Phrases in Unit 2 Growing pains(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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1. growing pains 成长的烦恼
2. take great pains to help me with my English 不嫌麻烦的帮助我学英语
3. problems common to teenagers 青少年中普遍存在的问题
4. have a lot/much in common 有很多共同之处
5. common sense 常识
6. turn up the radio 把收音机开大些 turn down the radio把收音机开小些
7. turn up at a meeting 出席会议 turn down the request 拒绝请求
8. a waste of time/money/energy 一种时间/金钱/能源/的浪费
9. waste too much time watching TV 浪费太多的时间看电视
10. force the students to spend their spare time doing what they don’t like 强迫学生们在业余时间做不喜欢做的事
11. spare me a few minutes 抽几分钟给我
12. describe an unpleasant experience with one’s parents 描述一件与父母的不愉快的经历
13. be angry with the disappointing boy 对那个令人失望的男孩发怒
14. be angry at the news 听到那个消息而发怒
15. arrive back from work an hour earlier than expected 比预期早一个小时下班回来
16. can’t wait to go home 等不及想回家
17. be 15 minutes late 迟了15分钟
18. followed by a big dog 后面跟着一只大狗
19. look around/round/about 环顾四周
20. be supposed/expected/meant to do sth 理应做某事
21. to my great surprise = much to my surprise 使我大吃一惊
22. do sth in surprise 惊讶的做…… take the city by surprise 出其不意的袭击这城市
23. buy a present with the money left 用剩余的钱买礼物
24. what to do with the old books 如何处理那些旧书
25. a trash can 垃圾箱
26. leave sb in charge of the firm 让某人负责管理公司
27. expect good decisions from sb 期待某人有主见
28. go unpunished 得不到惩罚 go unnoticed 得不到关注
29. stop shouting at me 停止对我吼叫 stop to do the homework 停下来去做作业
30. sit with one’s legs crossed 翘着二郎腿坐着
31. deserve to do 应该做
32. instead of
33. be too hard on sb 对某人太苛刻
34. be strict with sb 对某人严格要求 be strict in one’s work 对工作一丝不苟
35. now that 既然 that 可以省略
36. be rude to us 对我们粗鲁
37. feel like doing = would like to do
38. sleep leaving his book lying open on his desk 睡着了而书打开着放在桌上
39. pay attention to sth/doing sth
40. talk sb to do sth = talk sb into doing 说服某人做某事
talk sb not to do = talk sb out of doing 说服某人不要做
41. shouldn’t have watched TV 不该看电视但看了
should have done my homework 应该做作业但没做
could have taken a taxi 本来可以乘出租车但没有
42. treat sb like/as a child 把某人看成小孩看待
43. 30 grown-ups 三十个成年人 2 lookers-on 2位旁观者
44. argue with your parents about/over small matters 由于小事和父母争吵
45. the cause of an argument between the students and the class teacher班主任和学生之间的争吵的起因
46. cause and effect 因果
47. disagree with sb on sth 在某事上和某人意见不一致
48. be on vacation 在度假
49. fit sb well 很合身(衣),很合适(鞋)
The shoes are a nice fit.
50. be wanted on the phone 有某人的电话
51. call at/on 6305625
52. change the shoes for another pair 调换一双鞋
53. get some small change ready 准备的零钱
54. a book easy to understand 一本容易理解的书
55. look the new words up in the dictionary 在字典上查新生词
56. rain cats and dogs = rain heavily 下大雨
57. get an A plus/from the maths teacher 从数学老师那没A+/在数学上得A+
58. make friends with… 与……交朋友
59. in case 万一 in this/that case 那样/这样的话
in no case = at no time = by no means =in no way 决不
60. have a good laugh over sth 因为某事而大笑
61. point at point to 指着
point a gun at 用枪指着
point out one’s shortcomings 指出某人的缺点
62. be on the point of doing sth when 正要做某事这时突然
63. come/get to the point 言归正传
64. ask for your advice 请求得到你的建议
65. take/follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议
66. advise sb to stop smoking 建议某人戒烟
67. miss talking with me 怀念和我谈话
68. go for a ride 去聚会 go for a walk 去散步
69. take her out to dinner 带她出去吃饭
70. be not meant for a teacher 不是当教师的料
71. keep sth in mind = bear sth in mind 牢记
72. make a difference 有所不同,有所作为
73. get the room tided up 整理房间
74. think of sb as = regard sb as 把……看作
75. be busy with = be busy in doing 忙于
76. fix one’s problem
77. speak in the first person 用第一人称说
78. practise reading the text 练习读课文
79. be upset with sb about/over sth 因某事对某人不满
80. be dealt with early 早点得到解决
81. an advice letter 一封建议信
82. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事
83. the only child 独生子 a love child 私生子
84. and yet = but
85. insist on doing 坚持做某事
86. chat online 网上聊天
87. be to do sth. 按计划,安排发生某事; 注定要发生, 一定要…
88. at present 目前 for the present 暂时
89. be present at a meeting 出席会议
90. prevent him from upsetting his mother 阻止他使母亲不开心
Prevent the air from being polluted 不让空气受污染
Prevent him from attending a meeting 不让他开会
91. the two of us 我们俩
92. fight like crazy 发疯地,疯狂地争斗
93. send me to bed 打发我上床睡觉
94. every /each time +句子=whenever+句子
95. forbid sb. to do sth.=forbid sb. from doing 禁止/严禁某人做某事
96. assign sth. to sb. 给某人布置…, 安排某人某事
97. make a draft 打草稿
98. bridge the generation gap and get along better 化解代沟并更好相处
练习 p.94-p.101
1. beat the former winner 3 to 2 以3:2胜前任冠军
2. think for oneself 独立思考
3. throw sth. away 把…仍掉
4. go wrong 出问题
5. prevent him from surfing the internet 不让他上网
6. practise playing the piano at an early age 从小练习弹钢琴
7. have difficulty in learning/with English 学英语有困难
8. be an expert in doing sth.=be good at doing 擅长做某事
9. care more about others than himself 考虑某人比自己多
10. get the work done on time 准时把工作做完
11. insist on going abroad for further education 坚持要出国深造
12. tell sth. from his face 从他脸上判断出某事
13. be always willing to help me with Maths. 总是乐意帮我学数学
14. the other day 前几天
15. give him a lot valuable advice on how to improve his writing 在如何提高写作方面给他很多宝贵的建议
16. speak English in a confident way 自信地说英语
17. be in a mess 一团糟
18. find my way back home 找到回家的路
19. be on (the) television 在电视上播放
20. make trouble 惹麻烦
21. be caught cheating in the exam 考试作弊被抓
22. break one’s promise 违背诺言
23. the two sides of Mike’s nature 迈克性格的两个方面
24. be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 be popular in America 在美国受欢迎
25. be at home 常在家
26. over and over (again) =again and again 再三
27. stand on your own feet 自立
28. be proud of sb. =take pride in sb. 以某人为自豪
29. in the future 在未来 in future 今后
30. lie to sb. =tell sb. a lie. 向某人说谎
31. be strongly against smoking 强烈反对吸烟
32. be bad for one’s health 对某人身体有害
33. do more harm than good 坏处多于好处, 弊大于利
34. pick up a habit 养成某习惯
35. bring in some money 赚些钱, 有盈利
36. millions of +n.(pl.) 很多
37. treat diseases 治病
38. base your report on facts 据事实报告




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