说明:1、本试卷共 2页, 两大题。 客观题80分,主观题20分,总分100分。 2、竞赛时间为45分钟。(6:35—7:20) 3、客观题请用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡相应的区域内。主观题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在主观题相应的位置上。考试结束后请上交答题卡和主观题。 一、 客观题 I. 词汇匹配。根据中文选择相匹配的英文或根据英文选择相匹配的中文。(共40小题, 每小题1分, 满分40分) 1.宽阔的 A. abroad B. broad C. board D. aboard 2.事故 A. incident B. accident C. matter D. business 3.建议 A. surgeon B. support C. suggest D. surprise 4.观众 A. astronaut B. audience C. approval D. applause 5.流血 A. blood B. flow C. hurt D. bleed 6.行为;举止 A. activity B. movement C. signal D. behavior 7.日历 A. calendar B. date C. timetable D. data 8.取消 A. erase B. call up C. cancel D. arrange 9.案例;情况 A. situation B. case C. condition D. occasion 10.祝贺 A. congratulate B. celebrate C. greet D. shake 11.角色;字 A. character B. figure C. finger D. letter 12.充电;要价 A. offer B. battery C. electric D. charge 13.勇气 A. encouragement B. courage C. discourage D. brave 14.发明 A. invent B. invite C. invade D. insight 15.命令 A. insist B. command C. confirm D. consider 16.创造 A. invite B. achieve C. order D. create 17.人群 A. crowded B. crowd C. crown D. cow 18.发展 A. development B. envelope C. agreement D. movement 19.抽屉 A. slipper B. drawer C. desktop D. underwear 20.电的 A. electricity B. electrical C. electric D. electronic 21.emergency A. 救护车 B. 紧急情况 C. 出现 D. 机构 22.symbol A. 手势 B. 分数 C. 符号;象征 D. 系统 23.evidence A. 证据 B. 明显的 C. 阻止 D. 法庭 24.flavour A. 恩惠 B. 风味 C. 支持 D. 快乐 25.forgive A. 遗忘 B. 理解 C. 宽恕 D. 逃跑 26.generous A. 将军 B. 慷慨的 C. 吝啬的 D. 一代人 27.Geography A. 化学 B. 物理 C. 代数 D. 地理 28.gravity A. 重力 B. 严重 C. 坟墓 D. 火箭 29.imagine A. 肖像 B. 想象 C. 想象力 D. 描绘
30.interview A. 面试 B. 打断 C. 参观 D. 互相指责 31.location A. 纬度 B. 经度 C. 发现 D. 位置 32.operation A. 手术;操作 B. 歌剧 C. 使用 D. 失控 33.Pacific A. 大西洋 B. 太平洋 C. 南极 D. 北极 34.properly A. 财产 B. 准时的 C. 恰当的 D. 精确地 35.raise A. 上升 B. 提高;抚养 C. 上涨 D. 振兴 36.smooth A. 光滑的 B. 断断续续的 C. 坎坷的 D. 不均匀的 37.specially A. 尤其的 B. 特地的 C. 专业的 D. 无意的 38.standard A. 标准 B. 级别 C. 矗立 D. 表格 39.weather A. 是否 B. 天气 C. 气候 D. 雨衣 40.various A. 各种各样的 B. 快乐的 C. 种类 D. 大小不一
Ⅱ. 根据句意猜测词义(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分) 41.The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways—education,medicine and business. A.年龄 B.年代 C.老龄化 D.成熟化 42. The headmaster was dismissed three months ago. The post is too important to leave vacant any longer, especially before the college entrance examination. A.忙的 B.离开 C.空缺的 D.被占据的 43. Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages of developing their businesses. A.慷慨的 B.有限的 C.狭窄的 D.丰富的 44. We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs. A.权衡 B.讨论 C.幻想 D.称重量 45. Mr. Brown is an amateur photographer.He is an engineer.But in his free time he likes to take pictures. A.专业的 B.业余的 C.不务正业的 D.独立的 46. The rows of houses were uniform in appearance. A.制服 B.统一的 C.奇形怪状的 D.不同的 47. Some people like to keep a journal.They write about what they did,what happened,and what they thought every day. A.科研记录 B.账单 C.心中的不满 D.日记 48. The weather in Hawaii is always mild. It is pleasant and warm.There is usually a light wind to cool the air. A.不正常 B.很热 C. 不冷不热 D.多雨的 49. The best method to accomplish this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible with the labor movement itself. A. 赢得 B.达到 C.取得 D.得到 50. John was fired last week because of his casual attitude towards his job. A不拘礼节的 B.坚决的 C.热心的 D.漫不经心的
Ⅲ. 阅读下列短文,根据上下文猜测划线词的意思。(共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分) Smoking Some people believe that smoking is dangerous and should therefore be considered a health hazard. They want their governments to create antismoking programs. People have different ideas as to how strong these anti-smoking campaigns should be. Some of the strongest campaigns would try to completely eliminate smoking. Supporters of these programs would try to ban cigarette smoking completely in public places. Others would try only to restrict the number of places where people could smoke. Such restrictions would not try to eliminate public smoking completely, but only to curb smoking by reducing cigarette consumption. 51. hazard A. safety B. danger C. habit D. safety 52. antismoking A. agreement with smoking B. non-smoking C. disagreement with smoking D. cook smoke 53. campaign A. actions or programs B. jokes or hobbies C. camping or outing D. a kind of wine 54. eliminate. A. elect or choose B. buy or sell C. receive or accept D. stop or put away 55. ban. A. forbid by law B. support by law C. break law D. write law 56. restrict A. enlarge B.&nbs