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搜索关键词"when"    (关键词之间用逗号隔开)

人教版八年级下Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?学案  [2016-04-18] [阅读次数:274]
what were you doing when the rainstorm came 教案教学设计(新课标版英语八年级) [2016-04-13] [阅读次数:1094]
八年级英语教案Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? (新目标版英语八年级) [2015-03-17] [阅读次数:317]
What were you doing when the UFO arrived 说课稿(人教版英语八年级) [2013-04-07] [阅读次数:1202]
新目标人教版八下 Unit3What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(period1) 学案 (人教版英语八年级) [2012-03-28] [阅读次数:1550]
人教版八年级上Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? [2006-01-21] [阅读次数:360]
从一道高考题看when引导的状语从句 [2005-03-27] [阅读次数:166]