C. am waiting D. have waited
3.—George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? ----No, I __. Did they have a big wedding? (2004湖北) A. was not invited B.hadn’t been invited C. have not been invited D.didn’t invite
4.All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness___. (NMET 2003)
A. has grown B. is growing C. grew D. had grown
5.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ___ when he ___at the party. (NMET 1989) A. left;had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived
6.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she____. (MET1990) A. will arrive B. arrives C. is arriving D. is going to arrive
7.----We could have walked to the station, it was so near. ----Yes. A taxi____ at all necessary. (NMET1992) A. wasn’t B. had been C. wouldn’t be D. won’t be
8. At this time tomorrow____ over the Atlantic.(2003北京) A. we’re going to fly B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly D. we’re to fly
9.----Have you finished your homework, Mary? ----No. I ____ my mother in the kitchen all day yesterday. A. was helping B. helped C. have helped D. had helped
10.----What were you doing when I phoned you last night? ----I ____ my painting and was starting to take a bath.
A. have already finished B. was finished C. had just finished D. was going to finish
11.This time Tom_____ careful enough, otherwise he would not have passed the test. A. was B. should be C. had been D. were
12. Tom said he ____ to her, but he ____ yet. A. will write; didn’t B. has written; hasn’t C. was going to; write; wasn’t D. would write; hasn’t
13.----Why? Where is the key to the meeting room? ----Dear me! You ____ it in the taxi! A. had never left B. didn’t leave C. never left D. haven’t left
14. It is the second time that I ___ in Shanghai. What great changes have taken place in Shanghai! It is ten years since I ____ it last time.
A. have been; left B. had been; left C. have been; had left D. went; had left
Step IV Exercises on Page 25
Answers to Exercise A:
Para 1:falls-fell; Para 2: loves-loved; has-had had; is- was; has-had; had去掉 Para 3: has-had ;is-was; was-am Para 4 was -is
Exercise B:
1. would have 2. will enjoy 3. was thinking 4. had finished 5. had begun 6. was
Step V Homework
Revise the uses of the past and future tenses.
The fifth period -----Task Writing a website negative emotional language
Teaching Aims:
To train the students’ ability of writing.
To practise writing a website article to give advice
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Review and lead-in
Step 2. Presentation
Writing skills building 1: identifying negative emotional language
When people discuss problems, fears and worries, they use specific language to describe their experiences. They often rely on emotional words and negative images.
To quickly identify theses themes, there are certain words, phrases and structures you can look for.
Sad confused disappointed unhappy alone afraid
I feel like…
They make/It makes me feel…
I wish…
I’m tired of …
Under a black cloud
stuck/caught between…
feel blue
down in the dumps
Writing skills building 2: breaking a big question into smaller ones
When you have a big question to answer, sometimes the best way to start is to make it into several smaller questions, and answer them first. Doing this stops you from getting confused and helps you think of all the possible answer to your big question.
For example:
Big question
How can I go from school back home for dinner and still have time to meet my friend and see a film across town?
Small questions
Is there a bus that goes from my home to the cinema?
Can I ask Mum and Dad to eat dinner a little bit later?
Is the film on at a cinema that is closer to my home or my school?
Can we see the film at the weekend instead?
After you have answered all the small questions, you will be able to answer the big one.
Writing skills building 3: giving advice
When you give advice, there are few guidelines to remember. Following these will help make your advice clearer, and more helpful to the people who need it.
1 avoid judging
People read advice letters or ask for advice because they want help, not because they want to hear what they have done wrong. Always use positive, helpful language, e.g.
I know you are trying very hard to solve your problem, and that is great! Why don’t you try doing…?
2 give examples
People like to know how to use your advice. If you know of a similar situation where your advice worked, mention it, e.g,
Something like that happened to my friend, this is what she did…
3 be specific
If you are giving advice, be sure to state what kind of advice it is. If you are offering help to people about studying, say that. If your advice is about training for a sport, say that too. For example, you don’t want someone to follow advice about losing weight when they really want help getting stronger, e.g,
Many people have problems finding enough time to study. One common solution is…
Step 3: writing an article
Ma jie solved his problem with help from his parents, teachers and coach. You and a friend decide to write an article for the school website about problems and solutions. Find a partner to be your friend and discuss what to write in the article and then write your article below.
