(ZYF2007-6-20) 高考口试的主要程序:高考口试时间为五分钟,考生有十分钟准备时间。凭准考证领取口试表,按要求填好表,然后由专人引导进入准备室进行准备,有关老师会把试卷发给考生。十分钟后,考生再由专人引导到分派处分配考场,分配之后考生就到相应的考场外等候口试。 英语口试的主要内容:英语口试基本上分为两部分。第一部分是以一篇150字左右的小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定的部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的几个问题。这部分内容主要考察考生的语音、语调以及对短文的理解程度,是口试的主体部分。口试的另一部分和小短文没有直接的关系,但有一定的联系,是就日常生活、校园生活,简单的社会问题等方面提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,即OPEN QUESTION,要求考生在两分钟之内,最少用十句话做一个简短的口头小作文,目的是考察考生英语的口头表达能力。(注意:短文内容往往是考生所熟悉的,建议将所学过的课文好好的读一读;不要过分关注偏难的人名与地名。) 考生拿到试题后,应迅速阅读理解全文,准备回答老师的提问,此外,还要特别熟读标志星号的段落,老师会让考生朗读这一部分。但是考生一定要注意,千万不能只准备画星号的部分。往年有过这种情况,个别考生在准备室只看了画星号的段落,当老师问到星号以外部分问题时,考生一下子就慌了,因为没读全文,不了解完整的内容,问题自然答不上来,还因此而紧张以致影响了后面的口头小作文的发挥。所以,一定要阅读、读懂全文。建议考生在读懂短文的同时,把故事的内容用Who ,What, When, Where, How, Why 等问题串起来,回答老师的提问就容易多了。 2003英语高考口试 Answer the following questions: 1.How many English songs can you sing? The names? 2.Have you ever sung English songs in your English class? 3.What do you study English for? Answer: I think English is quite important because it is widely used in the world. Many International conferences and trades need English. I believe it will be more useful in the future as time goes by. 4.What’s the climate like in your homework? 5.How do you usually go to school? 6.Are you interested in learning English? Give your opinion. Answer: Yes, I am. Well, when I was a child, I used to see many middle-school students around me reading English. And I thought it seemed to me that listening English was enjoyable. So I like it. 7.How often do you watch TV? 8.Is China big or small? 9.Is China a country with a long history? 10.Do you play any language games in the classroom? Please give some examples. Answer: Yes, I do. Sometimes my English teacher asked me to act out an English program with my classmates and sometimes she told me to get ready for my duty report myself or with some other classmates. 11.Which subject do you like best? 12.What are the commonest mistakes in your exercises? 13.What’s your favorite subject? 14.How do you make your English effective? Answer: By listening, speaking, reading and writing 15.How do you deal with the new words when you are reading? Answer: When I am readi