外研初二上Module 3教案 Journey to Mars(外研版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

I. Teaching objectives 教学目标
Skill focus 听 Listen for the sentence stresses
Listen for finding out about a news broadcast
说 Talk about recent events
读 Read a dialogue and a passage about space travel
Read and choose the best title
写 Write a narrative story
Write a poster about space travel
Focus 功

Talk about recent events
I/ You/ We/ They have just heard the news.
He/ She /It has already ……
I/ You/ We/ They haven't ……yet.
He/ She/It hasn't ……yet.
Have you/ we/ they ……yet? Yes, we/ you/ they have.
No, we/ you/ they haven't.
Has it/he/she reached Mars yet? Yes, it/he/she has. No, it/he/she hasn't.
Astronauts have already been to the Moon.
Astronauts have already gone to the Moon.
They haven't discovered life on Mars yet.
词汇 1. 重点词汇:
message, Earth, just, hear, hear about, several, month, discover, recently, planet, alone, also, part, light, beyond, even, secret
2. 认读词汇
Mars, mission, unmanned, s[ace shuttle, billion, solar system, universe, galaxy, Jupiter,
语法 The Present Perfect Tense with already, just, yet
话题 Journey to Mars
Ⅱ. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析
本单元以Journey to Mars为话题,设计了Unit 1 Has it reached Mars yet? Unit 2 We haven't found life on other planets yet. Unit 3 Language in use三个单元的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生通过听,说,读,写,了解有关太空的知识,学会运用现在完成时谈论事情。学会写a poser about space travel。
Unit 1 学习和太空科学有关的词汇;听和太空旅行有关的对话;接触含有just, already的现在完成时;听句子,并标明重读词汇。
Unit 2 读关于外星生命的文章,选择最佳题目;看图作句子并写故事;学习本模块新词汇与短语。
Unit 3 在练习中复现本单元重点词汇、句型和语法;读关于planets and days的文章;作一份关于太空旅行的海报。
III.Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配
Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)
Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2 )
Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3 )
Ⅳ Teaching plans for each period分课时教案
Unit 1 Has it reached Mars yet?
Target language 目标语言
1. Words & phrases生词和短语
message, Earth, just, hear, hear about, several, month, discover, recently,
2. Key sentences重点句子
I've just heard the news on the radio.
Have the scientists spoken to the astronauts? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.
Has it reached Mars yet? Yes, it has. No, it hadn't.
We haven't discovered if there is life on Mars yet.
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to listen to and talk about space travel.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to learn how to listen to and talk about space travel, using the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点
How to listen to and talk about space travel, using the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching aids教具准备
A projector or some pictures about space travel, a tape recorder .
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
StepⅠ Warming up and lead-in
In this procedure, ask students to look at the projector or some pictures about space travel. Learn the words about it. Learn to ask and talk about the space travel, using the Present Perfect Tense.
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Do you know Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng? This class we’ll begin with a projector about space travel. Are you interested in it? Please look carefully. Can you say some words about it?
Show the projector. (like the picture in P18)
Write the words with the students. Help them learn the words of space travel.
T: This is a projector about space travel. What can you see in it? (Help to say)
S: Earth, Mars, spacecraft, Moon, Sun, unmanned spacecraft, scientists…
Keep the above words down on the blackboard.
T: Do you know something about space travel? Please talk about it in groups.
S: Discuss in groups.
Then ask students to report it. The teacher write down the important words as students report it. Like hear about, message, mission, discover, recently, and so on.
T: Good. You know much about space travel.
Step II Listening and vocabulary
In this procedure, students will listen and learn the words.
T: Now please open your books at page 18. Look at the words on the table. We have just talked about them. Please read them first. Now Let's listen and number them. The first time, just listen. Then number them. At last let's check together.
S: Listen and number.
Then check the answers with the students.
Encourage or help the students to say something about the words.
e.g: T: Do you know "message"?
S: piece of information.
Go on with the others in the same way.
Step III Listening and reading
T: Now please close your books. Let's listen to a passage. In this passage Daming and Tony are talking about space travel. Please listen to it carefully and answer two questions. 1. Has the spacecraft read Mars yet? 2. Have we discovered if there is life on Mars yet?
Play the tape for the first time.
