编写 陈卫国 2010.1.6 一、 重点单词 1.achieve v.--> achievement n.. 取得成功 achieve success 科学成就 scientific achievement 2 .prepare v. --> preparation n. --> prepared adj. 为…作准备 prepare for make preparations for in preparation for 为…作好了准备 be prepared for 3.introduce v.--> introduction n.. 把…介绍给… introduce sth.to sb. 使…初步了解/接触…introduce sb. to sth. 自我介绍 introduce oneself 把…引进来 introduce… into (产品)…的介绍 an introduction to (a product) 4.develop v.--> development n.. 培养对…的兴趣 develop an interest in 发展中国家 developing country 冲洗胶卷 develop film 随着…的发展 with the development of 5.please v.--> pleasure n. -> pleased adj.满意的 -> pleasing adj.令人…愉快的 对…满意 be pleased with 6.recently adv. --> recent adj. 在最近几年 in recent years 7.inform v. --> information n.. 收集信息 collect information 告知某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 8.continue v. --> continuous /continual adj. 继续做某事 continue to do sth./ doing sth. 9.select v. --> selection n. 一组,一套,一系列 a selection of 10.require v. --> requirement n. 要求某人做某事 require sb. to do sth. 满足要求 meet the requirements 11.nature n. --> natural adj. 本质上 in nature 保持生态平衡 keep the balance of nature 12.miss v. --> missing adj.( 失踪的,缺失的)
错过了/未乘上那班车 miss the bus 思念某人/某物 miss sb./sth. 13.experience v./n --> experienced adj. 有经验的医生 an experienced doctor 体验(感受/经历)疼痛 experience pain 14.scare v. --> scared adj.(恐慌的) ->scary / scaring adj.(让人恐慌的/吓人的) 吓人的故事 a scary story 感到恐慌 feel scared 把…吓跑 scare away 二、 重点短语 与…相处轻松 stay at ease with sb. 了解、听说 know of 免费地 for free /free of charge 错过机会 miss the chance to do sth. 参加集会 attend assembly 赢得尊敬 earn/win respect (from sb.) 逐字逐字地 word by word 把…捐献给… donate … to… 在周末 at the weekend 在网上冲浪 surf the Internet 与…约见 have/make an appointment with sb. 一年到头全年all year round / throughout the year 完成学业 finish one’s studies 作演讲,作报告 give/make a speech 高声朗读… read…out aloud 大学毕业 graduate from university 轮流做… take turns (in)doing sth to do sth. do sth. by turns / in turn 一件设备 a piece of equipment 在展示 on display/exhibition/show 批准一个项目 approve a project 赞成一个观点 approve of an idea 一个普通工人 an average worker 平均地 on average 在校园里 on campus 在学校运动场上 on the school field 在田里,在…领域里 in the field (of…) 对…负责 be responsible for… 管理广播俱乐部 run a radio club 后悔做了某事 regret doing sth. 想出一个主意 come up with an idea
三、 重点句型 1.去英国中学待一年是一段令人愉快且激动的经历。 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience. 2.赢得学校敬重的最佳方法是努力学习得高分。 The best way to earn respect from the school is to work hard and achieve high grades. 3.我发现作业负担不像原来的学校那么重。 I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. 4.我确实喜欢吃零食。 I do like eating snack food. 5.他一完成学业,就开始了中国之旅. On/Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. 6.这些画正在会议厅展出. These paintings are being displayed in the assembly hall. 7.不要错过这次出国的机会,否则你会后悔的。 Do not miss the chance to go abroad, or you will feel regret about it. 8.大学毕业后,他去中国学习汉语。 After graduating from university,he went to China to study Chinese。 9.选择余地越大,最终决定越理想。 The more choices you have, the better your final decision will be. 10.他是大家都觉得很难取悦的人之一。 He is one of those who everybody finds hard to please.
四、 重点讲练 1.Attend
我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。 I may be late, for I have one or two things to attend to. 昨天他因病没有参加会议。 He didn’t attend the meeting due to his illness. ▲ attend join join in join sb. in take part in participate in We will not join in the discussion of the plan for the moment. He’ll attend a wedding tomorrow. We’ll participate in social practice during the summer vacation. He’ll join us in singing the song..
讨论中,我们应该尊重别人的意见。 We should respect others’ opinions in a discussion. 请代我向你的家人问好。 Please give my respects to your family. ▲respect respectable respectful Grandpa is usually respectable so I love him very much. The young should show respect for those who are old. The teacher is respectable,so we are all respectful to him.
你若总是这样消磨时光,就永远不会有所成就。 You will achieve nothing if you spend your time this way. 他希望在年底前实现所有的目标。 He hopes to achieve all his aims by the end of the year. ▲achieve 强调为实现某个目标而做出的努力。通常指按照常规步骤去实现其目标。 gain指通过努力活奋斗获得某种利益、好处、经验。 earn 强调经过艰苦努力而获得回报,宾语常为金钱、荣誉等。
我不想错过看那位歌手明天在电视上的演出。 I don’t want to miss seeing the singer on TV tomorrow. 两个小女孩非常想念她们的母亲。 The two little girls missed their mother a great deal. 我把球传给约翰,但他没接住。 I passed the ball to John,but he missed it. ▲ miss doing sth. fail to do sth. He failed to come as he had promised. We only just missed having a terrible accident.
▲please pleasing pleased pleasant pleasure Food served in that restaurant is pleasant to the taste. The girl ,who didn’t love her boyfriend at all, only got married to please her parents. Few pleasures can equal that of a cold drink on a hot day. I was so pleased when I heard I could have another chance to make up for the test I missed. With the help of the teacher, the child has made pleasing progress in English.
很遗憾我今天不能来。 Much to my regret, I can’t come today. 我遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。 I regret to inform you that we cannot employ you. 我真后悔对他说了那些话。 I feel regret about what