上海牛津英语第三册(上)Unit 3语言点(沪教牛津版高三英语必修三教案教学设计) |
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词汇 bride[braid]n.新娘 bridegroom n.新郎 gown n.长袍, 法衣, 礼服, 睡袍 banquet n.宴会 florist n.种花人 consultation n.请教, 咨询, 磋商, [医]会诊 bouquet [bu(:)kei,]n.花束bunch n.串, 束v.捆成一束 limousine[limu(:)zi:n] n.豪华轿车 reception[risepFEn]n.接待, 招待会, 接收 registry .注册, 登记, 注册处, 登记处, 船舶的国籍 stationary 固定的 stationery n.文具, 信纸 album n.集邮本, 照相簿, 签名纪念册 kettle n.壶, 罐, 釜, 鼓 towel n.手巾, 毛巾 toaster n.举杯祝贺者 pillow n.枕头, 枕垫 tablespoon n.大汤匙 champagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 attendant n.随从,随员 eclipse n.食, 日蚀, 月蚀, 蒙蔽, 衰落 Reading (Planning for the perfect wedding) 1 purpose n.目的;意图(p40) He went to town with the purpose of buying a new television. 他进城的目的是买一台新电视机。 What is his purpose in coming back this time?他这次回来的意图是什么? vt. -posed, -posing意欲;企图;打算 We purpose making another trial / to make another trial.我们打算再试一下。 The government purposed that the project would be carried out before long. 政府决心不久就开始实行这项工程。 I do not purpose that he will have his own way.我不准备让他一意孤行。 常用短语:on purpose故意地;为了;特地 I came here on purpose to see you.我特地来这里看你。 for (the) purpose of为的是; 为了....起见; 为了...的目的 to the purpose得要领的, 中肯的; 合适的 to no purpose完全徒劳无益, 毫无结果地, 毫无成效地 2 aim vt., vi.(常与at连用)瞄准;对准 He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用枪瞄准了敌军官。 以…为目标 I aim to be a lawyer.我要当个律师。 He aimed to swim a mile.他的目标是游一英里。 The factory must aim at developing new models of machines.该工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。 3 connection n.连接, 关系, 接线, 线路, 亲戚 Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease? 你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗? We have connections with various international corporations in Europe. 我们同欧洲的多家跨国公司有业务往来。 常用短语:in connection with与...有关系, 和(车、船等)联络着 in this connection关于这一点, 就此而论 connect vt., vi.(常to, with与连用)连接;结合;连结 Will you connect this wire to the television.你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗? "If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history." "如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。" (与with连用)接驳(火车、汽车、飞机 等联运),换车;衔接 This flight connects with New York one.这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。 Connect me with Beijing University.给我接北京大学。 (与with连用)有联系,有关 That solitary old man was suspected to be connected with the crime. 那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。 常用短语:connect up连起来, 接上 connect with和...有联系, 和...有关 4 require vt 需要 The floor requires washing.地板该洗了。 Most plants require sunlight.大部分植物需要阳光 I require two children to help me.我需要两个孩子来帮我的忙。 要求 All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。 常用短语:It requires that ...有...的必要 require sth. of sb.对某人有...的要求 require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 5 choose vt., vi.chose, chosen, choosing 挑选;选择 Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee? 你选谁当建设委员会的新委员? She chose to study chemistry.她选择了学化学。 choose three from [among, out of] these books从这些书中选三本书 C-me a good hoe.替我选一把好锄头。 决定;拿定主意;愿意, 宁愿 [后跟不定式] He chose not to go home.他决定不回家了。 His uncle chose to settle in the countryside.他叔父决意在乡下定居。 chose to fly rather than drive.决定乘飞机去而不是开车去 常用短语:as you choose随你喜欢; 听你的便 cannot choose but不得不,只好 choose select pick都含“挑选”、“ 选择”的意思。 choose 系常用词, 指“一般的选择”, 侧重“凭个人意志或判断进行选择”, 如: Leave it to you to choose between the two methods.任你在这两种方法中作出抉择。 select 强调“在广泛的范围内精选、淘汰”, 侧重“以客观为标准进行选择”, 如: They're selecting maize seeds.他们在选玉米种。 pick 强调“从个人角度在众多中进行挑选”, 有时含有“任意选择”的意思, 如: pick one's words选词。 6 costly adj.-lier, -liest 价值高的;贵重的 The ring was very costly.这枚戒指价钱很贵。 昂贵的;代价高的 the costliest war in history历史上代价最高的战争 costly expensive dear valuable invaluable都含“贵的”, “昂贵的”意思。 costly通常指“由于物品华丽、稀少而价格高的”, 如:costly jewels 贵重的宝石。expensive系常用词, 指“价格超过货物本身的价值或一般人的购买力”, 如:an expensive book 一本价钱贵的书。dear 指“价格比通常情况或其实际价值高”, 如:Meat is dear these days. 近日肉类很贵。valuable 指“由于有价值很值钱而价格高的”, 如:valuable collections 贵重的收藏品。 