S: Listen and answer: 1. Yes, it has. 2. No, we haven't.
T: Then open your books and listen again. This time please listen and underline the new words of this passage.
S: Listen and underline..
T: Groupwork. Please discuss in groups and try to explain them in English. Let's see which group can give more English explanations.
As students discuss, teacher should go around the class and help them if necessary.
T: Have you finished? Please report them to us.
Ask to do it group by group.
Mars: a planet in solar system mission: task discover: to find …
T: Good job. Let's match the words with their meanings in Part 3.
S: 1-discover, 2-space shuttle, 3-space station, 4-life, 5-scientist, 6-message
T: Please listen to the recording for the last time and check the true sentences.
Play the recording. Then check the answers.
After this, ask students to repeat after the recording. Then read in pairs.
T: I'll ask some pairs to read. The others pay attention to the important sentences.
Students read.
T: What are important sentences? What do they look like?
S:1. I've just heard the news on the radio about the space mission to Mars.
2. I haven't heard about this yet.
3. Has it reached Mars yet?
T: These sentences are the Present Perfect Tense. The structures are: have /has +p.p Can you find more sentences like these in the passage?
S: Read or make sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.
Step IV Pronunciation
T: We know pronunciation is very important to English learners. We should stress on the nouns and verbs, and something you want to tell others. Please listen to the recording carefully and underline the words the speaker stresses.
Play the recording. Students underline the words. Then check the answers.
Play the recording again. Ask students to read after it. Then read loudly.
Step V Speaking
T: We have known much about space travel in this class. Can write down things we've done and the things we haven't done yet about space travel.
e.g. We've sent astronauts to the Moon.
We haven't sent astronauts to Mars.
You can discuss in group first. Then write them down. Who has the longest list?
S: Discuss and write.
Check the answes together.
1. Ask students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit .
2. Ask students to write a short passage to introduce space travel.
Unit 2 We haven't found life on other planets yet.
Target language目标语言
1. Word &phrases
planet, alone, also, part, light, beyond,
2. Key sentences重点句子
… just (already) have/ has +p.p … …haven't/ hasn't + p.p…yet. Have/ Has + …+p.p +…yet?
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to read a passage and learn to write a story about space travel.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students learn how to read a passage and learn to write a story about space travel.
Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
How to read a passage and learn to write a story about space travel.
Teaching aids教具准备
Some pictures or a projector.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
Step ⅠRevision and lead-in
Check the homework. Talk about space travel.
T: Looking up, we can see the sun, the moon and stars in the sky. But what is it like? We didn’t know until we travel in space. With the development of science, our dream of space travel will come true one day.
Show a projector or a picture.(picture in P20)
T: Please look at the picture. What can you see?
S: A spacecraft.
T: Yes, we have sent some spacecraft into universe. What is in the universe?(Help to answer and write down some important words )
S: The sun, the earth, the moon, and some stars.
S: And 9 planets. They are called the solar system.
S: Galaxy
T: Well done. We have known so many words about the space. Please write them down. Then you'll find them in the next passage.
S: Try to write them down.
Ask students to read the words.
Step Ⅱ Reading
T: Boys and girls. We’ll read a passage about space. First please look at Part2. There are four titles. (Go through with students) Please read the passage and choose the best title.
Students read it quickly.
Theck the answer. 3 Our solar system
T: Now you’ll have three minutes to read the passage. After reading, try to do "Part3 Check the true statements."
Check the answers: ×√√√√×××
After that, ask a student to read the passage to the class. Other students underline the sentences they don't understand.
Then discuss the important questions with the students.
T: This time please read loudly and carefully. Then try to retell the passage.
Students read.
The teacher ask one to retell.
StepⅢ Writing (4 P21)
T: Have we found any life on other planets? Please look at the cartoon picture. What happened?
S: Discuss the picture in groups.
T: OK. Let's answer the questions.
Ask students to answer them one by one.
1. It has landed Mars.
2. It has discovered people on Mars.
3. They haven't sent us a message because they can't hear us.
4. Because they prefer life on Mars.
5. They have made TVs, radios, and cars.
T: Please look at these sentences carefully. Can you find some rules?
S: …have/ has + p.p …
T: Good job. These sentences are the Present Pefert Tense.
Step Ⅳ Writing (5: P21)
In this procedure, ask students to talk about the cartoon picture.
