
中学英语教学资源网英语教案语法专题指导 手机版

e.g. a. Spring is coming.
b. This factory opened in 1989.
e.g. a. She looked worried.
b. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.
e.g. She has bought a new house.
e.g. My father bought me a lot of books.
e.g. a. They made him their monitor.
b. We consider him very capable.
六、there be句型:
A. “there be”结构中的特殊动词:
1. 除用动词be之外,还可以用和be意义相近的其他动词:live, exist, stand, lie, occur, come, remain等。
e.g. a. Once there lived a lion in a forest.
b. There has occurred an accident on the road.
c. There stands a beautiful mountain near the village.
d. Then there came a knock at the door.
2. 动词be还可与happen to, appear to, seem to, be going to, be sure to, be certain to, be likely to等“半助动词”构成 “there be”结构中的谓语。
e.g. a. There seems to be something wrong with it.
b. There is going to be a storm.
c. There is sure to be rain tonight.
d. There’s certain to be trouble in the factory.
e. There’s likely to be a large audience.
f. There happened to be a friend of mine in the hotel.
g. There appeared to be no doubt about it.
B. “there be”结构与have的区别:
“there be”结构与have /has都含“有”的意思。have /has表“所有、拥有、所属”,而 “there be”则表示“存在”。试比较:
a. I have a recorder.
b. There is a recorder on the desk.
1、 这些花闻起来很香。
2、 这里夏天经常下雨。
3、 李平逗得婴儿笑起来了。
4、 刚才她给了我一些墨水。
5、 你们在学校里学习英语还是俄语?
6、 我们是新中国的学生。
7、 你在看什么书?
8、 这些孩子总是努力学习吗?
句 子 成 分
e.g. a. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
c. How much water is flowing can be measured easily.
e.g. a. We should heal the wounded and save the dying. b. He wanted to have a cup of tea.
五、宾语补足语(object compliment)。是对宾语的补充说明和描述。可作宾补的:
1、 形容词:I find the problem very difficult.
2、 副词:I found John out when I called at his house.
3、 名词:The students of Class 1 elected him monitor.
4、 不定式短语:The people had considered him to be a great leader.
5、 -ing分词(短语):We can see them flying along the river.
6、 -ed分词(短语):He tried hard to make himself understood.
7、 介词短语:What makes you in such a hurry?
六、主语补足语(subject compliment):是对主语的补充说明和描述。可作主补的:
1、 名词:Their first satellite was called Early Bird.
2、 介词短语:Today, Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.
3、 不定式短语:They will be encouraged to eat healthy foods.
4、 -ing分词短语:This is called “doing one’s homework”.
e.g. The classmates here are very kind to me.
e.g. a. We like this picture very much. b. They worked day and night.
1、 名词:Many English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name.
2、 代词:We had a lovely holiday, one of the best ever.
3、 数词:These handbooks are for you five.
4、 -ing分词(短语):He had earned enough money to start his own business, offering guide services to tourists.
5、 of所有格:I live in the city of Nanjing.
6、 介词短语:These coins were used for the next 2,000 years, that is, from 221BC until 1916.
e.g. a. What was to become of them all, he wondered.
b. What was worse, this wine was not at all suitable for drinking with a meal.
连系动词 多有自己的意思,但不能独立作谓语,必须与表语(名词、形容词,或与之相当的词类、短语、从句)一起构成合成谓语。最常用的连系动词为be(是)动词,即完全连系动词,另外还有look,turn,feel,get,become,sound,smell,stand,go,remain等半连系动词。无论是完全连系动词还是半连系动词、后面都有表语。由于半连系动词是由实意动词变来的,那如何分辨该动词为实意动词还是半连系动词呢?
1. a. please look at the blackboard.   b. he looked a perfect fool.他看上去是个十足的傻瓜。
2. a.turn to page 16.翻到 16页。   b.he turned traitor to his country.他背叛了祖国。
3. a.he felt it his duty to help others.   b.i felt very hungry after a long walk.
4. a. get me some ink.给我一些墨水。   b.our motherland is getting stronger and stronger.  
5. a.such words do not become a scholar.     b.some of the land became covered with water.  
6. a.this black key on the piano won’t sound.     b. the story sounds interesting.     
7. a. I am sure i smell gas.我肯定闻到了煤气味。   b.the flowers smell sweet.花朵散发芳香。
8.  a.he was too weak to stand.   b.holding the note in his hand,he stood there dumbfounded.  
9.  a.he goes to school early every morning.    b. they went mad.他们发狂了。
10. a. i remained 3 weeks in paris.   我在巴黎逗留了三周。   b.he never remained satisfied with his success.   他从不满足于自己的成绩。




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