高一英语学案Units 7-8 (B1)(人教版高一英语教案教学设计)

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I wish I could sing like her. 我希望能像她那样唱歌。
Mary's dress is red, like mine. 玛丽的衣服是红色的,和我的一样。
There are several people interested, like Mr Jones and Mr Simpson.
feel like:想要
look like:似乎,好像
(2)like作为动词,常作及物动词使用。意思是“喜欢;爱好;希望;想 ”
I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉。
Do you like your teacher? 你喜欢你们的老师吗?
I'd like to see you. 我想见到你。
He seemed quite angry at you. 他好象对你生气了。
Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for the drunk.
Danger seems to attend everything they have tried.
He seemed excited. 他好象很激动。
(2)seem后接to be结构时,有时会省略掉to be。
The headmaster seems to be a fixture in the school for quite a long period.
Yesterday I met a man who seemed (t0 be) the famous actor.
(3)seem后接that或者as if从句。有时that和as if可以省略。
"At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow."
It seems to me that you are right. 我认为你是对的。
It seems to me that there is something funny about the case.
(4)句型:There seems/seemed (to be)…
There seems to be something wrong with your recorder.
There seems to be a man over there in the darkness.
(1)suggest表示“提议;提出;建议”的意思,后面常接动词-ing形式,不能接不定式;接that从句时,常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形,其中,should可以省略。
She suggested going there by train. 她建议坐火车去那里。
She suggested that we (should) go there by train.
I suggested that we (should) do it like this. 我建议这样做。
The smile on the boy’s face suggested that he was happy to have given his life to his motherland. 这个男孩脸上的微笑暗示出他很高兴为自己的祖国献出了生命。
When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head. 当我暗示说,这准是某些村民进来偷喝掉的,汤普森先生摇摇头。
1.seem, look 与appear的区别:
seem, look, appear这三个词一般用作半系动词,都可以汉译作“似乎”或“看上去”。
A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby.一位飞行员看到一个气球,好象要飞向附近的英国空军基地。
It seemed certain that this would win the prize.
He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.
My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse.
Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water.
The actress is thirty-five years old, but she appears a lot younger.
2.give up, give in, give out的区别:
(1)give in to somebody/something表示“向某人/某物屈服、让步;投降”。后面不能直接接名词,属于不及物动词的范畴。
He would rather die than give in. 他宁死不屈。
He has given in to my idea. 他已经顺从了我的想法。
(2)give up: 后面接名词或者动词-ing形式,属于及物动词的范畴,意思是“放弃”。例如:
He gave up his position as then general manager. 他辞去了总经理的职位。
He had a hard time giving up smoking. 他戒烟很辛苦的。
(3)give out: 表示“分发;用完,用尽”的意思。
You are required to give out the pamphlets
Give the money out to the children.
Our food supply gave out at last.
His strength gave out(= run out). = He ran out of strength.=He was worn out.=He was tired out.他已精疲力竭。
1.What do you think we can do to protect our cultural relics?
此句中的do you think为插入语。句子的疑问语序由它体现,而其它成分用陈述语序。做单项填空题时要注意这个现象。
2.Where there is a river, there is a city.
And we should build a website where people can look at the pictures and paintings.
这两句都含有where引导的从句。第一句为where引导地点状语从句,第二句为where引导一个定语从句。在where引导定语从句时,其前面往往有一个表示地点的词作先行 词,此句中的website即先行词。
We should be sent where we are most needed. (where引导地点状语从句)
We should be sent to the place where we are most needed. (where引导定语从句)
3.Ronaldo has done more than just playing football.
Yao Ming has more than just size: he also has great skill and speed.
这两句都包含有more than just结构。此处的意思是“不仅…,不止…”。
He did more than just helping us out, he also gave us a lot of money to set up a new school for poor children.
They were more than willing to help you. 他们非常乐意帮助你。
Some of the stories were really more than could be believed.
英语的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。
(1)若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加"to"。此类动词往往是感官动词。如:feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watch 等等。
  The teacher made me go out of the classroom.
--> I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher). We saw him play football on the playground. --> He was seen to play football on the playground.
(2)带有情态动词的被动语态:即:情态动词+ be +过去分词,构成被动语态。
Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.
This is a photo of the power station that has been set up in my hometown. (注意up)
My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. (注意of) 
Such a thing has never been heard of before. (注意of)
(4)由believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, announce, suppose, think, understand等动词构成的被动结构:
It is said that…   据说 
It is reported that… 据报道
It is believed that… 大家相信
It is hoped that… 大家希望
(5)不及物动词或动词短语如:appear, die, disappear, lost heart, come true, fall asleep, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, break out, keep silence, take place. 无被动语态。要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。
(错) The price has been risen.  (不及物)
(对) The price has risen.  
(错) The accident was happened last week.  (不及物)  
(对) The accident happened last week.  
(6) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:
fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands
with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to。
  This key just fits the lock. 这把钥匙就是开这把锁的。
  Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 你的故事与(我们)已经听到的说法是一致的。
(7) 系动词无被动语态:
appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste,
It sounds good. 听起来声音不错。
It tastes delicious. 尝起来很香。
(8) 带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态:die, death, dream, live, life, smile。
  She dreamed a bad dream last night. 昨天晚上她做了一个噩梦。
He died a heroic death. 他死得很英勇。
(9) 动词wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell, drive… 用主动形式表示被动:
The book sells well.  这本书销路好。  
This knife cuts easily.  这刀子很好用。
(10) 特殊结构:make sb. heard / understood:使别人能听见 / 理解自己have something done : 要别人做某事
She spoke at the top of her voice to make herself heard.