Step 4 homework
Prepare to next period.
The sixth period ----Project Golden days
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:
look back on; ahead of ; could have done; stay; feel like ;wish; imagine; guarantee; assist
2. Train the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Important Points:
1. How to help the students to master the following words and expressions:
look back on; ahead of ; could have done; stay; feel like ;wish; imagine; guarantee; assist
2. How to get the students to train the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:
1).I could have done anything or become anyone.
2).I remember something feeling in a rush to grow up and be independent.
3).When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded by my family.
2. How to get the students to make a happiness handbook.
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.
3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.
4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.a tape recorder
3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Presentation for Reading
T: We have learnt a lot about happiness. Do you think happiness lies in the past or in the future?
Step III Reading
1. Skimming
Next let’s read the two essays on the theme of “the happiest time of your life”and then do the T or F exercises.
1. He thinks the happiest of his life were the college days in the countryside in England.
2. He was so eager to grow up that he had a lot to worry about when he was young.
3. In the writer’s opinion, health plays an important role in a person’s happy life.
4. He can stay cheerful because he can still play sport when he was getting old.
Answers: F F T F
2. Scanning
T: Read the two essays carefully and then answer the questions:
1. What will guarantee people’s health and happiness in the future?
2. In the future we will be able to enjoy staying together with your family. Why?
3. What else makes the author think that she will enjoy a happy life in the future?
1. It is technology that will guarantee people’s health and happiness in the future.
2. Because there will be automatic kitchens to cook instant meals for us in the future.
3. That she will be an adult then makes her think she will enjoy a happy life in the future.
StepIV Language points
1. look back on(upon)/look back to 回顾;回首(往事);回忆
My grandparents often look back on their bitter life in the old society.
look up 向上看;尊敬,仰视; 好转(尤用于市场上表示价格上升、市场活跃);(在词典、参考书等中)查寻
look down 向下看,俯视;
look down on /upon sb 看不起某人,轻视某人
look for 寻找;期望;
look forward to 盼望
look into 调查
2. ahead of
1) (时间、空间)在…前面
There is a bright future ahead of us.
2)早于 I finished the work several days ahead of the deadline.
She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.
3. could have done 1)“本来可以” 表示对过去可以但未实现的事
You could have made greater progress.
2) “可能已经” 用于表示对过去某事的猜测
Where could he have gone?
4. All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home. All I had to do was enjoy my adolescence.
这两句中的I had to do是定语从句,前省略了定语从句引导词that; 当主语中有do时,作表语的不定式可省略to。因此,完整的句子是: All (that I had to do )was to go to…
All that I had to do was to enjoy…
5. stay “保持,继续是”作系动词,其后加形容词。
He never stays angry for long.
The store stays open until late on Thursdays.
I can’t stay awake any longer.
6. feel like sth想要某物;
feel like doing sth想做某事
We’ll go for a walk if you feel like it.
I feel like a drink.
7. wish /hope wish 希望(不大可能的事)发生; 怀着(不可能实现的)愿望,后跟从句常用虚拟语气,
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
I wish I were taller.
----Where is he now?
----I only wish I knew!
8. imagine “想象”
imagine sth; imagine (sb’s)doing sth;
imagine sth to be;
imagine that…
The house was just as she had imagined it.
I had imagined her to be older than that.
I can just imagine him saying that.
Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job?
9. guarantee n.保证书;保证;v. 保证
1) v. guarantee sth;
guarantee sb sth;
guarantee to do sth;
guarantee that …;
guarantee sb against/from loss;
Buying a train ticket doesn’t guarantee you a seat. I guarantee to pay off his debt.
The watch is guaranteed for two years. The rain guarantees a good crop this year.
I can’t guarantee you the job.
I can’t guarantee that you’ll get the job.