T: Let's write a story "Life on Mars", according to the answers in Part 4. Pay attention to the Present Perfect Tense. You can discuss it in pairs first. Then write it down.
Ask two students to write on the blackboard.
A sample :
We've just had some news about the mission to explore Mars. Scientists have just heard a message from a spacecaraft. It has landed Mars. And it has discovered people there. But they haven't sent us a message because they can't hear us. They prefer life on Mars, so they haven't visited us on Earth. They also made TVs, radios, cars and so on with the other spacecraft. I think they are having a good time.
StepⅤ Homework
1. Try to find some information about space and write it down to us.
Unit 3 Language in use
Target language目标语言
1. Words & phrases生词和短语
even, secret
2. Key sentences重点句子
I've just heard the news.
Has it reached Mars yet?
Astronauts have already been to the Moon.
They haven't discovered life on Mars yet.
Ability goals能力目标
Enable students to use the Present Perfect Tense.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help students learn how to talk about and write something using the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
How to use the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式
Step Ⅰ Revision
1. Check the homework.
2. Ask students to tell the story in Unit 2.
Step Ⅱ Grammar
(1.) just, already, yet
T: Read the sentences on the table. Pay attention to the words: just, yet, already. Where are they used in the sentences?
S: Just/already, 一般用在肯定句中,have/has 之后 yet, 一般用于否定句或疑问句末
T: Yes, they are all used in the Present Perfect Tense.
Do Exercise 1.
Go through the model with students.
T: Now I'll give you 3 minutes to finish Exercise 1. Let's see who can finish them first.
Then let students read them one by one.
1. They haven't been to Mars yet.
2. Many astronauts have already visited the space station.
3. The spacecraft has just reached Mars.
4. We've already known that there isn't any life on the Moon.
5. We have just stared to look at other planets.
6. The space shuttle has just returned from a visited to the space station.
( 2.) Grammar:
Let's complete the following table.
Help students sum the grammar in Unit 3.
动词构成: have/ has +p.p
肯 定 句 否定句
S +have/has +p.p S +have/has+not +p.p
特殊疑问句 回 答
When have/has +p.p?

S +have/has+p.p
一般疑问句 回 答
Have/Has+ S+p.p? Yes, S+ have/has.
No, S +haven't/hasn't..
Do Activity 7:
Askk students to write them on the blackboard.
1. Have you already finished your homework?
2. I haven't seen my teacher yet.
3. Has a dog been for the walk?
4. We have just watched a programme on TV.
5. They haven't discovered life on Mars yet.
(3.) have/has been, have/has gone
T: Liu Mei, will you please go to the office to bring my book here?(Liu Mei goes to the office.) Class, where is Liu Mei?
S: She has gone to the office.
(After a while Liu Mei comes back with a book.)
T: Thank you, Liu Mei. OK. Has Liu Mei been to the office?
S: Yes, she has.
T: Now, do you know the diffences between have/has gone and have/has been?
S: Yes. have/has gone: 去了某地,还没回来。have/has been: 去过某地,已经回来
T: Great. Let's do exercise 2 .
Ask them to do them one by one.
1. been 2. gone 3. gone, 4. been
T: Can you use have/has been or have/has gone correctly? Please complete the sentences in Exercise 3 in groups. Then give us the correct words.
Students discuss in groups.
Check the answers: 1. has gone 2. have been 3. have been 4. has gone
(4.) The forms of the verbs.
T: We have learnt many verbs in this module. Please read them and write down their different forms. Then discuss in groups and find out their rules.
Students discuss .
Ask to sum:
S: 1.… +ed 2. …e +d 3. …y+ied 4. Irregular forms
T: Good. Now let's comelete the table
S: 1. came 2. discover, discovered 3. did 4. went, gone 5. heard 6. landed, landed 7. make,made
8. reached, reached 9. see, saw 10. sent, sent 11. taken 12.tried, tried
T: Please comelete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
S: Read in pairs and complete the passage.
Ask one pair to read it. The others check the answers.
1. seen 2. discovered 3. Have, tried 4. haven't found 5. decided
T: Work in pairs and try to act it out.
Students read in pairs.
Ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.
Step III. Practice  
Ask students to read the letter in Activity 8 and complete the letter.
