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1. settle an argument: put an end to an argument解决争端、纠纷
2. send in寄去(处理)
3. set down:○1 write down记下,写下 ○2放下,停车让乘客下车 联想短语:set about doing开始,着手
set out to do着手开始,出发
set off(for)动身,起程(去)
set aside留出,把…置于一旁
set up建立,树立
set back 退步,挫折,阻碍
4. keep track of: keep in touch with与…保持联系 Lose track of 失去联系
5.moustache: 上嘴唇的胡子
6. draw/reach a conclusion得出结论
7.hire: employ雇佣 fire
8.reach a lengthheightdepthwidth of
eg.○1Water was found at a depth of 30meters.
○2They dug down to a depth of 2 meters.
○3It’s about 10meters in depth.
=It’s about 10meters deep.
=It has a depth of 10meter.
9.be suitable for适合,恰当
10.set/hold/break a record
11.stand out显眼,突出,杰出
12.Impressive as the record is, it fades next…
=Though the record is impressive, it fades...
eg.Child as he is, he has to make a living by himself.=Though he is a child, he has to…
比较:As he is a child, he doesn’t have to worry about life.由于他还是个小孩子……
13.be diagnosed with被诊断为
14.in a row连续几次地
15.lead sb. to do导致、诱使某人做某事
lead to(prep.) sth/doing导致
16.in the first place:○1用于句尾,当初○2用于句首,第一,首先(in the second/third/… place)
17.apply (to sb.) for 申请,请求
18.fascinate深深吸引、迷住 fascinated(a.)入迷的,极感兴趣的
19.burst/break into 突然开始(笑、哭等)
20.concentrate on 集中精力于,聚精会神
21.center/focus on把…当中心,使成为中心
22.sth be familiar to sb.熟悉的
Sb. be familiar with sth.
23.head(v.) (for)前往,朝向
24.have sth to do with和…有关
1.take possession of:占有拥有 possess(vt.)
in possession of某人拥有……
in the possession of某物被某人拥有,占有
2.in the name of sb.=in one’s name 以…名义
3.masses of +可数/不可数名词: 大量
4.be rich in含有丰富的…,大量含有
5.dig up挖出,挖掘
6.expect to do期待;预料,预计
7.risk one’s life冒生命危险
8.be equipped with: be armed with用…装备
9.form/lay the foundation(for)(为…)奠定基础
11. before long:soon不久
long before很久以前
It was not long before+句子 :不久就…
12.It is well known that…众所周知
13.in exchange for交换
14.develop into发展成为
15.be taken prisoner被俘虏,被关起来
16.make a voyage/journey/trip
go on a voyage/journey/trip
17.be ripe for时机成熟
19.command/order sb. to do 指挥,命令
command/order that sb.(should) do
under one’s command在某人的指挥下
=under the command of sb.
20.set sail (from/for/to)起航
22.response(n.) to(prep.) 回复,回答
respond(vi.) to(prep.)
23.in return (for)作为(对…的)回报,回应
in turn 依次,轮流,逐个
24.建议:suggest doing
suggest that sb.(should) do
表明,暗示:suggest that+真实语气的从句
25.at an altitude of=at a height of在…的高度
26.apart from○1except for除了(排除在外)
○2besides, in addition to除了…还(包括在内)
27.adjust to(prep.)适应
28.be ideal/perfect for完美的,理想的
29.the first(…) to do 第一个做某事的…
30.make an attempt to do试图,尝试
in an attempt to do
31.refer to○1提到,谈及○2指的是○3查阅,参考
32.run out: be used up耗尽,用光
34.on/upon (one’s) return/arrival一回来/到达就
35.praise sb. for/as表扬
36.bring up抚养,养育;提出
bring in引进
1.make up○1组成 be made up of=consist of由…组成○2弥补○3化妆○4编造,虚构
○2人们,前不加the 单复数
○3人民,前需加the 同形
3.be harmful to(prep.)=be bad for对…有害
do harm (n.)to(prep.)
harm (vt.)sb./sth
4.as a consequence/result(of)因此,作为…的结果
5.have an influence/effect on=
6.transform…into/to :change into转换
7.A&B differ (from each other)
=A differs from B不同,相异
=A is different from B
8.break out突然爆发
9.Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia …
10. lay(vt.)—laid—laid—laying 放;下蛋
lie(vi.)—lay—lain—lying 躺
lie—lied—lied—lying 说谎
12.give birth to生孩子,产仔
○1Tom is twice as old as Jerry.
○2Tom is twice older than Jerry.
○3Tom is twice the age of Jerry.
○4Tom’s age is twice that of Jerry.复数用those
14.keep out (of)不进入,留在外面,把…关外面
15.round up: gather together使聚集,聚拢
1. classify into: group分类 class等级,种类
2. be born into/to出生于
3. lead/live a cozy life过着舒适的生活
4. have an appetite for: have a strong desire for有强烈的愿望
5. appoint sb. as任命,委任
6. firstly, secondly, thirdly:同first, second, third(用于列举)第一,第二,第三
7. look/watch out (for)当心,留心寻觅
8. on a large scale大规模,大范围
9. from behind his desk幕后
10. involve卷入 be involved in有关联
11. elect sb. (as) sth选举,推举
12. a great deal of+不可数名词。大量
13. at great/vast /little/no expense花费大/小
at one’s expense:paid for by sb.由某人花钱
14. pass away/on(婉辞)去世,亡故
15. name after按…命名
16. in one’s youth在某人年少的时候
17. deserve sth值得,应得,不用进行时
deserve to do sth
18. carry out /conduct/do/ perform an experiment做实验
19. concern(v.)○1涉及○2使担忧
concerning(prep.): about关于,涉及
20. pass on○1转交,传给○2去世
21. consider (to be)+a./n.认为
consider doing考虑
24. year after year年年
25. in detail详细地




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