1、 复习第1-2单元词汇和课文内容,准备第1-2单元的测试; 2、 准备第2单元听写和默写[ 3、 预习第3单元课文和词汇,学会使用词典等工具书; 4、 复习初中部分英语词汇,10月6日正式检查并测试; 5.必修1第1-2单元测试卷 第一部分 根据课文内容填空(每空1分,共10分) A best friend is someone who you can tell everything _____________(介词), even your most personal feelings and _____________. Anne Frank treated her ____________ as her best friend. The German Nazis were in chase of(追捕) Anne and her family. The family had to hide _____ from the chase. They didn’t ___________(情态动词) go out even in the evenings. They had to stay _____________(副词) days and nights. Not being able to go out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of ____________ so much that she grew crazy about everything to do with it. She stayed up until eleven thirty one evening on _____________ just to see the moonlight. She said: “This is the first time I ___________________(see) the moonlight since I was here.” Unfortunately, the family were finally discovered and taken away form the _______________ (hide) place. 第二部分:继续填空(用本单元所学之新词汇):(5分) 11.污染问题不容忽视。Air pollution is one of the problems that we can’t afford to ______________. 12.她的讲话内容中有五点是极为重要的。There are five important ______________ in her speech. 13.饭店大火让城中部分地区电力供应中断。 Parts of the city had ____________ cuts because of the big fire from the restaurant. 14.将你闺女的名字补入名单中吧。Please ____________ your daughter’s name to this list. 15.关心则乱。You can’t do it well when you are too ____________ ____________ it. :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) The British people are famous for being quite reserved(保守的). We are known around the world for having the biggest personal space ----the distance(距离)between us and the person we are 21 to.
I have never been more aware of this than over the last month, since I arrived in China. Getting used to Chinese colleagues(workmate同事) 22 close by me and even placing their hands on my arm is proving quite difficult. My natural British reaction is to 23 back and move away, even though I realize it is a friendly gesture by the Chinese person. I have 24 many people holding hands or putting their arms around each other as they walk along the streets of Beijing. This would rarely(seldom)be seen in the UK, even between very close friends. And staring(瞪,盯) at someone in Britain is considered very 25 . But here, I find myself being stared at often. It 26 me long to realize this was not rude in China, but a 27 of curiosity. I visited Datong last week, where the local(native) people are 28 used to Westerners. An elderly woman couldn't believe her 29 when she saw me. And 30 feel offended(upset) by her staring at me, I was 31 to see her smile back when I said Nihao. When I visited one of Datong's middle schools to talk about English Weekly, the students asked me to 32 their copies of the newspaper. And one girl at the Yungang Grottoes asked to have her picture taken with me. I 33 like a celebrity(famous person)! I have 34 over the last month how true it is that the British are very 35 . We can learn a lot about friendliness from China's culture and habits. And I am learning more every day. 21. A. turning B. talking C. pointing D. listening 22. A. sleeping B. coming C. standing D. passing 23. A. go B. push C. pull D. look 24. A. seen B. heard C. exchanged D. watched 25. A. rude B. cruel C. polite D. equal 26. A. took B. spent C. used D. paid 27. A. scene B. scenery C. sight D. sign 28. A. more B. less C. quite D. somehow 29. A. tongue B. experience C. eyes D. ears 30. A. more than B. rather than C. less than D. no more than 31. A. pleased B. unwilling C. surprised D. angry 32. A. pronounce B. publish C. share D. sign 33. A. felt B. seemed C. sounded D. acted 34. A. repeated B. compared C. realized D. noticed 35. A. tidy B. reserved C. brave D. independent 注释:be aware of=realize意识到 第五部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A Am I expected to learn both American English and British English vocabulary? Yes, and add to that Australian English. And any other variety(kind) that is useful for your needs. If you intend to study in the United Kingdom, or work for a British company, then obviously you will need to spend more time on British English (BrE). If you plan to work in the United States, then you will need to pay attention to American English (AmE). However, let’s make the task a little easier for you. Some differences in BrE/AmE vocabulary are more difficult to deal with than others. (See the chart.) In addition to the categories(种类) on the chart, there is another category which could be described as unguessable, but the words are less important to learn. Such differences as aubergine / eggplant, spring onion / scallion, jug /pitcher may be interesting, but you should not give them priority as they are less frequently(often) used. Category BrE AmE Easy: Known in the United Kingdom but not necessarily in the US. Chips Biscuit Call box Rubbish Engaged French Fries Cookie Telephone booth Garbage Busy Guessable: You can guess these without too much difficulty. Tie Autumn Cookery book Gents Motorway Necktie Fall Cookbook Men’s room Expressway/Freeway Unguessable: Important to learn both. Trousers Pants Angry Pavement Queue Pants Underwear Mad Sidewalk Line 46. When a man says “In the fall,