2) n. The new television had a guarantee with it.
Blue skies are not always a guarantee of fine weather.
Money is no guarantee of happiness.
10. assist “帮助;协助;援助” assist sb with sth; assist sb in doing sth; assist sb to do sth
We’ll do all we can to assist you.
We’ll assist you in finding somewhere to live.
The course will assist adults to return to the labor market.
StepV Homework
Review the key points in this unit.
Write an essay about your idea of happiness with the help of the questions on Page 31.
The seventh period---- Language points
Teaching Aims:
1. Review the words appearing in the two essays.
2. Learn some important words..
Teaching Important Points:
How to help the students to master some important words and expressions.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to get the students to use the words and expressions to make up some sentences.
Teaching Methods:
1. Practising to make the students master the words and expressions correctly
2. Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Step II Revision
T: Let’s first revise the words and expressions learnt in the last period.
Translate some phrases:
Ss: look up on; ahead of ; could have done ; stay healthy; imagine doing sth; guarantee to do sth; assist sb with sth
T: Well done! Next let’s learn some important points in the reading text.
Step III Language points
1. goal 1)目的,目标 achieve/reach/realize one’s goal 实现目标; 2)(球戏等的)得分,赢分 make/score/get a goal 得一分
2.times 时代;时势;境况(常用复);
the time当代
The times are different. 时代不同了。
in modern/ancient times 在近(古)代
What wonderful times we are now living in!
This is one of the most important issues of the time. 这是当代最重大的问题之一。
3. devote…to… v 献身…的;专心于…的;专用于…的; devote oneself to sth/doing sth 献身于;致力于
She devoted herself to fighting for the rights for the blacks.
Don’t devote too much time to games.
devoted adj 挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的
She devoted herself to her children.=
She was devoted to her children.
4. remain link. “仍是;保持”后接形容词、名词、介词短语等作表语。
His knowledge remains weak.
The town remains the same as before.
He remains poor all his life.
He remained in poor health.
His work remained unfinished.
5. adapt to;adapt oneself to…(使)适应
We have had to adapt quickly to the new changes.
It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings
We should adapt our thinking to the new conditions.
6.apart 1)(指空间或时间)相隔,相距
The two houses stood 500 metres apart.
Their birthdays are only three days apart.
2)不在一起;分离; 分开
We’re living apart now.
She keeps herself apart from other people.
7. rush vt.急送;猛推
rush sb to the hospital 火速送某人去医院
Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.
n. 急速 in a rush 匆忙地;
I can’t stop—I’m in a rush.
8.cheer 使振奋,使高兴;欢呼
The good news cheered (up) everybody who heard it.
cheer victory 为胜利而欢呼
Everybody cheered(up) at the news.
Oh, come on –cheer up!
9. spirit (常用复数形式)情绪
in high(good) spirits 情绪高涨;兴高采烈
in low(poor) spirits 情绪低落;意志消沉
10. focus (sth) on/upon …
1) 集中(注意力、精力等)于
The discussion focused on three main problems.
2) (眼睛、摄影机等) 调节聚焦
In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor’s face. He focused his eyes on the beautiful girl.
I quickly focused the camera on the children.
11.cost 使丧失;使损失
That one mistake almost cost him his life.
The closure of the factory will cost 1,000 jobs.
The accident cost me a visit to the doctor.
Financial worries cost her many sleepless nights.
12.due to=because of 由于,因为;归功于
The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.
My illness was due to bad food.
She arrived late due to the storm.
The train was delayed due to the fog
13. range from …to…; range between… and…
The damage was said to range between $ 1 million and $ 5 million. She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from street cleaner to bus driver.
14. sympathy
have/feel/express sympathy for sb 对某人表示同情;同情某人
I wish he’d show me a little sympathy.
It is not enough to have sympathy for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them understand their valuable role in society.
15. quit vi/vt 离开,退出
quit office 离职
quit school 退学
We only just started. We’re not going to quit now.
He quit the show last year because of bad health.
I’ve quit smoking.
Step IV Homework:
Review the key points.




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