一. 阅读理解 Reading 1(P42-P43) 1. The passage mainly tells us ________. A. what an ad is. B. why advertisers advertise. C. where advertisements appear. D. how advertising works. 2. All of the following are the ways to make effective advertisements except________. A. identifying the product B. appeal to the target C. using a suitable medium D. identifying the target 3. The advertisements appear _________ . A. on Tv and radio B. on clothes C. at bus station and train station D. all of the above 4. According to the text, ________ can not be advertisers. A. individuals B. schools C. associations D. business 5. Why do we need to understand how advertising works? A. because advertising work is important. B. because we can avoid being controlled by them. C. because advertising work is interesting. D. because we can make money. 6. “casual garments” in the first paragraph means __________ A. informal clothes B. important hats C. funny clothes D. important clothes 7. We can get the definition of an ad in paragraph __________. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 8. _______ are more likely to buy computer games than any other group. A. Adults B. Advertisers C. Adolescent boys D. Old men 9. We can infer from the passage that _________ . A. all the ads can be effective. B. if the ad is good, people are surely persuaded to buy the product. C. ads can be effective when there is a need for the product
D. people will never change their opinions about ads over time.
Reading 2 P48-49 10. The main idea of the passage is __________. A. how to persuade people to buy product. B. how to complain about the product. C. how to forbid advisers from making laws. D. how to protect consumers from false, misleading, or unethical advertising 11. The sentence “…, not all advertisers are good or honest people ” in the first paragraph means ____________. A. all advertisers are bad B. all advertisers are not good or honest people. C. every advertiser is good and honest D. some honest people are advertisers. 12. In the third paragraph the word “decent” means _________. A. misleading B. untruthful C. unethical D. modest 13. Which is not the way to control advertising and prevent false or unsuitable advertising? A. The duty B. The consumer C. Complaints organization D. Adverting organizations 14. The law is made to ___________ . A. prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing. B. forbid consumer to do the wrong thing. C. Allow advertisers to do anything they like. D. Allow advertisers to promote false products. 15. Which is true? A. Advertisement can be untruthful. B. According to laws, advertisers can make false statements about their products. C. Consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers. D. Consumers are not responsible for themselves at all.
Reading 3 (P89) 16. The main idea of this passage is _________. A. to discuss what unhealthy food is. B. to discuss how to keep child from being obesity. C. to discuss what bad effects food advertising brings. D. to discuss whether food advertising have an effect on obesity 17. The word “obesity” means _______. A. becoming healthier and healthier B. becoming fatter and fatter C. becoming thinner and thinner D. becoming stronger and stronger 18. Which country has the highest number of food advertisement in children television in the word? A. Sweden B. Austria C. Australia D. Holland 19. According to the passage, ______ die from diseases associated with unhealthy diet and lack of excise each year. A. 56.5 million B. more than 28.2 million C. 113 million D. 50 million 20. Which is true? A. In Austria, there are not strict laws about advertising during children’s programs. B. Obesity is disease the same as SARS or AIDS C. Holland has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe. D. Television advertisements are certainly responsible for children obesity.
二. 读句子 , 记单词 1. Many people like to wear casual garments in their daily life , but in some important meeting they wear formal clothes. 2. We are casual visitors. We visited them unexpectedly 3. Heat energy turns ice into steam. (change … into) 4. The advertisement for the product has been advertised in the magazine by the advertiser. 5. They decided to inform (tell) the police immediately. And the police got their information quickly. 6. They are associated with him in business. 7. On the basis of a story, he wrote the song. This song is based on a story. 8. The technical worker tried to learn the advanced techniques from other countries. 9. Her mouth is her best feature (characteristic). Knowledge is a significant feature of our time. 10. He's a worthy (deserving )model worker. Such a brave soldier was worthy of being praised. Such a brave soldier was worthy to be praised. Such a brave soldier was worth praising. Such a brace soldier is worth praising. It is worthwhile to praise such a brave soldier. 11. The corporation (company) has branch offices in several cities 12. The family made a monthly budget (plan of how spend money). 13. How much do you need for school expenses? The expense (cost ) of running a car has risen recent years. 14. That news was broadcast [broadcasted] this morning. 15. We rely on (depend on) our own hands. 16. There is something wrong with his cell nerve. 17. She is too nervous to dive into the water. He does not know what nerve is and never feels upset and worried. 18. His actions generated (caused)a good deal of suspicion. Three generations live in our house. Generation gap is a hot topic in our society . 19. She gave us a quick response ( answer) 20. He refreshed himself with a glass of water. A cup of coffee will refresh you. 21. Parts of the book are quite good..&n