T: Boys and girls, do you want to know more about space? We’ll read Mry's letter. I'll give you 3 minutes to complete it. If you finish it, please put up your hands and read it to us,OK?
Students read and write .
Ask one of the students to read it to the class. The others check the answers.
1. just 2. read 3. already 4. been 5. never 6. haven't 7. written 8. yet
Then ask them to ask and answer some questions in pairs.
A sample :
S1:Where have the astronauts been?
S2: They have been to Mars and even to Jupiter.
Step IV Words
T: Let's revise the words in Unit 3.
Students read for a while.
Do Activity 9: Add the words.
T: Now let's have a compitation between the boys and the girls. Let's see who can write more words about space. I'll give you two small blackboards and boys write on Blackboard A, girls Blackboard B. Don't see each other. Begin!
Students write one by one.
Then go through Around the world.
Step Ⅴ Module task
T: Do you know the first Moon landing or China's first manned space travel? Please talk in groups and write a report. Then please report to us.
Students talk and write in groups.
Ask them to report.
T: Well done. You have known a lot. If you want to know more, after class, please look for more photos and information about it from your parents or the Internet. Then make a poster and put it somewhere for everyone to see.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1. Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit and preview the next unit.
2. Ask the students to finish the poster.
3. Ask students to finish the exercises in the workbook.
Teaching resources教学资源库
I. 重点知识详解
(1) 现在完成时的含义:
The lift has broken down. 电梯坏了。
I have seen you wife. 我见过你太太。
Never in my life have I felt so excited. 我这一生从来没觉得这样兴奋。
现在完成时可用来表示若干时间以前直到现在一再重复的动作或屡有的经验,每次发生的时间并不重要,所以不提。可以和一些不确定的过去时间状语连用,如already, yet, just, before, recently, lately等。
I have already finished my homework. 我早把作业做完了。
He has just run out. 他刚跑出去。
(2) be up to的含义:
①up to意为“达到”,表示达到某一数量。
I can take up to four people in my car. 我的汽车最多能带四个人。
②up to表示“由某人负责”。
Whether we go or not is up to you. 我们去不去你说了算。
③up to表示“胜任”。
He is not up to the job. 他不胜任这个工作。
What is he up to? 他在搞什么名堂。
(3) with的复合结构:
The Emperor walked in the procession with nothing on. 皇帝走在游行队伍的中间,一丝不挂。
I went out with the window open. 我外出时没关窗户。
Don’t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴食物讲话。
She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides. 她看见了一条两岸长满了红花绿草的小溪。
Wu Song beat the tiger to death, with his bare hands the only weapon. 武松赤手空拳打死了老虎。
II. 背景知识:太空旅行
III. 补充练习
(1) 根据句意填单词
①The teacher was a_______ in the room when I arrived.
②All this year's new m_______ are at the car show.
③Columbus d_______ America.
④Many people are worried about the pollution (污染) of the e_______.
⑤He wanted to keep it s_______ from his family.
⑥They've r_______ bought a new car.
⑦Rice does not g_______ in a cold climate.
⑧He's written s_______ books about India.
(2) 根据对话内容,填入所缺的词
Daniel: Joe, have you heard of Guilin? It’s a city of China.
Joe: Oh, I haven’t heard of it before.
Daniel: A lot of travelers like Guilin. It’s famous for its __①__ and __②__.
Joe: Have you ever been to Guilin?
Daniel: Yes, I have. I went there last summer with my parents. I had a great time there.
Joe: Do you like __③__?
Daniel: Of course .How about you?
Joe: Me, too. I have been to several countries except China.
Daniel: So you __④__ visit the country one day. It’s a beautiful country. And Chinese people are very __⑤__. I like Guilin and China. I stay in Guilin for ten days. I have never __⑥__ in a city for __⑦__ than a week __⑧__ Guilin.
Joe: I don’t __⑨__ with you. I have been __⑩__ in a city for more than ten years!
Daniel: Really? Which city?
Joe: Here!New York.
(1) ①already ②models ③discovered ④environment ⑤secret ⑥recently ⑦grow ⑧several
(2) ①water ②mountains ③traveling ④should ⑤friendly ⑥stayed ⑦more ⑧except ⑨agree ⑩staying




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