I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天理发了。
【考点透视 考例精析】
[考点] 考察地点状语从句。
[考例1] There were marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.
A.where B.which C.when D.that
[解析] A which和that引导定语从句,故排除;when引导时间状语从句,与句子的意思不符,应该用where引导地点状语从句,本题的意思是“她的裤子上她檫过手的地方有脏痕”。
[拓展] 要注意where不仅可以引导地点状语从句,还可以引导定语从句。这时,where前面往往有一个表示地点的名词。
They have never gone to the place where we intended to meet before.
[考点] 考查被动语态。
[考例2] Many man-made satellites __________ space by China over the past five years.
A.was been sent up B.was sent for
C.have been sent up into D.has sent into
[解析] C 根据句子结构看应该使用被动语态,因而排除D项;表示“发射升空”用send up into…。sent up“发射”,其后不能接名词,send for意思是“派人去请”,与句子的意思不相符合。
[考点] 考查固定搭配的用法。
[考例3] --I’m going to see the victim’s brother.
--I’d rather you __________.
A.didn’t B.have not C.don’t D.do
[解析] A 第一个人所使用的时态为将来时,表示将来的打算。但是第二个人用的是固定句型:I would rather somebody did something. 所以只能选A项。
[拓展] 另外注意句型Somebody would rather do something than do something 。两个动词都用原形。
I would rather do some work than stay home every day.
[考点] 考查时态和语态。
[考例4] The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ________ by 2006.
A.has been completed B.has completed
C.will have been completed D.will have completed
[解析] C 首先,此句的construction work 与complete是动宾关系,construction work作从句的主语,所以应该使用被动语态。再由 by 2006可以知道,该动作现在尚未完成,所以用将来完成时态。
1.After the earthquake, it is very difficult to r_____________ the buildings and other things.
2.Columbus said that he had discovered the new c_____________.
3.The earthquake d__________ several buildings.
4.The o___________ language of Japan is Japanese.
5.As more and more cars entered people’s homes, p_______ is becoming more and more serious.
6.These two countries have different__________(文化).
7.He had _____________(包括)a large number of funny stories in the speech.
8.Will you help me ___________(准备)for the get-together of the old classmates?
9.We not only communicate with words, but also with ___________(手势).
10.Can you find our _________(位置) on this map?
1.--Smoking is bad for your health.
--Yes, I know. But I simply can’t __________.
A.give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away
2.--The window is dirty.
--I know. It ________ for weeks.
A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean
C.wasn’t cleaned D.hasn’t been cleaned
3.To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train ________ travel by air.
A.as B.to C.than D.while
4.His behavior at the party last night seemed rather out of _____. Many of us were quite surprised.
A.practice B.place C.polite D.pity
5.–What can I do for you?
--I’d like to borrow a science book, _________ that is simple and written in English.
A.which B.one C.but D.all
6._______ the poor, Tom himself has been living a very simple life.
A.Devoted to help B.Devoting to helping
C.Devoted to helping D.Devoting to help
7.--Do you like Nack?
--Yes, Nack is good, kind, hardworking and intelligent; ______, I can’t speak too highly of him.
A. as a result B.in a word C.by the way D.on the contrary
8.--What’s the matter with you?
--Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I __________ so much fried fish just now.
A.shouldn’t eat B.mustn’t have eaten
C.shouldn’t have eaten D.mustn’t eat
9.He lives in a big house whose windows ___ over an avenue with trees and flowers on both sides.
A.look into B.look up C.look out D.look on
10.He became a millionaire at last, _________ himself the richest one in his family.
A.to make B.making C.made D.to be made
There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects. Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life. Some students do badly in a traditional classroom. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning. Some students will be happier in an open education school. They will not have to worry about grades or rules. For students who worry about these things a lot, it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.
But many students will not do well in an open classroom. For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules. Even a few rules will help this kind of students. The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it. Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their schools.
You now know what open education is. Some of its good points and bad points have been explained. You may have your own opinion about open education. The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory. In fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school. The writer believes that most students, but of course not all students, want some structure in their classes. They want and need to have rules. In some cases, they must be made to study some subjects. Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.
1.Open education allows the students to__________.
A.grow as the educated B.be responsible for their future
C.develop their own interests D.discover subjects outside class
2.Open education may be a good idea for the students who__________.
A.enjoy learning B.worry about grades
C.do well in a traditional classroom D.are responsible for what they do in life.
3.Some students will do little in an open classroom because__________.
A.there are too few rules
B.they hate activities
C.open education is similar to the traditional education
D.they worry about the rules
4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Some traditional teachers do not like it.
B.Many teachers do not believe in open education.
C.Teachers may have problems in open classrooms.
D.The teacher’s feelings and attitudes are important to the students.
5.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?
A.Open education is a really complex idea.
B.Open education is better than traditional education.
C.Teachers dislike open education.
D.The writer thinks that open education is a good idea in practice.
Units 7-8 (B1)
一、1.restore 2.continent 3.damaged 4.official 5.pollution 6.cultures 7.included 8.prepare 9.gestures 10.position
二、 1—5 ADCBB
1.C 这是一个细节题。文章第一段中的“This way of teaching allows the students to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects.”提供了解题信息。
2.B 细节题。参考文章第一段的“They will not have to worry about grades or rules.”。
3.A 细节题。参考文章第二段中“For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school.”这两句话。
4.D 综合判断题。阅读文章可知,其中没有提到D项所述的内容。
5.A 主旨大意题。文章提到了正反两方面的观点,各有道理,说明问题比较复杂。




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