invaluable指“价值高得不能以钱来评估的”, 即“无价的”, 如:invaluable aid 宝贵的援助 7 supply vt.-plied, -plying(常与with连用)供给;提供 That company supplies paper to the printers.那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。 Supply n. -plies储备;贮藏 Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard.我们这个月的生活用品在橱子里。 量 a large supply of food大量的食物 供给,供应 The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.供不应求。 [pl. ]供应品; 生活用品; 补给品 medical -lies医疗用品 常用短语:have a good [large] supply of备有许多 in short supply供应不足 supply...for把...供给 supply ...with向...供应 8 match n. 火柴, 比赛, 竞赛, 匹配, (足球, 捧球, 蓝球)比赛 v.相配, 相称, 比赛, 相比, 匹配 vt., vi.相等;发现(找到)相等物 They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese.他们在中文的造诣上相等。 This hotel can't be matched for friendliness.这家旅馆良好的服务态度是无与伦比的。 相似;相配 These shoes do not match;one is large and the other is small.这双鞋不相配,一只大,一只小。 It's difficult to match the color of old paint.很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩 常用短语:be no match for比不上, 不是...的对手 match against [with]使与...相竞争 match to使和...相等 suit; fit; suitable fit用作及物动词,意为“与……相符、符合;合……身”;用作不及物动词,意为“适合、合身”。多指衣物等尺寸大小合身、合脚。 suit意为“适合”。多指衣物等的颜色、款式、质地等适合,穿起来协调、好看;合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等。如: This coat doesn't suit you.这件外套不适合你。(比较:This coat doesn't fit you.这件外套不合你的身。) 9(1) keep away使离开,使站开 (2)keep back阻止,阻挡 The police tried to keep the crowd back from the injured man. 警察试图挡住人群,不让他们靠近受伤的人。 隐瞒,保留 He can keep nothing back from his friends.他向朋友什么也瞒不住。 扣下;留下 The boss keeps back $50 a month towards my uniform.老板每月扣我50美元服装费。 (3)keep down 控制,压制 They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.他们采取步骤控制兔子的繁殖增长。 卧下;蹲下;不举起 Keep down — they're shooting at us!趴下,他们向我们开枪呢。 咽下;不吐出 I feel ill, doctor, and I can't keep any food down.大夫,我病了,咽不下任何东西。 (4)keep off避开;不接近 Keep off the grass!请勿践踏草地! My doctor has warned me to keep off sugar.我的医生劝我别吃糖。 Keep your dog off me.把你的狗从我这儿拿开! (5)keep on继续;保持 He just kept on writing.他正在继续写。 (6)keep out 关在门外;不准入内 to keep the smoke out不让烟进来 This coat keeps out the wind.这大衣挡风。 (7)keep out of躲开;置身于…之外 Do you try to keep out of trouble!你得躲开这麻烦。 Keep out of the sun.避免日照。 (8)keep to 坚持;保持;不离开 He always keeps to his promises.他总是说话算数的。 (9)keep up继续;坚持 If this rain keeps up the garden will be ruined.如果这雨继续下,花园就完蛋了。 保持;维持 The high cost of materials keeps up prices.材料的昂贵费用使价格居高不下。 keep up with跟上;不落后;赶上 Don't run — I can't keep up with you.别跑了,我赶不上你了。 10 reserve vt.保留;留下备用;预订;预约 I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。 n.贮藏,储备;保护区 reserve of food食物储备 a nature reserve自然保护区 常用短语:in reserve备用的 without reserve无保留地;无条件地 I believe your story without reserve.我毫无保留地相信你说的。 adj.预备的; 后备的; 限制的 a reserve price最低价格 11 be in contact with和...接触, 有联系 be out of contact with[脱离接触, 失去联系] bring into contact with使接触, 使与...联系 come into (in) contact with接触, 碰上 have contact with接触到, 和...有联系 lose contact with和...失去联系, 离开 make contact with和...接触[联系] 12 resist vt., vi. 抵抗;反抗;敌对 the power to resist disease抗拒疾病的能力 忍住;顶住 She could hardly resist laughing。她真忍不住要笑。 I can't resist baked apples.我顶不住烤苹果的诱惑。 resist temptation不受引诱 13 ask advice of向...征求意见, 请教 by sb.'s advice依某人劝告 on sb.'s advice依某人劝告 follow sb.'s advice接受某人意见 give advice劝告, 忠告 14 break down 使崩溃;毁坏:break down a partition; broke down our resolve. 捣毁一堵隔墙;丧失了我们的决心 使健康、精神崩溃 放弃抵抗;屈服: broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly. 不再坚持,买了一辆新的小轿车;慢慢放弃了的偏见 失效;没用了: The elevator broke down.电梯出毛病了 使…变弱,变得无效: Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority. 对国王统治的反抗逐渐削弱了他的权威 To divide into or consider in parts; analyze. 从化学上分解,使从化学上分解 常用短语: (1)break away突然离开; 逃走;脱离; 放弃; 革除拆除, 拆毁 (2)break in闯入; 破门而入;打断; 插嘴 (3)break into闯入; 潜入; 破门而入;插入; 打断;开始(某种活动);突然...起来 (4)break off突然停止; 暂停; 休息一下;折断; 绝交;因顶头风而改变航向 (5)break off with与...断绝交往 (6)break out发生; 爆发;然说出[发出, 做出] (7)break through突破;(在科学研究上)有重大发现;服; 打破 (8)break up成小块; 拆开; 分解;散;哄堂大笑;(天气)突然变化; (学校期末)放假 15 keen adj.锋利的, 敏锐的, 敏捷的, 热心的, 渴望的 p47 热心的;渴望的;(与连on用)热心…的;对…有兴趣;喜爱…的 They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.