《江苏省2011高考考试说明》要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应能: 1.理解语篇主旨要义; 2.理解文中具体信息; 3.根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义; 4.根据文中事实和线索作出简单的判断和推断; 5.理解文章的基本结构和文脉逻辑关系; 6.理解作者的观点、意图和态度。 Pay attention to possible mistakes 1. 没有足够的词汇储备和知识储备;理解长句有困难; 2. 未能借助首末段或段落的首末句,理清文脉逻辑关系、抓住主旨要义; 3. 未能抓住深层细节,理解片面或太笼统; 4. 未能有效利用上下文线索和行文逻辑进行猜测; 5. 未经推理和判断,被文中直接引用的句子迷惑; 6. 未能有效利用文中关键衔接词句,看清文章基本结构; 7.未能抓住一些描述性的词语,对作者的意图和态度领会有误; 8.未能客观冷静,集中注意力, 从而草率决定。 ⅡThread the needle ( manage to accomplish the task): Task: Read again, discuss and find out the correct answer Hints: Tips: We should pay attention to No.1: “king” 或“rule”在文章的哪些段落出现? 1.____________________________________ No.3: 涉及“ infer” 的题目应该注意什么? 3.____________________________________ No.4: 作者对Buck是怎样的态度?从哪些词句看出? 4.____________________________________ 选项中形容词的意思是否都能掌握? ____________________________________ No.7: 重新阅读题目,关注题干信息。 7.____________________________________ No.8: 关注文中数据之间的关系和文章第二段开头两句。 8.____________________________________ No.14:三四段主要内容是什么?注意第二、第三段末句。 14.____________________________________ More challenges Passage A ● What does the passage mainly tell us? ( ) A. Buck’s attitude towards other dogs
B. Buck’s relationship with the Millers and other dogs C. Buck’s hobbies before the fall of 1897 D. Buck’s life before the fall of 1897 Passage C ● Which of the following can be used to describe the last paragraph? ( ) A. The unexpected always happens. B. Rose by any other name would smell as sweet. C. Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it. D. God helps those who help themselves. ● Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? ( )
Passage D
Topic Water ⑸ ________________ and Agriculture ⑴____________ of the water shortage ◆ a growing population ◆ a small amount of water available for use ◆ unbalanced water distribution ⑵____________ of water redistribution ◆ high cost of engineering ◆ high cost of the environment ◆ difficulty in long- distance water transportation ⑶____________of poor water management ◆ poor water management in America ◆ poor water management in Saudi Arabia ⑷_________ to improving… Conclusion: ______________________________________________________ Ⅲ Think outside the box(do things in a creative way):
1._________ Good listening 2._____ an important role in communicating with difficult people.
Reason When 3.___________ themselves, difficult people want others to 4._______ to them and understand them. Steps toward good listening ● Cooperation ● Turning back ● Clarifying ● Summary ● Confirmation
5. __________ ● To help his thoughts and feelings fully get 6._______. ● To show your attention and his words are of great 7._______. ● To gather information and find his intention. ● To 8.___________ you two are on the same page. ● To confirm that the person is satisfied with his expression.
9._______ ● You will have10.______ difficulty in cooperating with difficult people. ● You may unlock the doors to difficult people’s hearts after you listen and understand. Tips: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. Ⅳ Conclusion:_______________________________________________________ . ______________________________________________________________________