他们渴望购买中国货。 She's keen on sailing.她喜爱驾船。 They are rather keen on your new-type woolens.他们对你的新型毛织品颇感兴趣。 Integratated skills 1 compete vi. 竞争(with, in) 比赛(in) 对抗(against, with) compete with other countries for world market与其它国家竞争国际市场 compete in a race参加赛跑 compete with [against] sb. for sth.与某人竞争而获得某物 The young tennis player has often compete d against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten.那位年轻的网球运动员常与著名球员对抗比赛, 可是到目前为止, 他总是输的。to compete with others for a prize为得奖与人竞争 2 critical adj.批判的, 批评性的, 评论性的;挑剔的, 对...表示不满意的 a critical eye挑剔的目光 be critical of sth.对某事表示谴责 3 advantage n.优势, 有利条件, 利益 常用短语:be of advantage to对...有利 gain\get\have\win an advantage over\of胜过, 优于 give sb. an advantage over使某人处于更有利的地位 take advantage of乘机利用;利用别人的弱点占便宜; 欺骗; to sb.'s advantage(=to the advantage sb.)对...有利 turn out to sb.'s advantage变得对某人有利 turn sth. to advantage使转化为有利, 利用某事物 Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否值得? It is to your advantage to invest wisely.明智地投资对你很有利 A better education gave us the advantage.良好的教育使我们处于有利地位 take advantage of all educational opportunities.利用一切教育机会 4 point n.点, 尖端, 分数, 要点, 分数; 要点;含义; 用处;用途 We won by 5 points.我们赢了5分。 I don't see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming. 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可能不来了。 What is the point of discussing this issue further?这件事再讨论下去有什么意义呢? There's no point in wasting time.耗时间没用。 常用短语:in point of 就…而言;关于…: In point of fact, I never lived at the address stated on the form. 事实上,我从未在表中所填的那个地址居住过 to the point切题的,或与正在讨论的事件有关的: remarks that were to the point; rambled and would not speak to the point. 和本题相关的话;随便地乱讲却不讲与本题相关的 make a point of特别注意 made a point of visiting their niece on the way home.总是在回家的路上顺便看望他们的侄女 on the point of… when… …关头紧接在一个特定的事件前面的时间间隔;临界点: 5 put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用 The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony. 年青的恋人一直努力存钱以备举行婚礼时用。 He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。 撇开;置之不理;把…放在一边 The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。 put away put off延期;推迟 Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日可做的事不要拖到明天。 put on假装;伪装;增加;添上表演,演出,上演(戏剧);穿上;戴上 "She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party." "她是个害羞的女孩子,然而她却装出一副勇敢的样子去参加聚会。" So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on. "要去观看比赛的人那么多,只好增开一列火车。" put on speed增加速度 He put his coat on.他穿上外衣。 put out熄灭;关熄;扑灭生产;出产;出版 Please put out the light before you go to bed.上床之前请把灯关掉. put up举起;抬起;张开(伞) to put up a tent架起帐篷 Put your hands up!; Put 'em up!举起手来! 张贴;公布to put up a notice张贴布告 put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦 I can't put up with your hypocricy any more.我再也不能容忍你的虚伪态度了。 "That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with."那个女人是个家庭主妇不得不忍受许多烦恼。 put forward提出提议以供考虑: put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划 6 annoy vt.annoyed, annoying使烦恼;使生气 annoy with生…的气 annoy at讨厌某事 The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。 常用短语:be annoyed with sb. for sth.对(某人)为(某事)而生气 be annoyed with sb. at sth.对(某人)为(某事)而生气 7 deter vt.-rr- (常与from连用)使不敢;威慑;吓住;阻拦;不许 Failure did not deter us from trying it again.失败并没有能阻挡我们再次进行试验。 8 delight vt., vi.给予乐趣;使人高兴 I was delighted to be invited to her party.我很高兴被邀请参加她的晚会。 (常与in连用)热衷于;引以为乐 She delights in cooking lovely meals.她以烹饪美食为乐。 n.乐趣;喜悦;欣喜 to laugh with delight高兴地大笑 Movies give delight to millions of people.电影使亿万人获得乐趣。 Singing is her chief delight.唱歌是她的主要爱好。 常用短语:take delight in喜爱, 以...为乐 to sb.'s delight令人高兴的是.. . delight in喜爱, 以...为乐 9 as well as conj.既…又: courageous as well as strong.既健康又勇敢 as well as prep.都: The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.编辑和校对者都在加班工作 The money will help the scientists conduct research into the cause of cancer as well as helping those who are suffering from cancer. |
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